God Rank Hero

Chapter 1164: Continue deep into the enemy line

At 5:10 Beijing time, the battle that just ended made the entire battlefield No. 3 a casual one, and players from all over the world taunted and teased Japanese players in the city. Obviously, players from different countries are not attentive to the next wave of Swarm Siege. After all, there is a god-like big fly standing on the front line, and everyone is happy to enjoy it.

This makes the organization of Xue Weiqi Qi much more convenient. If it were to be replaced by a city of domestic punishment, it would definitely be a rush of sentiment.

When Fire Dance Battle launched the latest, the most recent Dafei video to the video website, the players in the entire China area were a sensation. As expected from Fire Dance Battle, the 10-minute subscription click for this video has already been clicked. More than his weekly click-to-subscribe total.

At this moment, the touch in the heart of Fire Dance Frenzy is no longer comparable to the two videos posted earlier. It is just as hot as Dafei letting his guild's two unrecognized members post. Fire Dance Furiously realized this. It's all a benefit to get in touch with Da Fei, this benefit has already been another fire dance madness and hunger.

What to do in the future? Fire Dance has a faint idea, which is to use this opportunity to compare the arrow to close the distance with Da Fei, and then take the opportunity to join Da Fei's guild, perhaps this is the way to take your career to the next level. But ● △ This is still a very uncomfortable thing for a long time to go alone and repeatedly refuse the invitation to join the Grand Guild.

At this time, Dafei leisurely finished the fast food, and the physical strength of the on-hook rest was just enough to train more than ten marksmen, and then a sharp alarm sounded again on the city wall, and the dark clouds of the swarm swarm again.

Come on. I'll wait for you! Da Fei Shi Ran rectified the team and prepared to meet. At this time, the flying archer of Da Fei is almost 400. The effect of clearing the swarm is definitely cool.

It's close. Dark clouds rushed towards us again, and this time the buzz of the swarm swept through the battlefield like a roar of an airplane. This battle was completely beyond that, and the alarm on the city wall also raised a tone. Players from all over the world on the wall are also indifferent.

Da Fei was overjoyed. Needless to say, it must be that the previous wave of swarms had been intercepted by themselves and could not complete the mission, so this time they sent more swarms, and npc was really not stupid. So much better! Da Fei is too slow to understand the skills. Shooting is too powerless. This time, Da Fei wanted to try a new gameplay method and try the effect of "rapid shooting" of the master archery skill.

Da Fei's archery is now God-level, and the effect of rapid shooting is "sacrifice 40% hit rate and increase fire rate by 25%". This skill is just tailored for 50% of marksman in life. Now that the swarm density has increased again, it would be a waste to use this skill.

It was getting closer and closer, the roar of the swarm swarmed like a bomber swarm. Looking at the densely packed swarm of swarms, it was impossible to imagine how many piercings they could pierce in the past!

However, even when the swarm is still "two arrows away" from the big fly, the swarm's speed suddenly decreases. And began to spread in a fan shape toward the periphery of the city wall, and the dense swarm was instantly thin!

Lying down! Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot. How could you divide up in advance? !!

Looking at the Swarm Squad, which is just around the corner, Da Fei finally returned to his power. The bigger the army, the sooner it is divided. The distribution center of the large army cannot always be the same as the previous small army! Looking at these densities is not as good as the Swarm Squad just now, and Da Fei has no shooting at all. Isn't Nima's deliberate egg hurting? But here comes, what else can I do, I can barely shoot for it.

As a result, under the god-like arrow rain of Da Fei, a rare crackling sound rang from Da Fei's head again. After all, this effect was not as good as before.

Sure enough, at the end of the battle, Da Fei's expected "Sonic Arrow" and "Expert Bard" information were not obtained.

That is to say, this type of sparse pull combat is no longer able to improve skills. If Dafei wants to comprehend his skills, he must continue to go deeper and reach the place where the Swarm Division has just split. The distance between these two arrows means that Da Fei has to break through two trenches, which is definitely the rhythm of being sieged into the hinterland by all sides. But anyway, they are not their own soldiers or high-end soldiers. As long as they can understand the skills, all adventures are worth it.

At this moment, Da Fei's message sounded, and it was Xue Wei Qi Qi: "Fei, there were a lot of worms just now, and the losses of the city walls were very large. What's the situation?"

Da Fei shook his head and sighed: "Of course, the enemy is starting to exert its strength. In order to test the strength of the enemy, I will continue to advance the reconnaissance."

Xuewei Qiqi exclaimed: "Feige continues to advance? Is it too dangerous? Let's send some masters to fight Feige?"

Yes, there is no blind superstition. However, when Dafei was serious, he never liked to be watched by people around him. In the morning, binding hands and feet with Korean girls was the price of pretense, and when people were more than one, they really stimulated the enemy npc to launch a large-scale operation. Siege, if you play off expecting those ordinary masters is obviously unrealistic.

Da Fei declined politely: "No, my reconnaissance is ready to hang back. There is no need to let other people accompany me to death."

Blood Wei Qiqi said, "But what about **** players in Japan?"

Dafei laughed: "Of course, how many kills come. The key is that undercover players here, you must continue to block the gates, not let out disgusting people."

That's right, this time too far behind the enemy, even if the players on the city wall have telescopes, they may not be able to pretend to force themselves, then they will not pretend, and they will fight directly.

Xuewei Qiqi nodded: "I see."

As a result, in the surprise sound of the entire regional channel, the flying jungle hunter legion began to blast to the demon camp again. Although no one knows what Da Fei is investigating, no one has questioned Da Fei's decision.

At this time, the Mitsubishi team headquarters, just after a 10-minute break to pass through the death and weakness period, the Kamikaze team immediately reported the latest movement of Dafei to the headquarters.

The Mitsubishi team was immediately excited and excited in the sound of doubt. Captain Tsukamoto immediately ordered: "You are the Kamikaze team, you are the fearless warriors of my big Japanese team, Da Fei has died to himself, no matter how much casualties you have paid, even if hundreds of people fight him, you must kill him. Killing, he is the man who slaughtered the gods and dragons many times. As long as he dies once, a piece of equipment that is not an artifact is also excellent! "

Captain Kamikaze said with excitement: "Hey! Now the NPC troops have also strengthened their offensive strength, and this time will definitely destroy Dafei!"

At this moment, the killer Guan Bai reminded: "Captain, Da Fei is a powerful artifact. It is estimated that this is why he dared to go alone. I am afraid that there are still a few hundred second-line players with the Shenfeng team. "

Tsukamoto thought for a while, and thought deeply: "Yes! Immediately transfer 100 main players in battlefields 1 and 2 to battlefield 3, and strive to be foolproof!"

"Hey!" (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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