God Rank Hero

Chapter 1184: Looking for Feige to sell stolen artifacts?

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When Da Fei's deputy's piano trembled the audience, the enemy camps were chaotic. All the players present were shocked. How to deal with sonic attacks has indeed become a topic for all players in the field to think about.

In fact, sonic attacks are not uncommon. The orc's roar and drums, the death of the undead, the scream of the banshee, and the sacred hymns of the human church are all typical sonic attacks. However, a sonic attack like the deputy hero of Da Fei, which can cause the enemy to have a high probability of fear and madness, can only be described by horror and madness.

The "crazy" stunt is exactly the reward effect from the 4 piece set of ice song set, this effect is a well-deserved magic skill! The value of this ice song suit is worthy of being an artifact!

Blood Wei Qiqi also smiled back to God: "Feige, you Bingge suit is exposed, I dare not say others, but I know someone will buy this suit at all costs."

Dafei was surprised: "Who?"

Blood Weiqiqi laughed: "The first master of the Dragon Sword Guild is always bright, and now he is the manager of the Dragon Slay Orc Development Department. His account T-Rex's stunt is the puppet of armies, which can directly roar the enemy blood. , Once he got this suit, this power can scarcely think, a person will dare to kill the enemy tens of thousands! "

What the hell! Brother knows, you must be childcare, come to put pressure on the third brother!

Fire Dance clapping hands: "Yes, Chang Liang! If I remember correctly, a blood-sucking stunt that Fei Ge played at the beginning was also sold to Chang Liang."

Dafei laughed, "Yeah, big customer!"

Chang Liang ’s mighty flying has indeed seen it. It was originally when her Ouling trumpet and Xiaofang Xiaoli met with the Blood Wei group. If the blood group is not a big nanny, it can be supported by treatment. That was really terrible. But now that such a long time has passed, I don't know to what extent this constantly bright strength?

Just then, Shah Khan returned to God and asked, "Is this set only 4?"

Dafei's brow jumped, and it really turned out to be a master! This set is actually 5 pieces! But, brother will not tell the truth. After all, under normal circumstances, this fifth item is also impossible to redeem.

Da Fei deliberately asked: "Is there a fifth?"

Shalu Khan chanted: "The average large suit is usually five pieces, and it occupies the most critical part. This will prevent players from wearing two large suits at the same time. It can also be considered a game's balance setting."

It turns out he knows so much! Da Fei said deliberately, "This way, I really have to think about whether to sell or not."

Shalu Khan was anxious, and finally no longer hid privately: "Mr. Dafei now think about it after looking at my goods. I suggest you watch it in private."

——System Tip: Shalu Khan, the king of snakes, has sent you a transaction application.

That's right. If it is an artifact, of course, the fewer people you know, the better! Dafei smiled and opened the trading interface. Then, Shalu Khan's treasure, which was hidden for a long time, was finally put on. It was a gem with a golden green glow.

——Emerald Dragon Domain Gems: Artifacts, teleport gems that can enter the Emerald Dragon Domain. Requirements: Grand Druid or Grand Ranger. Use cd. once a week.

Note: The Emerald Dragon Realm is located in the high-end spiritual realm of the Emerald Dream. The entity of the Grand Druid Ranger player cannot enter, and the God-level Druid Ranger can have some physical capabilities. Before entering the Emerald Dream, players are advised to go to sleep in a safe hotel.

Da Fei's heart was shocked, and it was another teleporting stone entering another space!

Da Fei doesn't know much about the Emerald Dreamland, but only knows that it is equivalent to the kingdom of the elves, guarded by the Emerald Dragon God, and usually can only be reached by dreaming. Legend has it that many great druids practice here in sleep. As for this emerald dragon domain, there is no doubt that it is equivalent to the city of angels in human belief, and it is the source of the eleven dragon soldiers of the elven tribe.

Dafei's friend message sounded. Of course it was the private message from Shalu Khan: "Mr. Dafei, what do you think?"

Lying down! Not attractive at all. Dafei replied, "Why did you sell it?"

Shalu Khan replied: "It's very simple, I can't use it now! Although my druid's professional level has reached the Grand Master level, the Grand Master players enter this space as a group of mental bodies that can only be spectators, without any Self-protection ability. Even if I reach the god-level Druid and have some entities, the strength may be only a fraction of that in the material world, and it is still difficult to do anything. "

Dafei frowned: "Can I use it?"

Shalu Khan replied: "Just in the realm of Bacchus, I saw 3 monsters summoned by Mr. Dafei. If I guessed correctly, this must be a creature that can only appear on the plane of dreams. This shows that Dafei Mr. has the ability to protect himself in the dream plane, much better than me. "

Lying down! Did he see the dream creatures? How powerful is he? Dafei asked, "Can you tell us about the Emerald Dragon Realm?"

Shalu Khan replied: "I only know that as soon as I enter Dragon Realm, I will encounter a dream emerald dragon that is blocking the road. I have no entity to win him, and I ca n’t get around him. I can only be awakened by him. But Mr. Dafei has 3 powerful dream creatures, and he will definitely get deeper discoveries. "

Da Fei said, "You don't know much. Since you have treasures, why is there a gatekeeper dragon blocking you?"

Shalu Khan faintly said: "Because this treasure was recaptured by the mission demon, and I didn't hand it over to our country to send the mission, so I don't have a pass to enter the Emerald Dragon Domain, which is equivalent to an intruder."

Da Fei dropped his chin to the ground: "Will I use it also as an intruder?"


Doesn't Nima's egg hurt? Dafei could not laugh or cry: "You say so. Are you afraid I won't buy it?"

Shalu Khan sighed: "Actually, my heart is very contradictory. Why don't I want to make a difference with this gem? But in the face of being able to quickly improve my current strength and the unreachable Emerald Dragon Realm, I should How to choose? If Mr. Dafei does not buy, maybe it is just my determination to keep him. "

Da Fei said aloud: "So, this, can you let me think about it too? After all, my suit is also very expensive, and you can see the actual combat effect."

Shalu Khan nodded: "Mr. Da Fei said that he can consider it before the end of the national war. However, I hope that Mr. Da Fei will consider it alone, and do not invite anyone to refer to it in order to avoid leaks. In fact, I know that Mr. Da Fei is an artifact Very confidential. "

Dafei laughed: "Of course, artifacts should of course be kept secret. Even if our transaction is not concluded, I have an obligation to keep your confidentiality."

Sharu Khan: "Exactly!"

Honestly, this thing really has no attraction for Da Fei. After all, Da Fei is a human being. Da Fei's journey to becoming a **** is in the heaven where the angels are. However, the artifact is impossible to find. If you can buy it, try to buy it. Even if you don't need it, you can make a lot of money by reselling it to Xingchen. So there is nothing to consider, and it is definitely not a loss to trade in prestige wholesale goods.

Speaking of reference, Da Fei saw Alicia who was doing nothing on the front line almost soy sauce. Yes, she is npc, she should know much.

Da Fei hurriedly recalled Alicia and then replied to Sharu Khan: "Can you show your artifact to this Ranger and Deputy Hero?"

"no problem."

When the trading box opened again in front of Da Fei, Alicia could not help but stunned: "What is the Lord Lord asking?"

Dafei laughed: "What do you think of this thing?"

Alicia's face changed: "Emerald Dream! Perhaps I can meet my grandma through this thing!"

grandmother! Dafei was suddenly surprised: "Professor Anwen?"

Alicia's voice trembled: "I believe Grandma must be back in the Emerald Dream!"

Let me go! The grandmother of heaven is really not dead! At this moment, the excitement in Da Fei's heart can be imagined! Buy buy buy! Not buying is not human!

Da Fei was no doubt concerned, and immediately clapped: "I want it! The 4 piece ice song suit and you change!"

Shalu Khan was also shocked: "Really want to buy?"

Da Fei nodded: "Buy!"

Shalu Khan gritted his teeth: "Can you trade now? I'm afraid I regret changing my mind!"

Da Fei could not help but hesitated: "Now? Now there will be wars during the national war."

Shalu Khan said in a deep voice: "Leave it to me, as long as I have this set of ice song equipment, my Viper Dance is more lethal! And I don't think the level here is worthy of Mr. Dafei Do it yourself! "

Okay, do n’t let mother-in-law do things like trading artifacts. Not to mention that Brother actually traded him with a three-piece suit.

Dafei waved his hand: "Trading!"

So the next moment, Serbian's piano stopped abruptly, and Serbia walked out of the tower in confusion. Da Fei said nothing, and peeled off her clothes. Then Shalu Khan shook hands with Da Fei excitedly, and immediately went to the tower to participate in the battle.

At this moment, the fierce fire dance battles that have been staring at the scene, of course, Blood Weiqi Qi, Yi Fan and others certainly know that Feige and Sange have completed the transaction in private. Although Ivan wanted to know what this artifact was, he also knew that he shouldn't ask in this case, so as not to annoy Feige.

Instead of asking, Ivan clapped his hands with congratulations: "Congratulations to Fei for completing a big sale!"

Lying down! Brother Mao will also make a flattery! However, no matter how good it is, you can't get good goods and you won't change it. Da Fei laughed and said, "Come, let's see the effect of the Serpent King's Venom Dance."

. . . . . .

At this time, the studio of Xuewei was stunned. Everyone is a bit tired of how Feige abuses Japanese players. Everyone is interested in what artifacts this transaction has made.

At this moment, Xue Wei Xiaoyu, who flipped through the forum in India, suddenly made a new discovery: "This Sharu Khan snatched the mission blame of the Tianlong Babu team two days ago! The Tianlong Babu team was chasing him in doubt!"

The beauties were uproaring, "Isn't it?"

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "It's just doubt, there is no evidence."

The beauties burst into laughter: "That's probably the case, shouldn't Sharu Khan find a flying brother to sell his stolen goods?" (To be continued.) Xh118

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