God Rank Hero

Chapter 1229: Let ’s start with Bacchus first

King, powerful worldly power npc. God does not give players things that the king can give, territory, army, wealth, title, etc. In a practical sense, kings are better than gods.

In addition to the king being able to be watched by players in a very rare large-scale celebration, ordinary players have almost no chance to meet the king. Even Dafei can easily meet the Duke, Prince, and high-end players such as the top npc of Silena Ancient Tree. They have to complete such a difficult task to meet the king. Seeing God is easy.

Speaking of which, Dafei was actually at the beginning of the game. When he found the relics of the sailor, he had a chance to meet the emperor. That's right, it's the emperor, the king of kings, the real most powerful npc. At that time, Da Fei weighed the pros and cons and decided to give up. As for this time, Da Fei should take this opportunity well.

So, the first thing for Da Fei is to return to the Leng Feicheng City Flying and bring all the young and old together. When the king is happy, it is not impossible to reward each vice hero with an official.

When it comes to vice heroes, Da Fei encounters Elina's problem again. Will she take her? This time the siege came fast and ended quickly, Elina still had no chance to play. This kind of egg pain is not a long-term solution. Maybe she can "pardon" her special status while she meets the king?

So Da Fei first consulted Elina: "The king is about to call me. I want to take you too. Maybe it can solve your alliance wanted status?"

Elina shook her head and smiled: "For me, it doesn't really matter. As a mage, staying at home studying spells for hundreds of years is not a problem. The problem is that as soon as I go out like this, I will be questioned by the guards or even directly detained. I'm afraid I can't even see the king's face, but I would have caused a lot of trouble for the adults at that time. "

Dafei suddenly said, "What about a wig?"

Elina shook her head and smiled: "It's not a problem to go out. But there is still a two and a half day cooldown. Lord, the king summoned such an important event, you still leave me alone."

Da Fei shook his head and sighed, all of them lending the wig to Luna Ye for fun. In two and a half days, I had to wait until more than three o'clock in the middle of the night. I basically spent the night to make up my sleep for the last two days. I am afraid that this situation can't really support that time. Should Elina be dropped again?

Suddenly, Fei Fei's heart jumped. The king summoned himself must be more than just rewarding. After the reward was over, he would definitely send out a task. Mostly, he wanted the brother to quickly settle the remaining three ancient trees on the battlefield. Does that brother hurt at the front line again?

Decided to ignore the king first and wait for Elena to go there, there is no time limit to see the king anyway.

Da Fei laughed: "It's okay, it's because this is an important event, so I can't leave you, and go together when the wig is done, anyway, I'm not in a hurry to see the king."

Elina laughed: "It's worthy of being an adult, even the king dares to neglect!"

Da Fei laughed, "I'm giving him two days to calm down, lest he misjudge the situation."

Since I'm not going to see the king. Then go ahead and ask Silena's opinion first. Brother now calms down another battlefield, and even the king wants to see brother. It is impossible for him not to lose face. If he still can't ask why, then just follow the instructions of the unicorn king and smash the altar of the **** of wine to make the Japanese goddess unhappy.

So Da Fei found the defensive General Dai Lier in the city. Before Da Fei spoke, Dai Lier smiled and said, "Welcome the Warriors. The brilliant record of the Warriors at the wall of No. 3 ancient tree greatly inspired the Alliance. This boosted morale and further defeated the enemy ’s confidence. I believe that under the leadership of the warriors, our army will soon be able to defeat the devil. "

Hey, brother is tired of leading!

Da Fei shook his head and sighed: "We can't be so optimistic yet. The magic army will not easily give up the comprehensive advantage that it is difficult to obtain because of a few defeats. Perhaps our victory will stimulate the magic army's crazy revenge is very likely. . "

Dellier nodded, and said in a straight line: "The warrior is right! The warrior remembers the five demon slayers who were killed when they first came to this city? There are various signs that the devil is harassing our cold Emerald Lake. Big, maybe we have become a new battlefield inevitable. "

Dafei clapped his hands. I hurriedly took out the cup of Bacchus: "That's right, so I'm worried about it too! I still want to meet Lord Silena for the sake of Bacchus. After all, Bacchus has appeared, his presence and position It may have an impact on our war situation. I still want to hear what Master Silena thinks. I wonder if Miss Vincent can introduce me again? "

Delier frowned: "Warrior, is this really important to Bacchus?"

Oh yeah. Her tone softened! Da Fei nodded repeatedly: "Yes! After all, it is a god. If it is a potential ally, I will find a way to fight it. If it is a potential threat, I will find a way to eliminate it."

Delil nodded. "Well, please come with me, the warrior."

Oh yeah! success!

As a result, Da Fei came to the treetop garden again and saw Silena, a white-bearded grandpa in white.

Silena shook her head and smiled: "Warrior, I have learned about your intentions from Delier. You have a certain truth. I will try to introduce it to you as much as possible. Let me see your Bacchus first. cup!"

It is indeed the **** of the ancient tree that is in stock! Da Fei happily handed the wine glass: "Look at me, please."

As he stroked his glass, Syrena introduced, "Dionysus, the **** of wine, is the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. But his childhood was miserable and rough, from birth to He has been persecuted by Hera in the adulthood, and his character has gradually become insane. Then, because of the death of the beloved beautiful young boy, his temperament has become even more frantic. Therefore, his personality has two sides, one is the **** of harvest wine loved by farmers, the other is The aspect is the **** of fierce and madness. He has a secret religion and performs the most secret worship service. Your wine glass is undoubtedly the sacrificial offering for this service. "

Da Fei's face twitched: "Eh! Wait, this, the goddess of Bacchus?"

Silena shook her head and sighed: "It refers to the beautiful youngster Ampros. When Ampros appeared in front of the Bacchus in the procession, Bacchus was fascinated by his glorious sun and moon beauty and expressed to him With love, Ampros also ecstatically responded to the confession of Bacchus. But their happiness did not last long. Ampros died under a bull horn in a hunting adventure. Bacchus was distraught for this, In order to express sympathy, the gods turned Ampros' body into a vine that produces the most delicious wine. This vine is the supreme treasure of Bacchus. "

Dafei heard his jaw dropped! This is definitely love is not the basis? But wait, the vine? vine? Isn't this the specialty of Tamilla's God-like Fujin?

Da Fei suddenly felt an evil thought and hurriedly asked, "Can you introduce this vine in detail?"

Silena shook her head: "I don't know much. I only know that the guard of the Ampros vine is a humanoid creature with a goat's head and goat's hoof, called pan. Confused, but these Bacchus followers have the power of Bacchus who is more weird than demons. In front of Bacchus' power, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they have almost no resistance. So in the field of Bacchus, the Bacchus servant is Nearly invincible existence, they are also hostile to any outsider who breaks into the field. I also have no good way to restrain his field. If the warrior decides to go to his field, the only thing I can offer to the warrior is space barriers. . "

Speaking of which, Silena pulled out a branch with a golden green light: "I can only help you get here! There is not much divine power, use it as appropriate."

The system prompts: You get the artifact "Syrena Twig" from Syrena!

Silena Branch: A consumable artifact that allows players and their teams to move to a different plane in the current space. (Can only be used in Bacchus Realm)

Oh yeah! Send invisible branches again! This is the rhythm that made me steal the vine? I didn't look for him this time! Da Fei rejoiced: "Thank you, lord! Please rest assured, I have seen the field of Bacchus, and I have a special force to deal with."

Silena nodded: "It wouldn't be better. This wine glass is the key to teleport into Dionysian space. I don't know how to use it, but usually try to load various kinds of wine. In this regard, the unicorn king There is more research, and he just admired the Warrior very much. The Warrior can go to him! Now I have nothing to introduce, I wish the Warrior a smooth operation. "

Go round and back to the head of the acquaintance! Da Fei laughed in surprise: "Thank you for your advice!"

(Sorry, tired of Cavern today, only 1 more) (To be continued.)

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