God Rank Hero

Chapter 1158: Kill the City Rush God Level

4 pm Beijing time and 5 pm Tokyo time. The national war in Japan has been going on for 24 hours. At this time, the Mitsubishi team called the leaders of more than 100 large and medium-sized guilds across Japan to conduct a 24-hour tactical summary discussion.

Compared with last night's three resurrection points, Da Fei's discussions this time were much more relaxed and accountable. This is entirely due to the absolute advantage obtained by the Mitsubishi team in the City of Divine Punishment in China. Raised his brows and exhaled to restore majesty. For ordinary players in China, the main force of the 15 Mitsubishi teams is equivalent to 15 big flying, which is their unsolvable existence.

Focus on the Japanese National Theater. Overall, at present, the major battlefields in Japan are still in balance. Dafei ’s two slaughter gods have not shown a significant impact on the main battlefield at present, but the subsequent impact will definitely have, and it is not guaranteed whether Dafei will Continue to slaughter gods, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable the Japanese area, but the longer the time drags on, it is obviously beneficial to the battlefield of divine punishment in China.

So the main target of this summary is Dafei. In the past 24 hours, Japanese players could not see the whereabouts of Da Fei, and there was no way to restrict Da Fei. But now Da Fei is at the city wall, and he's still doing an arrow with a little anchor. This is a blatant contempt for Greater Japan.

Therefore, the tactical seminar immediately finalized the following plan: First, Canada sent people to block the road. As soon as Dafei placed a single order, he immediately swarmed around Dafei to limit his actions as much as possible and waste his time. The teleportation formations on each battlefield will be on duty day and night. Once Da Fei led his troops out of the city, the undercover players also went out of the city to follow and set up roadblocks to block the back road, to the greatest extent possible to cause trouble for Da Fei.

Then the players in Hell fully cooperate with the roadblocks set by the npc army and undercover players to meet the big fly. At the same time, the **** players who focused on spells gathered at battlefield 3, mainly guerrilla harassment and killing.

In short, it is to strengthen the previously developed tactics to the extreme. Be sure to drag Da Fei to the Japanese battlefield, making Da Fei difficult to make a difference.

At this time, Da Fei on the top of the No. 3 city wall has trained 300 marksmen very effectively. right now. A sharp alarm sounded again on the wall, and another wave of insects was about to arrive.

Dafei has great expectations. In the last round of defense. Da Fei's 270 marksmen almost wiped out the incoming beetle in the area where Da Fei was. Now there are 300 marksmen, there is absolutely no one left, God-level archery, at this moment!

Here, in the excited command of Blood Weiqiqi's all-regional channel, another wave of swarms entered the range of Da Fei. Flying with all arrows, the beetle crowd burst into the air like a firecracker! but. It's not over, there is a second round!

-Bang Bang Bang! !! !! Another round of volleys, the remaining beetles burst out, and the splashing acid formed a layer of fog in front of Dafei's eyes! Wipe out!

At this moment, Da Fei calmly, staring at the system information bar waiting for the historic moment to come!

wait! wait! Time seems to be still while waiting, Da Fei feels the world around it is silent, and then, the entire regional channel sounds cheers from players to end the battle.

Dafei suddenly returned to God! The battle is over? What about system information? Even if you don't understand it, it is at least the same as the previous times. You should have got the "Information of God-level Archery", right? This time, even the information is gone? Is there anything wrong? Is this so?

In great amazement, he hurriedly checked the last few waves of system information, and was puzzled. What went wrong? Missing the net has information instead. There is no information on Quan Jian? Could it be said that this level of shooting is not enough for Brother to test, and it will not help Brother's progress? Just like practicing life skills, how to use the skills you have already used will not improve.

To verify this idea, Da Fei had to wait for 10 minutes. What if there is still no information after 10 minutes?

Between the tangles, the message of Da Fei's friends rang, this time Bu Fei Yan.

Bufeiyan sighed: "Fei brother, I'm sorry, I contacted all Chinese players in all theaters in connection with each other. None of us broke the medal of Japanese **** players."

Dafei was shocked and said, "No, right? Such a big scene. So many people don't have a medal?"

Bufeiyan sighed: "Although the scene is big. But our army is under defensive under the suppression of **** npc, and there are not many opportunities to directly meet Japanese players. And the order of explosive equipment is usually from the c-level worthless Pieces of equipment start, unless it is a big explosion, it is possible to explode jewelry, even if the jewelry is exploded, it is not necessarily the medal. There should be many during the war. "

Dafei sighed, "Okay, thank you so much."

Bu Feiyan laughed: "It's not hard, Fei brother and I are polite. By the way, if it is a medal, the enemy's npc officer should also be dropped, so Fei brother should not be in a hurry."

Dafei frowned, npc officer? Da Fei raised his eyes subconsciously and looked at the demons and trenches outside the city. Countless demons rushed around. God knows how many npc officers? Is this the rhythm of hunting brother out of town?

Bu Feiyan continued: "Okay, Fei brother is slowly busy. I like Fei brother better than the arrow at night!"

What the hell! Brother Zheng is stuck on the god-level archery, can he not mention the arrow? While Da Fei continued to rest and continue training, the friend message rang again. This time it's Blood Vicky.

Blood Weiqi Qi said with joy: "Feige, the first batch of Rust Dragon mounts have hatched out, a total of 3, each consumes 30 units of fine crystal sulfur incubation fee. The mount can ride players and arms, but The riding players and arms do not have any fighting power, and there is no way to control the rusty dragon. At the same time, the riding rusty dragon ’s fighting power will be greatly reduced. In general, it is equivalent to a transporter that can transport people. Only the landing is unloaded. Only after players can fight normally! "

Is it finally out! Each rich ore that consumes 30 units is equivalent to 300 units of ordinary sulfur. This dragon is quite good?

Dafei asked quickly: "Transporter? The rider cannot control Rust Dragon? Who controls it?"

Blood Weiqiqi laughed: "Of course it is the coach player who leads the soldiers, but the coach player can not ride the rusty dragon himself. The instructor Isinger said that he must learn to ride, and currently no player has the learning conditions . Our guild is studying the use of this mount dragon. Let's talk when the blacksmith builds more saddles. "

Dafei was very relieved: "Very well, be sure to use it well."

"Feige rest assured that we will not act lightly until we fully hatch."

Ten minutes passed unnoticed during the chat, the alarm sounded again on the city wall, and another wave of insects came over.

At this point Dafei had 330 marksmen, and once again verified the arrival of the rush skills. At this moment, Da Fei was in a heavy mood and did not expect a miracle. Sure enough, as the arrow rain of the archer whistled again, the beetles burst into acid mist again, and the information expected to obtain the god-level archery still did not come.

Da Fei can already confirm that the difficulty can no longer be improved by god-level archery. There may be only one reason, hit rate! Because the premise given by the information is "shooting a small target flying at a high speed with a far higher than normal hit rate!", And although there is no leak, there are indeed more than 300 shots of more than 30 results, even if all hits The hit rate is only 10%, which means that your own hit rate does not increase but decreases. The more soldiers you have, the lower the hit rate, and the harder it is to understand. However, shooting with fewer soldiers still doesn't work, and it still doesn't meet the hit rate requirement! So what?

Da Fei looked out of the city again. There might be only one way to stop the swarm in the demon army camp that the swarms passed by. At that time, the swarm had not had time to spread to the surrounding city walls. The density was very concentrated. It's not impossible. If it is two birds with one stone, the hit rate will definitely double!

Well, this also means that you want to kill the city!

Then kill the city. Brother has been here for almost two hours and hasn't moved. Although other players don't say anything, they definitely don't take it seriously and feel that Brother Lang has a reputation. Brother is going to stand up.

Da Fei sent a message to Xuewei Qiqi: "Brother will take the troops out of the city to investigate the situation alone. You send all the members of the logistics team to block the gate. Don't let a Japanese undercover player follow up. Only two ammunition are prepared for the two arrows . "

Blood Weiqiqi could not help but stunned: "Feige wants to leave the city alone? OK, we must do it!" (To be continued)


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