God Rank Hero

Chapter 1214: Really convinced the general

Da Fei came to the top floor of the magic tower where General Shoucheng was located, and the general and his lieutenants applauded immediately. The players of various countries who were so surprised at the npc's handover mission were uproar. But it's no surprise when you see Dafei.

General Yalid stepped forward and shook hands with excitement: "Warrior, you not only made up for our mistakes, but also destroyed the swarm base behind the enemy without the support of the kingdom. The wall is no longer a threat! You are a well-deserved warrior, please accept our highest respect! "

——System Tip: Your special time-limit sideline mission "Kill the Devil 3 Striker" has been changed. You get 9 million reward experience, you get 100,000 alliance reputation, you get "Book of Great Life" 5 and you get "Skill of Skills" Book 5, you get 1000 recruits in the Alliance.

——System Tip: You have successfully completed the decisive battle "Destroy the Worm Nest" in the battle mission "Destroy the Enemies Besieged the Wall 3". You get 10 million experience rewards, 100,000 alliance reputation, and you get "Book of Skills 》 5, you get the perfect reward: the artifact "Wall of Ancient Trees".

Ancient Tree Wall: Artifact, Shield, Off-hand Equipment Position. Strategic defense 50, recovery every second ... c unit life 1, recovery unit strength 1, individual equipment can absorb 10 points of long-range damage.


Dafei's brow jumped and rewarded the artifact! A worthwhile trip! But is it a shield for Mao? Brother said with a shield of flame.

Da Fei takes a closer look at this ugly shield property like a wooden door panel, defense and flame shield, and has his favorite life and physical recovery properties. These attributes are at most s-level. It is impossible to challenge the status of Fire Shield-3 Fire's counter-injury. The reason to be an artifact is, of course, the terrible 10-point personal remote injury avoidance.

With this shield on Ego ’s defense, you can stand in front of the sea of ​​bows and arrows of ordinary players and let them shoot. This shield is perfect for pretending! but. Brother already has a trick to install the magic. Do you still need this shield? And the coach himself went into battle and let others shoot a cool pretend to seem to be silly.

Decided, for Blood Eagle Xiaofei! Xiao Fei's biggest threat is the arrow rain from the ground. With this shield, he can greatly improve his chances of survival. So, what is a higher-level pretense? Equip artifacts to co-heroes and pets.

At this point, the general who issued the reward continued to say excitedly: "Warrior, although I have achieved a major victory, the beetle is just the cannon fodder in the **** army. The destruction of the other party will not completely affect the direction of the battle, on the contrary There may also be a mad revenge attack on the demons, so the warriors must not be complacent, please continue to make decisive blows to the demons! "

Not bad! You know the situation, let's talk about the business.

Da Fei quickly said: "General, since our army can destroy the enemy's devil beetle army through enemy assassination, the demons can also sneak into our army's position to assassinate our key figures. According to the information I obtained during my infiltration into the enemy, The three Druids who maintain the enclosing walls of our city walls are in the enemy's assassination plan and have to guard against them. "

That's right. Since Da Fei took on the mission of Deirdre, then follow the mission idea of ​​Luna Night. As long as "information" has a great chance of triggering a defensive task of camp confrontation.

Sure enough, the general's expression moved: "During this time, the guards of our city wall did show signs of food poisoning."

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, this is a sign that the enemy is sneaking in!"

The general Shen said: "Your intelligence is very valuable. I will arrange heavy soldiers to protect the security of the three druids. I wonder if the warriors would also join the operation to protect the security of the three druids?"

——System prompt: General Riyadh will publish to you the battlefield task "Guarding the Safety of 3 Druids Defending the City", will you accept it?

Let me go! Really triggered, this Luna night is really a master! However, I definitely won't accept it with so much pain. Now is the time to really test his reputation and the right to speak on npc. If it is unsuccessful, I will let Luna Ye drop the airship and kill her.

Da Fei shook his head: "General, the special heavy-duty protection, but it seems that we are afraid of the enemy, which is not in line with the momentum of victory we have just eliminated the enemy swarm. I have a plan. The cannon foe beetle family, our city walls are not so dependent on enchantments. We can completely remove the enchantment, which can allow the three hard-working Druids to rest for a while while avoiding the demons Assassination, and at the same time can seduce the demons to siege the city, we take the opportunity to consume their troops, isn't this a good thing?

The general was suddenly surprised: "Withdraw the enchantment? Let the three druids rest?"

Da Fei immediately added: "A lot of materials are still needed to maintain the enchantment? This can also save a lot of resources."

The general's face was deep: "The enchantment is not only for defending the swarm. Once the enchantment is removed, the enemy will directly send troops to the city walls. Do you know what the consequences are?

Brother cares what happens to you, Brother Delderi will be rewarded for completing the task! Dafei immediately said: "Of course, this is a meat grinder! It is better to send troops into the city, which is to close the door and fight dogs! In fact, with the trenches spreading outside the city, our army is struggling, and leaving the city is siege. With the advantage of counterattack, there is no way to counterattack. Similarly, when our army has an enchantment, the enemy does not have the will to attack the city. We just cannot kill the enemy if we want to kill the enemy! As long as the enchantment is removed, we lose An angry enemy with the Swarm must siege! "

With all the plans and reasons finished, it's up to the luck!

Dafei watched the general's reaction nervously. The general also looked at Dafei with a weird look. This look is almost like looking at a spy! Well, Brother took Deirdrie's mission is indeed a spy, you read that right!

However, brother is not a simple spy, brother is a double-sided spy! Brother's goal is to make both parties involved get what they need to achieve a win-win situation. I hope you don't continue to stare at the brother.

So Dafei coughed, "Please believe me, my army! I am a tried-and-tested warrior across the region. I am also a warrior greatly appreciated by Lord Silena and the King of Unicorns. At the same time, I have just completed the rear assassination. Warrior, the general does not believe who else can I trust? "Come on, you are forcing Brother to make a big move!

Sure enough, the general's expression shook, and then he gritted his teeth: "Very good! I believe in the vision of Lord Serena and the judgment of the warrior! But once the warrior has an accident, your responsibility is also difficult to evade, you will get great The amount of prestige punished, and even the sinners who became alliances were detained! "

Amazing chrysanthemums are cool! Isn't it that brother has joint responsibility?

The general turned back and waved his hand: "The lieutenant ordered to evacuate the three druids from the enchantment post, and all the other lieutenants set up the city defense in the city wall square to welcome the demon siege!"

——System Tip: General Riyadh has suspended the release of the battlefield mission "Guarding the safety of 3 druids defending the city", and you get a new battlefield mission "Entice the Enemy"!

——Task reminder: This task is led by you. If it fails, you will get corresponding punishment according to the loss of the alliance. Please do your best.

——System Tip: The sideline quest “Assisting to kill 3 druids of the city defense enclave on the 3rd wall” of Deirdre ’s heroic growth mission “The Road to Transcendence” has changed. You've completed the change mission and gained a lot of trust from Deirdre.

What the hell!

Da Fei was shocked to jump! It really has become, brother really tells the npc general to move the big druid according to brother's request with his three-inch tongue! Not only that, but Deirdre's mission has also been changed! Win-win, brother really achieved a win-win!

At this moment, Da Fei had to throw her hands on the five bodies admired by Luna Night, and the word of a word made Brother easily do both. She deserves a good ship! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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