God Rank Hero

Chapter 1231: Fantasy killer

"Master, respond to your call!" Amidst the twists and turns of the space, playing cards, chess, and furry bears jumped out.

well! These three wave ss-class dream toy legions are the core of Da Fei's operation. Without them, Da Fei would not want to challenge Bacchus. As for Zavala, she can speak and move, and obviously has combat effectiveness. Tamilia is standing in the same place, and her fighting ability is not guaranteed, but the situation is much better than Dafei, at least she can stand up.

The next step that Dafei urgently needs to solve is this spinning perspective. Otherwise, this game cannot really be played.

Da Fei tried to summon the Bloodhawk. Brother is drunk, but the blood eagle is not drunk. Shouldn't it also follow? As the blood eagle rises, the small window where the blood eagle is located immediately shows the scene of the current forest. There is no dizziness and no sting! Oh yeah!

What's more amazing about Dafei is that the blood eagle is not affected by the field! This is equivalent to another combat power?

At this moment, there are three red dots on the blood eagle radar approaching from the forest quickly. Dafei draws a closer view. It is three tall human figures holding wine barrels and sheep's head and hoof. Is this the legend of Pan God? Come on, brother 5 to 3, look at your strength!

As three Pan Shens emerged from the forest, the strange laughter rang: "Some drunks can come to the mysterious world of wine?"

"I don't think the lost drunk has this ability!"

"All visitors who are not invited by adults are unwelcome!"

At this moment, Zavala began to interpret the law. Three green mists were wrapped around the heads of three Panshen, and a line of "-10 poison damage! -1 reduced physical strength! Attack -1 defense -1" jumped out!

System prompt: Your covenant follower Zavala releases the master poison poison magic "Poisonous Mist" to the "Pan Shen Ranger", the enemy is in a state of continuous poisoning and weakness for unknown time! The battle begins!

Da Fei's heart beats. This is the first time Dafei has seen Zavala cast a spell in battle. The poisoning effect is simply a full set of dark magic! The difference is. Dark magic can be dispelled and purified, and poisoning is unclear!

Then there is nothing to say. The ranger, who knows by name at first glance, is unlikely to fight, but the Toy Corps is dispatched! The blood eagle appeared, and the petrified halo opened!

But also at the moment when the blood eagle appeared in the flying spot, the red light on the blood eagle window exploded:

System prompt: Warning! Your blood eagle will be severely affected by the mystery of wine and even unable to move once it escapes from the ectopic plane. Will you continue?

Lying down! Dafei suddenly realized. It turned out that the blood eagle was also affected as soon as it was out of stealth! In other words, if the brother uses the "hidden tree branch" given by Syrena in critical situations, he can avoid the influence of the mysterious state of wine. Then there is nothing to do, the blood eagle has to watch the battle, once the blood eagle is abolished, this day can not be turned in a spiral.

Now, the Toy Corps has captured and killed three Panshens, and under the smashing of the barrels of Panshen's forest rangers, the blood of our army has fallen! Even a teddy bear with a blunt weapon has suffered 50 points of damage, and the chess with the strongest defense as the city wall is the most injured. Apparently suffered a siege attack. The enemy's blood loss is no more than 100!

Frightened with a big brow. How could this hurt? These three miscellaneous soldiers are stronger than the three Boss toys? God of Bacchus?

Dafei hurriedly opened his own attributes and was stunned: the attributes were all red! It is several times weaker than the death and resurrection, and now only one tenth of the strategic attributes remain! Lying down! Da Fei immediately remembered the scene where the third brother Shalu Khan talked about going to the Emerald Dragon Realm, and it was also a weakening attribute!

How else can I fight? What's the difference between having a hero and no hero? Now I can only stubbornly. Dafei reluctantly raised his hand and tried to give blood to the toy legion!

The system prompts: You are in a state of extreme drunkenness and unconsciousness, and your healing release failed!

Don't make it right! Attributes are smashed, skills cannot be released, players are no different from living dead here! The high-end eggs in this scene hurt like never before! Even the so-called Hellfire River is completely pediatric in this Bacchus field.

At this moment, the three Pan Shens laughed really wildly: "It doesn't seem to be an ordinary drunk! Obviously, it comes from preparation! Then there is no use!"

After saying that, the three started drinking with the wine barrel, and their blood volume soared "+50! +50!"

Dafei was so shocked that his jaw dropped. At this moment, Dafei suddenly felt that Sanguan was reshaped! Brother won't be able to do three crickets, right? Is this the strength of Bacchus?

Just then, Savala came to Dafei and whispered quietly, "I have a way to deal with them, please adults to hold on, and do not let me be attacked!"

After speaking, a slow progress bar appeared above Zavala's head, and an abundance of green mist surrounded three wine barrels.

System prompt: Your covenant follower Zavala has begun to release the Grand Master ’s poison magic “Food Poison”!

Dafei suddenly burst into joy! Poisonous food poisoning, how unpretentious skills! At that time, it was exactly by virtue of Zavara that he brought down the whole army of General Naga and opened the New Oriental situation. This time there is no poison created by Hydra blood, and the other party is not the whole army of General Naga. Must do! Now all count on Zavala.

Time was spent in agitated battles, waiting anxiously for a second, and the blood of the Toy Corps had broken by a third. Although this is not a major injury, when our army cannot treat it, it really hurts a little bit. Even if you can win, there is a good chance that after fighting this battle, there will be no way to continue to fight.

At this moment, Dafei began to reflect on his life. Was his motivation to challenge Bacchus too arrogant? Anyway, the other is also one of the twelve main gods of Olympus! If it doesn't work, just go through this level and steal the vine.

At this moment, the three Pan Shens laughed again and hugged the wine barrel, and they were about to drink and replenish blood! At this instant, the green mist hovering around the barrel quickly poured into the mouth of the barrel, and the progress bar on Zavala's head was in the end!

Poisoning success! ? Dafei's eyes widened with excitement!

At the next moment, the panic of the three Panshens quickly decreased from the initial "+50" to "+30", "+10", and then a large series of "-30 toxin damage! -5 physical reduction! Attack -5 defense -5 "comes out!

Hit! This oral effect is far better than poisonous mist!

Suddenly, the strangeness immediately aroused the vigilance of 3 Pan Shen: "What happened? Poison in the wine! This is impossible!"

Perhaps the status of the three Pan gods began to decline, and the furry bears who had been unsuccessful finally found a chance to show their might. They hugged a sheep's head in front of them, a volley in the air, and threw the sheep's head under the **** in the air! !! !! "Throwing damage-1366!"

Dafei ecstatic overjoyed! The power of sitting in the sky is to knock down! And knocking down means that the opponent's defense is cleared instantly!

The next moment, the playing cards and chess pieces flew up, and the chess piece immediately gave a "trample injury-1027!"

"Wow!" The pan **** stared out like a toad stepping on his belly and spit out his old blood!

The system prompts: You killed a Pan Shen forest ranger, you gain experience +200,000, you get the loot "Pan Shen's wine" x1! Your relationship with Bacchus becomes hostile!

Panshen's wine: Rare alcoholic beverages, which can restore a certain state in the Dionysian space after drinking.

System prompt: You killed a Pan **** in the mysterious wine mystery. You get the achievement "Illusion Killer" x1. In the mysterious realms of wine mystery, nightmare space, and emerald dream, you attack +1, defense +1 Physical strength +1, life +5. Each time you kill a Pan god, you will get a layer of illusion killer effect.

Dafei suddenly burst into joy, wine! This is the key to breaking the game!

The death of his companion shocked the other two gods Pan, and they shouted incredibly: "Run away! Call for help!"

Lying down! Dafei was anxious: "Chasing! Don't let them run away!"

"It's my turn!" At this moment, two rattans on the ground came out of the ground and tripped them together!

Oh also, Tamillah finally shot! (To be continued ...) i1292

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