God Rank Hero

Chapter 1201: Deirdre's Red Name Returns

The Mitsubishi Corps Command, under the efficient organization of the Mitsubishi Corps, has brought the world's most eye-catching 10,000 people off the battlefield nearing the end of the battlefield, killing a total of 23,000 people plus hundreds of troops, totaling 100,000 tribute to the camp.

It must be said that although a single player at level 50 or above can only provide trivial 4 to 5 merit in the absence of soldiers, once the numbers add up, the total amount is indeed quite scary. And due to the system's anti-swipe reputation mechanism, this has contributed 20,000 accounts in the head. If they have not achieved a certain degree of merit in the near future, they will not be able to obtain merit by continuing to kill them.

Otherwise, the Mitsubishi team will really have to brush it alive. Rather, killing those garbage waste numbers to level 0 will also have the meritorious power of the Banshee breaking through the sky.

At the same time, the anomalous swarm at the back of the Demon Base has alarmed the headquarters.

It's flying! Although there is no evidence, the Mitsubishi players subconsciously attributed any changes to the flying head.

So the slippery **** immediately had a new task, returned to the headquarters to meet the general to find out the latest situation, and then introduced the banshee. And the banshee won 60,000 merit, of course, is eligible to meet the general.

The Hell Force on Battlefield 3 has two major parts, one of which is the Devil Clan in the bottom of the withered forest. They draw self-explosive beetles by drawing from the nourishment of the elven forest, and they continue to consume the city defense of the ancient tree wall for war maintenance. The Monster Worm family currently does not interact with Hell players.

The other part is the regular forces of the demon. Their task is to station a front line of trenches and prevent the elven kingdom from attacking the city. The **** player handover task is dealing with such a group of NPs.

Now, Slippery God hurriedly returned to the headquarters with the banshee hero, and saw Hell coach hero Tallock.

At this time Tarlock was furious: "These waste bugs are really useless! I shouldn't believe them in the first place!"

Sliding Head God was busy approaching and saluting, "General, I don't know what happened?"

Tallock said angrily, "What's up? All three heroes of the waste bug have been killed! Do you have any good news that inspires me a little? Get away quickly if you don't!"

All three heroes were killed? The Mitsubishi team heard the news and took a sigh of relief: "How is that possible?"

"Although we organized Neiying to kill. But wouldn't we kill all three heroes?"

"And the wormholes are full of latent ground assholes. Most people simply can't do anything, even if it's Da Fei, it's impossible to go in and kill them so easily, right?"

And at this time. Facing the general's question, Slickhead immediately pointed at the banshee hero "Falina": "I brought a very amazing banshee hero. She wanted to do something for our army and was seeing Before the general, she had destroyed tens of thousands of enemy forces. "

The general angered: "Eliminated tens of thousands of ants and played another fart! The usefulness of the banshee is ○○! Now I don't want ○○ at all! Hurry up and get me out!"

"Nani!" The Mitsubishi team was uproaring: "Can the game really be ○ ○?"

Tsukamoto said angrily: "Hachi! There is no such thing in the game, your attention is wrong!"

Slippery Shen Shen said: "It doesn't seem to be the time! I think that killing the three monster heroes is beyond the player's ability to deal with it, either the opponent's god-level np sends out the chase or Dafei assists The opponent ’s god-level NP is dispatched. If we want to restore the situation, we should also fight back. We also need to launch an undercover assassination to kill the other important NP. "

Tsukamoto nodded: "The predecessors said it makes sense, but we can kill all who can kill, and now all are hard to kill np."

Flicking his head frowns: "As long as you want to kill, you can kill it, but you must first trigger an assassination mission from the general."

At this moment, the banshee hero suddenly said: "Master, the banshee is the backbone of my great **** army. It is by no means as useless as you said!"

The banshee spoke, triggering the plot! At this moment, the team headquarters is excited!

The general smiled angrily: "I have actually seen useful banshees, but what can you do with a weak chicken like you?"

The Banshee replied, "I can sneak into the opponent's camp in disguise and obtain the information that our army desperately needs!"

The general dismissed: "What I want is to break through the opponent's wall! I want to use information for farts!"

Hear here. The slippery **** excitedly said, "The idea of ​​the banshee is similar to us!"

Tsukamoto was also pleasantly surprised: "Just take this opportunity! We have to choose the right in our own hands, we can't let np give us random tasks that we can't complete!"


Sliding Head God hurried forward: "Master, we can sneak into the enemy. Also kill the other important defenders, Farina can do it!"

A flash of magic light in the general's eyes: "Are you sure you can do it?"

Sliding his head looking at the silent banshee, she had to bite her teeth and bite her teeth: "Big husband, cute big tits!" (It doesn't matter, no problem!)

The general waved his hand: "Very well, I want to kill the three Druids who set up the city defense enchantment on the wall of No. 3. Although I don't have any hope for you, as long as you can complete it, I will apply to the Devil to reward you for your needs. everything of!"

The Banshee spoke again: "I want to be promoted to a Banshee!"

The general laughed wildly: "As long as you complete the task. Everything is not a problem! The devil will give you strength!"

The system prompts: You get the battle mission "Kill 3 Druids of the City Defense Enchantment on Wall 3"!

Successfully triggered the task! The Mitsubishi team applauded.

Leaving the headquarters, the slippery God can't wait to ask the banshee: "Miss. Although I have a plan to complete the task, but I want to hear your plan."

The banshee Shen said: "I want to sneak into the city to collect information first. Then I will tell you the answer. If I return, I will wait for you in the pub just now."

Gathering intelligence? For the undercover city of Japan, this is completely unnecessary, but the perspective of np is certainly different from that of players.

Sliding his head and nodding his head: "Okay, then I'm waiting for the news from the lady, but I will start preparing."

The Banshee nodded: "Good, but I have a request!"

The slippery God hurriedly said, "Please!"

The banshee frowned: "I desperately need strength and status, and I hope you will give me all your merits after things are done, and I will be very grateful to you."

Slippery God laughed in surprise: "Of course, this is what we said!"

The banshee smiled charmingly: "Thank you, then you can prepare." After that, the banshee turned into a pink mist and disappeared.

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team was amazed: "" Wow! It's so kawaii! "


At this point, Da Fei's airship returned to the rear dock of Battlefield 3.

Immediately after getting into the water, a dock np manager immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Is it Mr. Dafei, a warrior from across the region? Your lieutenant Serbia sent an emergency message from the battlefield to find you! She wants you to return immediately.

Dafei frowned, how could Serbia find me? What has caused this? Anyway, if you go to the Cold Emerald City and call everyone out, then let's take a look.

Da Fei returned to the Cold Emerald City, and in the distance saw Tamilia hurriedly rushing over to greet: "Master, Lord, hurry back to the cabin, Miss Serbia and Miss Deldery are waiting for you at Lilim Barracks."

Deirdre is back? There must be something important!

When Da Fei returned to the ship and entered Lilim Barracks, at first glance, she saw Serbia holding the Banshee's Summoning Contract, and a red name, red hair purple, and purple glowing Deirdre!

Oops! Deirdre is really famous! Dafei's most worried thing finally happened!

Serbia said positively: "Captain, there is trouble!"

Delderly sighed, "Master, I'm sorry, this mission is beyond my control. In order to gain the trust of the enemy, I killed a lot of friends!"

Da Fei's heart is tight, I will pull it out! Who is it? Brother's scheme was seen through by the Japanese? So he hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just come back, just come back!"

Serbia said positively: "Captain, you don't realize the seriousness of the problem. Now Deirdre can't return to your lieutenant team, otherwise she killed such a person, so big a crime you can't bear."

Lying down! (To be continued)

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