God Rank Hero

Chapter 1143: Tommy Falling in Hongming Village

As the blood eagle turned on dark psychicism, the situation in the whole space changed again, and the dense red dots encircled by the big flying radar were like magnetic particles attracted by the magnet, and immediately turned toward the blood eagle's position. mobile. 》

Dafei suddenly burst into joy and it was done! Then Da Fei immediately turned off his skills and continued to let the Blood Eagle go high. And those attracted "magnetic powder" still continue to pounce in the direction of the blood eagle just now.

The enemy is so stupid, so easy to play! At this moment, Dafei smiled happily! With the high-speed maneuverability of the blood eagle, even his own angel legion can't catch up, Da Fei can't imagine the enemy's blood eagles other than moths, besides god-level waves ss.

Da Fei finally understood the significance of the two different escape methods that Ansu said. This is an opposing and unified complementary approach! As long as the blood eagles start and stop, they can completely turn the enemy army around.

Looking at the enemy forces surrounding him, Da Fei's sense of security suddenly improved, and a bolder plan came to mind--that is, to let the blood eagle breathe in guerrillas and lose more than 1,000 Get some life back.

When talking about life, Da Fei, who took a sigh of relief, immediately remembered that there was something to do, and that was to eat all the 10 books with 50 lives at the bottom of the box!

——The system prompts: You use the book of big life, life +50!

——The system prompts: You have already used many books of great life. If you continue to use it, it will have a decreasing effect. The current use is only +40 life. May I use it?

Da Fei sighed, and ate several copies of the blood festival. Unexpectedly started to decay so fast! But this is also nothing to do. This is a game restriction to prevent local players from buying unlimited books of life. But even this still cannot stop the local tyrants from eating books.

There is nothing to say. Keep eating!

——The system prompts: You use the book of big life, life +40!

——The system prompts: You use the book of big life, life +40!

——The system prompts: You use the book of big life, life +40!

——The system prompts: You use the book of big life, life +30!

Only add 30 lives! When the fifth book was eaten, the attenuation began again, and Dafei couldn't bear to swallow again. The market price of this book is tens of thousands, and I have n’t had time to eat it all over the table. Even if you eat it, it won't exceed the price, so stay with the sub-hero, so that you won't be overwhelmed! The five books added a total of 200 lives, which also met Dafei's expectations.

So while you are still free, look at the attributes of the artifact in the bag:

——Contract Bracelet: Artifact, glove position, magic +30, knowledge +30, and the contract creature's attributes increase by 20%.

When a great earthquake hits Dafei, the contract creature's attributes are increased by 20%? Brother An Weier, Nalxia, and Zavala are contract creatures, right? Take this glove around. Both of them have 20% more attributes? Let me go. The effect of this artifact is so daunting!

What exactly is this Martian? The equipment of the whole body either increases the summoning time or increases the strength of the contract monster. And the grades are not low, it is no wonder that dare to eat the leopard dare to challenge brother! But what is the reason why he is so famous? Was it just for the sake of being famous or giving up treatment?

But it doesn't matter how funny it is, the key is that this glove conflicts with his own Fengshen strike! Which pair should I wear? Or change depending on the situation? Or to find the Underworld Lord to have another hand, just to have a glove equipped?

In short, now is not the time for Da Fei to struggle with this, the crisis has not been resolved, and now we must concentrate on controlling the blood eagle to survive the crisis!

. . . . . .

At this time, in Hongming Village, Tommy, who was unable to pay the prestige compensation, arrived here. Entering Hongming Village also means that the national war journey of this number has officially ended.

Why does Tommy pk fly at the cost of his name? The answer is very simple, because these special accounts of the United States Special Operations Group can change their dual-campaign attributes to freely search through the two camps. The pk fly is equivalent to the enemy camp pk, and there is a certain chance of bursting the fly. But now, it is Tommy! The loss of the a-level and s-level components is not significant, but the loss of the artifact has exceeded the team's tolerance.

This is Tommy who just ousted David, and formally accepted his account to commit such a terrible failure in less than two hours. Tommy just didn't know how to face the captain, how to face the following mouths without saying What are you thinking about!

At this point, Fordson came to Tommy's face, and looked at the large screen on the wall, smoking silently.

Even if the captain didn't say a word, his existence had already given Tommy tremendous pressure, Tommy began to tremble, and his tears finally stopped flowing.

Fordson spit out a ring of smoke and sighed: "Actually, I also sent Dafei equipment! I heard that a female lord in China is using a very advanced biological excavator to dig the canal around the clock. It is almost finished Now, that excavator was sent by me. "

Tommy could not help but stunned: "Captain?"

Fordson sighed: "I said that this battle is something you have to face. It has nothing to do with victory! It is better to know the enemy's strength earlier than later. Although you have failed a few times, it is not worthless, at least we know With several skills of Da Fei, letting him expose his strength in this small-scale battle in advance is better than suddenly shooting in the key battles of the National War in the future. That is to say, your current loss is to prevent us from getting bigger in the future. loss."

Tommy moved with tears: "Thank you! Thank you Captain for your support!"

Fordson spit out a long ring of smoke: "I do think you should call your dad and let him continue to increase his sponsorship to our team. What do you say?"

Tommy couldn't help but hesitated and finally understood: "I ... understand!"

Fordson patted Tommy's shoulder with satisfaction: "That's right!"

Just as Fordson patted the shoulder, Tommy's character in the game was also patted on the shoulder. A Chinese player named "One Sword Comes East" came to the side and laughed and said, "Oh! Isn't this the Martian in the video that Fei Ge asked the goddess to release? You know how good Fe Ge is? "

Tom snorted, "Get away!"

Yi Jiandong laughed and said, "Although you offend Fei Ge, Fei Ge will definitely not have the general knowledge of you, such as miscellaneous fish and prawns. However, our grand brother still appreciates your courage very much. Guild, are you interested? "

Tommy frowned: "You guild?"

A sword came with a finger to the guild logo above his head and laughed: "Feige's Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce! Do you dare to enter?"

Tommy was suddenly shocked!

Fordson did laugh: "Interesting! This is a good opportunity! See what they are doing here!"

(These two days are a lot of things, everyone forgive me.) (To be continued, please search floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!

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