God Rank Hero

Chapter 1219: Abyss Revenge Lord

At 8 pm Beijing time, a sudden large-scale **** siege broke out on the battlefield of the Ancient Tree Wall on National Warfare 3. This large-scale siege took less than 20 minutes from the sign to the implementation of the action, and there was also a large Fei Bi video.

At this moment, players all over the world were shocked by the size and speed of the Hell Corps. This is a true **** legion. This is a creature that is truly born from thirst. It is completely different from those regular half-blood and half-threat troops of **** tribe.

Even their deaths are breathtaking! As the flame monsters fell down in the arrow rain one after another, the fire and fog that erupted immediately enveloped the city, gradually obscuring the sight of the majority of defenders. All players can imagine that this fire and fog must be fraudulent, and there will be a huge and infernal **** monster appearing like a **** gate on a football field!

Players all over the world look forward to the most thrilling scene. And what the other player is looking forward to is that he has just shown an amazing arrow flying with a small soldier in the arrow video. What will be the power of his legion?

Dafei has not told everyone the answer! The flame demon has been on the street for several stubbles, and Dafei's legion is still not firing, and no arrow is shot. Da Fei's calm and calm attitude of the strong has further increased the expectations and speculation of players around the world, and at the same time, all players in all countries on the battlefield feel more at ease.

And no one knows that Da Fei's mood at this time is indeed beyond words. Because at the beginning, walking slowly and slowly, only pretending to be wrong is wrong. As a result, how many waves are installed, how much merit and hatred do you miss?

Da Fei can only wait for the wave ss to appear. However, if a wave of ss appears, it is still picked up by npc or even other players who pick up the leak. That big fly can only hurt the eggs.

at this time. See Dafei so calm and calm. Li Yinzhu couldn't help but ask, "Ouba. Now the whole world is talking about the fire and fog generated by the death of the flame demon. What does Oba think will have any negative effect?"

I also want to ask you these professional masters! Da Fei had to laugh: "What other negative effects can there be? Sky is a flame field."

Li Yinzhu was startled: "Domains? Isn't that a fight against gods? What is Ouba's strategy?"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "What strategy do you want? NPC stands down, what do we want when players want it?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Opa really has a good mentality. By the way, I'm surprised where those Japanese players have gone? Isn't it convenient for Japanese players to make trouble?"

Dafei frowned: "That's what it said, why did the Japanese players go? But it's okay to be away, and the province's disgusting."

"That's it! I hate those Japanese players!"


At this point, the Mitsubishi team headquarters was in a state of tension. If it was said that Tsukamoto's slippery **** had doubts about whether the generals of the pit camp were still there. "Falina" downhole stone theory completely dispelled everyone's concerns!

That's right, such a coach who has lost the entire family of beetles is already stupid. It is inevitable to be replaced by another demon general. In this case, there is no need to assist him, and send him directly to accelerate his step down.

So at this moment, the Mitsubishi team is carrying out a very large and sophisticated project.

First of all, a large cylindrical "rolling wood" formed by wood bound stones is hoarded at three slightly higher locations about 100 meters away from the general's headquarters. It can also be understood as an assembled giant rolling stone .

"Rolling Wood" is an exclusive invention developed by the Japanese region under the circumstances of a long-term pit of the Bright Alliance of Japan. After accumulating these rolling stones, once the mountain collapses, it will roll out hundreds of meters away. Make a big hole in the general's headquarters.

The subtlety of this collapse is that as long as you have a good grasp of it, it will be judged by the system as "natural disaster" or "production accident". It will not be known, nor will it be judged a hostile attack by the general headquarters. In terms of measurement, the level of Japan is absolutely superb in the world. No one has a long history of construction experience.

In order to increase the success rate, the Mitsubishi team started three construction sites at the same time.

The player ’s illegal construction operations in the camp will have a high chance of being stopped by the patrolled npc troops, so in order to prevent this, the site selection distance is relatively long. Then the 300 members of the Shenfeng team are stationed near the construction site. Once there are npcs on duty, they will push the npcs, or fight each other to make yellow names to attract the attention of the npcs, or directly set up roadblocks to block the patrol Letting patrol teams clear their roadblocks wastes their time.

These are already familiar to the Japanese region. But this is the first time that the npc used to pit the **** camp.

In order to cope with the invasion of the wall, the Mitsubishi team also deployed a large amount of oil and wood around the general headquarters headquarters. The large amount of smoke generated by the combustion shields the general's headquarters, creating favorable conditions for sneaking into the general's headquarters as much as possible. Of course, smoke can penetrate the general headquarters better.

Finally, considering the worst case scenario, the Mitsubishi team still needs to sacrifice 50 Kamikaze members to directly attack the command headquarters at the cost of "rebellion".

Of course, these are not enough! The actual implementation of the Mitsubishi team's plan depends on the situation on the battlefield ahead.

Therefore, the Mitsubishi team that has always been hated by Da Fei at this moment is the only one who urgently hopes that Da Fei can recreate the Abyss Army on the front line, forcing Tallock to fall into the war and fail to take care of the rear.


At this time, on the 3rd battlefield, another fiery flame demon fell in the arrow rain, and Blood Weiqi sent a message to Dafei: "Fei, everyone's archer troops have begun to turn yellow, and the rate of fire It will slow down, and the enemy may make a big move. "

Fei Fei nodded: "I see!"

Generally speaking, the function of cannon fodder is to consume ammunition and physical strength. Once the enemy's physical strength is exhausted to a threshold, the general army's general attack is usually launched.

Sure enough, the ground rumbling again, a huge black flame rising from the **** gate in the city square!

"Wave ss !!!" At this moment, the defenders in the audience screamed, and the channels in the whole region boiled instantly!

Dafei is refreshed! Brother pretends for so long, and finally can shoot!

Just then, the black flame exploded, and the dark shock wave swept across the city instantly! A black light came in front of Dafei's eyes, and all the troops swept away the blood "1!"

System Tip: The Abyss Revenge Lord has detonated the Vengeful Fire Soul, and you are subject to the "curse of the Vengeful Fire Soul". Your troops will have a lower hit rate, lower attack speed, lower movement speed, and even cause blindness. The higher the number of stacks of Vengeful Fire Soul, the more severe you will get the curse effect.

Note: Your current Vengeance of Fire Vengeance stacks is 0. Every 10 Fire Demon killed will get 1 stack of Vengeful Fire Soul stack. Use the cleansing spell to clear a certain number of curses.

Curse of Vengeance?

Dafei hasn't had time to watch this long series of system prompts, and there is a "miss! Blindness" in front of the film! The attacks of the players and the NPC troops fell through on a large scale!

Regional channels are booming!

Da Fei finally came back from shock! It turns out that the connotation of this cannon fodder is so deep, the more you kill, the worse it is! And brother really did not kill one, brother's troops are almost unaffected by the curse. Is this the rhythm that obviously wants brother to take the labor wave ss? Dafei knew he was pretending to be right!

It was also at this moment that the players in the audience subconsciously looked at the big fly that had been standing still!

"Let everyone wait long!"

Da Fei suppressed the excitement with a big wave of his hands, 1,500 jungle hunters sent their arrows together, and watched the black pressure of the arrow rain descend like a storm, and the entire regional channel died instantly!

Then the next moment, countless "10! 11!" Superimposed densely visible scarlet letters from the wave ss head burst out, the players in the audience exclaimed!

1500 hunters, average 10 damage! A big round of volleys caused 15,000 damage to Boss! At this moment, Da Fei has figured out how high the defense of this wave of ss is, which is similar to his own attack, about 400! At the current stage, only the NPC troops can move such a high-defense wave SS! And now even the NPCs have been abolished, and the heavy task of killing Boss is on their own!

(The eyes are not good, it is dry eye. Today I can only change one more.) (To be continued ...)

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