God Rank Hero

Chapter 1155: Find Flying Brother Arrow

Two arrows shoot out an archery master, simple cannot be simpler! But this is also because Da Fei's state at this time is infinitely close to the Grand Master, and it can be easily achieved with only one kick. It is not difficult to elevate the Grand Master. The difficult part is the preparation process. Regardless of whether it is a special-armed archer, a phantom bow, or an upper limit temporarily increased by the hermit, all are the existence of ordinary players.

And the Grand Master has already been realized, can God level be far behind? In fact, Dafei's current status is already temporary **** level, only need to continue to work according to the established plan will come to fruition. As for now, of course, it is to learn the sub-skills of master-level archery.

——System Tip: You have used a skill book and spent 1 skill point to learn the sub-skill of the master-level archery “rapid shooting”.

——Rapid shooting: Grandmaster archery skills, increase the rate of fire by 20% at the expense of 50% hit rate. (Sacrifice 40% hit rate and 25% faster rate of fire under god-level archery)

Needless to say, this skill! Perhaps in the face of high-speed mobile units that have a low hit rate, they are completely self-defeating martial arts, but in the face of the dense crowd of infantry guns, the sea is completely worried about the hit rate, especially the jungle hunter has a "two-shot" stunt to match the high attack Su is as dazzling as a machine gun.

However, for Da Fei, whose target is **** level, and also has a 40% increase in the effect of archery by Phantom Bow, this skill is probably not as simple as imagined. At this moment, Da Fei looked farther and directly saw the trenches behind the Demon Camp.

That's right, in the face of the phantom bow ignoring obstacles, the trenches are probably not a big deal. So will the Demon General in the last trenches be a demon-level powerhouse? But now I have no trump card. How to deal with this level of strong?

When the big fly away thoughtfully. The battle has ended unknowingly. at this time. There are green smoke mottled corrosion marks everywhere on the city walls and on the roots and trunks combined in the city walls. The pieces of "-10 corrosion damage" data popped out.

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend sounded, and it was Blood Weiqi: "Fei brother, the battle is over, and another wave will come in 10 minutes. The enemy's strategy is to continuously corrode consumption and be corroded. It ’s difficult to recover the long-term loss ceiling of the wall. So the longer this battle drags on, the more disadvantaged we are. "

Dafei laughed: "It won't take long. See you after dinner."

Blood Weiqi Qi laughed: "It is worthy of flying brother! Then there is one more thing-there is a player called Fire Dance crazy battle to see flying brother. He was once the captain of the national service sky team, often in The video site publishes Raiders videos of various games. It also has 2 million followers on Weibo. It has a certain influence among domestic online game players. In this battlefield, there are more than 50 Chinese players and 30 foreign players. He directs. "

Dafei frowned, introducing so many seemingly awesome? Brother was still moving bricks when others were in awe. Da Fei said disapprovingly, "Okay, see you then."

Xuewei Qi sighed: "Actually, he didn't want to talk to me, he wanted to talk to Feige personally. And his influence in the player. Our guild is not convenient to offend him, after all, I really did not fight this battle well .It really did keep our guild up. "

Lying down! It was here to discuss the conditions! Brother free player, a man who singled out the devil to talk to you! OK, for the sake of national justice, I want to educate you on the mountain of self-reliance during the Anti-Japanese War!

Da Fei immediately became uncomfortable: "Okay, then I'll talk to him. Would you like me to meet him?"

Xuewei Qiqi hurriedly said, "Where is Fei Brother, of course he came to see you! I'll just convey it first, and I'll come with me right away."

Lying down! I also sent someone to say hello in advance, this Nima's big shelf! Da Fei immediately had preconceived preconceptions, which made her even more upset.

After a while, while Dafei continued to train the marksman, Blood Weiqi came with a group of players, led by the fire dance war, human knight, archer profession, with a golden light on his waist. Glittering golden crossbow, even if it is not an artifact, it will not be lower than s level.

Dafei is extremely upset. I did n’t show the equipment publicly in an artifact. You would open it with a broken golden crossbow, lest others do n’t know you pretend to be right?

Just then, the fire dance beckoned and beckoned far away: "The legendary flying brother, for a long time, fortunately will be lucky!"

Dafei chuckled and laughed: "I'm sorry, we have hidden dragons and tigers in China. I have been going to the sea on a stand-alone machine. It is the first time that I know that a master like this is there.

Fire Dance shook his head and laughed, "I am ashamed to be a master in front of Fei."

Dafei sighed: "I am very busy now, I have something to say. In fact, I am just an ordinary player, and I am not interested in or good at all kinds of negotiation and communication. My idea is very simple. We Chinese players are Just unite abroad and give unified command, let foreigners know that we Chinese are not inside or outside, but let ’s not let the Japanese see the joke of our Chinese players, what do you say? "

Fire Dance nodded his head in a frenzied battle: "Feige said that it makes sense, that those who are capable and those who are mediocre, have a master like Feige to sit in the town, our brothers certainly have nothing to listen to Feige's command, but--"

With that said, the face of the fire dance is full of face: "But this Qiqi classmate speaks too aggressively. Although we are nothing in front of Fei Ge, it does n’t matter if we ignore Fei Ge ’s slaughtering ability, but we are good. It ’s also human, anyway, and a bit temperament, so— ”

Xuewei Qiqi couldn't sit still anymore: "So what do you want? Want to play against Feige?"

Dafei suddenly suddenly! What the hell! Did it happen or did she mess it up? Brother knew her temper and reminded her of it!

The fire dance furiously said: "My strength is not worthy to compare with Fei Ge, but I can compare with Fei Ge! I just saw the scene where Fei Ge shoots the beetle. Fei Ge's archery is really extraordinary. I'm very touched by my pride! "

Xuewei Qiqi was annoyed: "If you lose, you listen to Fei leader, right?"

Fire Dance nodded and said, "That's exactly what we mean. We can't be soft after listening to a word, right? No one's face can get off the stage!"

Blood Weiqi Qi said angrily: "Did you let our guild lose face while we were off stage? Don't you just look down on our female players!"

Hey, it hurts so much, can you not tear it in front of brother! Dafei waved his hand: "Wait, you said you saw me shooting a beetle? You don't seem to be around me, do you?"

Fire Dance laughed and said, "Always!" After whistling, a scream of eagle in the sky, a scout eagle dived and stopped on his shoulder!

The players at the scene were surprised, and Dafei dropped his chin! Let me go. This is the third person in the game who saw the eagle after the dwarf scout eagle in the North Sea. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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