God Rank Hero

Chapter 1166: Hundred Ghost Night Walk

Hundred Ghost Night Walk, a special action group formed by the 100 folk top masters recruited by the Mitsubishi team. These masters either have all kinds of strange and rare skills, or reach a level that professional players cannot reach in a certain field. Of course, more importantly, each of them has a level of operation that is close to or even higher than that of professional players.

In fact, professional player accounts are similar to the regular army of a country, and usually sacrifice their individuality for the overall development of the team. This makes many professional accounts nothing special except for high levels, good equipment, and high reputation.

And the folk masters are very typical. The most typical are bounty-tasting players such as “Five River Xinlong” and “Blood Sha”. They have special skills and occupations that can make up for the professional team ’s flexibility on many occasions. insufficient.

And now, the 100 masters who have traveled by night have arrived at the battlefield, and surrounded the hundreds of players of the Shenfeng team with Dafei.

For the Mitsubishi team, in any case, it is necessary to kill Da Fei once for revenge, even if it is only once! So the Mitsubishi team has done the price of all the sacrifices. And the Mitsubishi team so overestimated the strength of Da Fei, and the other hundred ghosts were even dissatisfied.

At this time, a hundred ghost player named Baizangzhu in the team channel disagreed: "Captain Tsukamoto, what your professional team can't do is not equal to what we can't do, and what the regular army can't do is not equal to what the agents can't , You are too cautious. "

Of course, Tsukamoto knew that the defending of the main force three times last night caused extreme dissatisfaction among these folk masters, so even if he wanted to lose his temper, he had no confidence, so he had to ask: "What advice does Tanaka have?"

The Tibetan master interrupted immediately: "Captain. Please call me a Tibetan master!"

Hundred Tibetan Lord is the name of a monster in the folk monster legend "Night Walking". The members of the Baigui Nightwalking Group all use monsters to name themselves. For a hundred Tibetan owners with professional player strength and a proud and proud personality. The peasant surname "Tanaka" is simply boring.

Tsukamoto said unpleasantly, "Well, please!"

Hundred Tibetan master sneered: "I just need to cast a poisonous mist to destroy all the shooters of Da Fei, how easy is it?"

Just then, another player named Jiuwei laughed: "I only need a puppet control technique to make his shooter become my subordinate, and it is easier to kill him."

The owner of Hundred Tibetans laughed: "So if I cooperate with Jiuwei, it would be foolproof to kill Dafei. There is no need for many of you."

A team member named Tengu sneered, "I only need to summon my super **** dog, and one person can destroy Dafei. Neither of them is needed."

Another player named Prajna laughed: "Tengu, do you think your **** dog is better than the Chinese shadow monster that Da Fei killed in the video?"

Tengu said coldly: "Dafei's video is just beheading the summoner to win, there is no way for the summoner itself, so he has no way for my super **** dog."

"Don't make any noise!" A member of the team channel called Slick Head said: "All listen to the command of Captain Tsukamoto."

As soon as the slippery **** spoke, the entire channel immediately became quiet. In folklore, the slippery **** is the chief boss of the monsters who travel at night, and his stunt is to eat and drink like a grandfather in a rich man's house. The player who can get this title in the team is undoubtedly the most convinced by everyone. In fact, this slipper is the retired former Japanese national team captain.

So Tsukamoto immediately respectfully replied, "Please ask your seniors for instructions."

Slippery smiled: "I want to see what this big fly is doing. So I want to chat with him in the past. I wonder if this will affect Captain Tsukamoto's deployment?"

Tsukamoto immediately said: "The new heroes of npc are not yet in place, time is on our side. The predecessors can act on camera."

Slippery smiled, "I'll go then."

Tsukamoto immediately said, "Hey! Seniors are careful."

Slippery God smiled: "I don't have to be careful. It depends on whether he is not careful. If he doesn't accidentally kill me, I will be a little confused."

. . . . . . .

At this point, Dafei continued to train the archer of God while playing the flute, and was very busy. At this moment, the green dot on the radar flashed, and one of the enemy trenches indicated that the green dot of the ally player was approaching himself.

Dafei could not help but looked up, and saw a knight player with the Japanese flag on his head slowly approaching himself.

Lying down! When did an undercover come out! But it's not right. Undercover players are also the Bright Alliance. How can they come from the enemy position? It must be a spy who transforms like a banshee! Brother shot dead.

But wait! When talking about spies, Da Fei remembered the identity of the forged steel hand given to him by the Duke William Award. These identities are real identities recognized by the system. If the identity of the Japanese spy is also recognized by the system, he would shoot himself Not famous?

Da Fei felt a little bit painful this time. Although Da Fei was not afraid of the red name, after all, the red name was still as uncomfortable as stepping on Xiang. It is better not to be a red name. And the point is, indiscriminate red name seems to be guilty of guilty conscience, temptation is afraid, how can brother pretend to be in front of Japanese players? Especially in such a situation of the enemy and others, it is most important to establish a high and fearless image in the eyes of the enemy.

Okay, let's see what treacherous schemes there are, even if we let the horses come.

As a result, Da Fei completely ignored this approaching spy, and continued to play the flute training by himself.

Slippery God also slowly came to Dafei, and then watched Dafei quietly for more than ten seconds, then Zilai asked, "What are you doing?"

His tone was calm and natural, unlike the enemies' attitude. Da Fei felt a pretense. OK, my brother also feels that his pretending skill needs to be improved, so pretend to play.

Dafei said lightly: "Busy."

The slippery **** said, "What are you doing?"

Da Fei smiled slightly: "Guess?"

Slippery head shook his head and sighed, "I can only guess that you are in trouble, what do you say?"

Dafei grinned: "Playing a game is nothing more than pk killing monsters, what trouble can there be."

Slippery God clapped his hands and smiled slightly: "That line, let me see what kind of pk is the trouble to qualify as Mr. Dafei."

Then the next moment, a hundred Tibetan owners in the Mitsubishi team ’s team channel cheered, "Boss shouted that I'm out, Zhujun, sorry!"

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