God Rank Hero

Chapter 1222: It turned out to be the general's resurrection point

On the battlefield front, defending the city battle is still in progress.

Da Fei and Blood Wei Qiqi's request for Luna Night is easy to negotiate, after all, Blood Wei Guild really does not miss any chance to get close to the master. So Dafei sent the chat record with Xuewei Qiqi to Luna Ye.

Luna Night did not answer in silence.

Dafei said impatiently: "Sister, everyone recognizes him! Sincerity has moved his brother, can you give me a letter?"

Luna Ye replied, "I'm talking to this blood Vicky with a friend."

Dafei hurriedly said, "Everyone has talked, what else do you talk about?"

Luna Ye was not very angry: "Of course, talk about the latest fashion clothing styles, several new movie rehearsals! What else can you talk about?"

What the hell! It turned out to be friends and girlfriends? Dafei smiled bitterly: "What about the airship bomb?"

"While still loading cargo on the dock, what are you anxious for when the two transfers come directly?"

Dafei laughed: "That's that, yes, how much do you charge them?"

Luna smiled at night: "My sister changed their minds because of their acquaintance, so I don't want to charge them anymore! So, Fei Brother, please help me pay for it!"

This Nima's face turned like a flip book! Dafeiqi doesn't hit a spot: "Your sister !!!"

At this moment, Serbia spoke again: "Captain, received the message from Deirdre, Deirdre has obtained the position of the enemy general's strength space. After research, the general's resurrection point is likely to be In that space, Deirdre wanted to get a big ticket. "

Although Da Fei still does not know what the so-called power space is, the resurrection point is really another big fly! Da Fei asked in surprise: "A big dry ticket? Keep the general's resurrection point to death?"

Serbian Shen said: "Probably that's the meaning! Some high-level field heroes usually don't have their resurrection points in the camp. Instead, they are arranged in a very secret private space. Some high-level demon heroes use the power space to collect demon power Usually also their resurrection point. After they resurrect, they will quickly gain strength from space to replenish their weakness. "

Dafei exclaimed: "The space of this power is so important and secretive that Deirdre can break through so easily?"

Serbia shook her head: "It may not be so simple for others, but it is different for Deirdre. She has served many high-level demon banshees in the past. She should be familiar with the workings of the Demon Power Space. However, even so This space is not so easy to enter. The best way to enter is the moment when the generals die back to life. At this time, the power space is opened to the maximum. Can we take the opportunity to attack? "

Dafei frowned: "How do I break in?"

Serbian Shen said: "Using the succubus call transfer function peculiar to the Lilim barracks of Flying! This space of power is also a private palace of high-level demons, and it is very open to the succubus!"

Oh damn! It wasn't until this time that Da Fei figured out what the power space was. It turned out to be the harem of a senior demon! Don't moisturize this senior demon's life too!

Dafei frowned. "That is to say, only a banshee can teleport in? Neither of us can help?"

Serbia: "Yes!"

Da Fei Shen said: "But this general is so powerful. Even if the resurrection is weak, I'm afraid that Deirdre can't handle it?"

Serbia said positively: "This is where Deirdre wants to ask the captain to help, how to completely kill this general with limited power!"

Dafei asked, "Where is Deirdre now?"

Serbia: "As long as the operation is determined to begin, she can return to the Lilim barracks in the Flying. Of course, I need to return to the Lilim barracks on board to summon her first. If the captain feels convenient, he can return to the ship and talk to her personally, But the captain has a heavy responsibility. I don't recommend the captain to leave the front line, just leave me something. "

Let me go! Brother's deputy heroes are hanging more and more! Da Fei hesitated, "Since only a Banshee can enter that space. Can she transfer Banshee troops?"

Serbia said positively: "Of course, the captain's Emperor's Emperor's Emperor Army, including that Lilim, as long as everything has the banshee bloodline, the Lilim barracks can be transmitted, and the demon general's dormitory can also be accepted!

It turns out that Lilim Barracks still has such connotation! Dafei asked in surprise: "Can the troops teleport back?"

Serbia was silent for a while, then shook his head and sighed: "No! The premise of teleportation is that there must also be a teleportation circle there, or the captain can prepare a legion teleportation scroll for Deirdre. But if that is Lily Mu died, and she would definitely be able to call back her soul through Lilim barracks. In short, sending troops is very risky, and it is not the only way. The captain can think of other ways. "

Da Fei's heart was tight. Where did his army teleport the scroll?

In addition, the risk of sending troops to Fei Fei is completely unbearable, especially the dozens of gun emperors. They are sea monsters, the most important anti-submarine forces of Fei Fei, and nothing can happen. However, if I ca n’t help Deirdre in such a big thing, then my master is useless?

Suddenly, Da Fei remembered the three ancient world tree seeds that our general had given to himself, which was originally used to deal with the three forwards of the Demon Worm, but it was useless. Then it was prepared to deal with the total wave ss. As a result, the total wave ss was killed by Chaham, but it was still useless. Now it is used to deal with a general who is resurrected. Shouldn't this be a problem?

Da Fei immediately took out three seeds: "When you go back, give these 3 World Tree seeds to Deirdre!"

Serbia frowned: "I still feel insufficient strength. After all, there are other banshees of unknown strength in the demon's dormitory, but it should not be particularly strong, otherwise Dilderi will not rush to launch this attack."

After all, there are still soldiers! Dafei gritted his teeth: "Let's go back and ask her to bring two Charm Emperors and three Lilims!"

Serbia said positively: "Is the captain ready to fail?"

No! Absolutely not! Don't scare your uncle! Dafei hurriedly said, "You asked her to wait, I'm preparing for a while!"

Serbia nodded: "The captain hurry up, we must be ready to teleport before defeating the general!"

Dafei hurriedly spoke on the regional channel: "Acquire a Legion Teleport Scroll! Exchange it with s-class equipment, and acquire it for 3 minutes. Obsolete!

Then Dafei copied and pasted the same sentence to Wei Qiqi, Bufeiyan, Baihuasha, etc. on the list of friends, and then added a sentence: "Help me! Thank you!" (To be continued ...)

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