God Rank Hero

Chapter 1208: Midi dispatched

At the headquarters of Mitsubishi Team, the front players got news from NP and triggered the team mission. A monster forward hero rebelled and successfully defeated a round of chase by NP troops. NP urgently needed the help of the warriors!

"The hero of one of the three strikers turned out to be a traitor !?"

"Da Fei recruited a beetle hero?"

At this moment, the shock of the Mitsubishi team is beyond description! I thought that Da Fei killed 3 striker heroes with the help of the god-level np, but never expected that Da Fei actually recruited one? The consequences are unimaginable!

The Hundred Ghost Night Walker Earth Spider, who just woke up from the coma, was even more incoherent: "Captain! Never let Da Fei take this subterranean hero alive, my subterranean ability is now two lower than this beetle hero Grade! Once such a hero falls into the hands of the player, this game can't be played! "

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and said, "We are neither players, nor are we playing games! We must stop Dafei at any cost!"

Just then, another team member reported: "The situation was discovered in the air!"

Then the perspective on the big screen immediately switched to the sky, and I saw a black ball falling rapidly in the sky!

The members exclaimed, "It's a big airship again!"

Tsukamoto frowned, took a deep breath on his face, and then waved his hand: "Retreat! All the members retreat!"

The dirt spider was anxious: "Captain! Say okay at all costs?"

Tsukamoto Masahiro said: "The task of lurking tracking is given to the dirt spider! All other members are scattered and retreat!"


For a time, the menacing night walk of Hundred Ghosts and the hundreds of players of the Shenfeng team retreated like wind and clouds.

No professional player will object to the captain's order. With the great terrorist attack power and the high-altitude range advantage of the airship, casually bringing a few jungle hunters on the airship can easily kill the hundreds of players below without any help.

The power of the giant airship that Da Fei came to the battlefield of the pool of light is the lingering psychological shadow that surrounds the entire Mitsubishi team, and the area of ​​this shadow is so large that no elementary school student can calculate.

And at this time. Looking at the Japanese players who were stunned in an instant, Da Fei, who had just prepared to kill and kill, appeared on the spot! Well, Nima's wasted brother's expression is not!

Luna Ye laughed: "Invincible really is the beginning of boredom. Even the happy pk can't do it."

Da Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter, it's fine if there is no player to trouble."

Presumably Japanese players have learned from NP that there is a hero mutiny? Now that the enemy knows. Then there is no need to pretend to be mysterious in front of friendly forces.

So Da Fei decided to showdown: "Actually, I successfully recruited a monster beetle hero, and now I'm stuck in the bug nest ..."

When Dafei introduced the history of the beetle hero briefly, Luna Night was shocked on the spot: "Recruit the submerged beetle hero? How did you do that?"

Da Fei said indifferently: "It was said earlier that nuclear weapons were used. Two were killed, but I did not expect that the remaining one would surrender."

Luna Night was shocked and then he laughed: "There will be fun this time. As long as the Japanese are not stupid, they know what to do. Don't take it lightly, the real challenge begins now."

Dafei suddenly stunned: "What do you mean?"

Luna Ye sneered: "The Emperor's support! I don't believe the Emperor will let you take the beetle back."

Da Fei frowned, the legendary American Emperor? Except that the first sasa encountered by Da Fei left a deep impression on Da Fei, Da Fei basically did not play against the American emperor players! If sasa is just a small person who can come out casually, how strong are these special US emperor accounts?

Seeing Dafei silently, Luna Ye also smiled coldly: "You can rest assured, I also want to know the strength of the United States Emperor, as long as they can kill a few of them, a luxurious equipment will burst out, even if the beetle is killed You counted it back? "

Dafei didn't feel good: "This is a wretched and spit beetle hero! With him, how many artifacts will be required after the brother. How can it be compared with ordinary equipment?"

Luna Ye laughed and said, "It's good if you know his value. In short, be prepared."


at this time. The atmosphere of the Mitsubishi team headquarters was solemn.

The dirt spiders who remained on the front line sent back the report again: "Report captain, the rebellious beetle hero has resisted the second wave of attacks! The third wave of attacks is about to start, should I take the task and attack?"

So easy to solve the second wave? And Da Fei is not yet at the battle site? How strong is this beetle traitor?

Tsukamoto did not hesitate to think: "Strike! Focus on reconnaissance!"


Although the third wave of attacks was launched, everyone did not think that this traitor could be successfully wiped out. Instead, as time goes on, the strength of the opponent will continue to recover, and subsequent battles will only become increasingly difficult to fight.

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "Contact the American Supernova Team!"



The United States Supernova Corps Command, the United States has been on the sidelines of the situation in Japan. Even the big flying used a gigantic airship. The U.S. team is also steadily standing on the sidelines.

Because the US team knows that Da Fei's performance is more eye-catching. The more likely he is to be hit by a god-level np. No matter how high-end the player is, it can never be higher than np.

And Da Fei was unexpected. He is using his powerful power to challenge the god-level np, and has begun to move on the road to death. But surprisingly, Da Fei didn't die! In two days, two god-level waves ss were killed, and broadcasted very high-profile in the world.

What kind of god-level np can end Da Fei's deadly pace? This is the issue that the American team is most concerned about now. However, once Dafei sees it well, he will not accept it, what will happen to it? Judging from the performance of Da Fei on the battlefield No. 3, Da Fei should have entered a rest period, and Da Fei is afraid of being unable to challenge God. And this is the most terrible snowball development model! Safe, fast and without any risks!

The American team began to shake.

Now, the urgent report from Japan is put on the big screen of the American team, and Fordson can't sit still! The hideaway of a beetle hero is different from that of a normal scout hero. Once the stealth of ordinary heroes is discovered, the end is a shit. The beetle was spotted, so he was helpless!

Fordson asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure Da Fei has recruited the beetle hero?"

Tsukamoto said positively, "Hey! Immediately our team of dirt spiders will follow the third wave of the crusade to the scene, then everything will be clear!"

Fordson gritted his teeth: "Very good, even if we look at how powerful this beetle is!" (To be continued)

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