God Rank Hero

Chapter 1235: Ono's hero saves beauty

At 22 o'clock in Beijing time and at night in Tokyo time.

When the demon army on the 3rd battlefield collapsed to the rear of the demon army transmission base, the players in the alliances of the 3rd battlefield under the command of Xue Wei all turned to the wall of the 2nd ancient tree commanded by the beauty of the Dafei guild with a smile. battlefield.

As a last resort, the Kamui Night Walk team in Japan, and the Kamikaze team had to go to battlefield 2, and the situation was very passive. As for the slippery **** who is still left alone at the base camp, he firmly believes that he can meet with Falina, who is still missing.

Regarding the defeat of the Demon Army on Battlefield 3, players around the world are confused. After all, even if the coach is defeated and killed, there is no need to collapse to this extent. But only the Japanese Mitsubishi team did know that the coach never appeared after the killing of the coach, and Farina was most suspicious.

However, if Fallina really kills the coach completely, her suspicions are gone. Because the player's sub-hero can never be strong enough to kill an np hero of the general level! In addition, the camouflage of the sub-hero level of the player is unlikely to escape the eyes of General Taroc, let alone Dafei cannot solve the punishment problem of killing tens of thousands of league players.

At this time, it is not the time to struggle with a banshee. In order to reverse the disadvantage and encourage the confidence of the Japanese area, the Mitsubishi team decided to shoot in the battlefield of the city of Shenpu in China.

Ono Shinichiro also received the notification from Captain Tsukamoto as soon as possible: "Ono, are you ready? +"

Ono: "Hey! I have borrowed a low price from ordinary Chinese Crusader player friends, or directly borrowed a total of 20 angels."

Tsukamoto grinned: "Chinese Crusader player friends?"

Ono laughed: "It is indeed a very good friend. I will win another battle tonight. They will probably become my loyal fans?"

Tsukamoto nodded positively and said: "Very good. It is difficult to say whether the situation in the battlefield 3 of my Greater Japan is favorable. But at least it is very unfavorable to the ordinary players and foreign players who are not aware of our country. The morale of the Japanese area, so tonight's battle must be hard hit the main force of Chinese players! "

Ono Mashiro said: "Hey! I have learned from some guild players and guild players. The two main Crusader players in the Blood Wee Guild have borrowed from Dafei. As long as we destroy them The troops also reported revenge from Dafei. "

Tsukamoto smiled and said, "Our goal is originally them. It is better to have this relationship. It is also time for Chinese players to see the power of my great Japanese god-level hero Doom! Good. Jun Ono is in place! We will arrange for you to give you a head at the right time. "



The prestige of the Blood Wei Studio, the Ancient Trees Wall Battlefield No. 3 and Battlefield No. 2 battlefields, and the Blood Wei Guild's prestige have reached a peak both at home and abroad. Although this credit is mainly due to Dafei and the newly born master Luna Ye, it does not prevent Xuewei Studio from holding a midnight party to celebrate.

Of course, because it was during the National War, even the party simply gave each team member a few supper. But of course, the beautiful women will not make people feel regrettable. Everyone is talking about it and officially holding a big celebration after the war.

As for Blood Weiqi, the victory of successfully leading the battlefield No. 3 is already exceeding the goal to reach the pinnacle of life, and now every extra second in front of the world media is earned.

Now she has a new discovery: "Hey! Lunar Night said just now, she is also from us in Shendong!"

Xuewei Xiaoyu was surprised: "No way. So coincident?"

Xue Weiqi Qi said: "What a coincidence, Shen Dong, one of the three super cities in China, gathers the best talents in China!"

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "That's it. For example, our newly promoted Goddess Kiki!"

Xuewei Shenggun laughed: "Kiki asked quickly to see if she was free to join our party after the war!"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "I asked, she said that it depends on time."

Xuewei Sheng gun nodded: "Try your best to fight."

At this moment, there was another noise on the large screen on the wall, and the beauties could not help sighing: "It is this fresh orange treasure again, and he did not listen to the call and clamored for battle."

Xue Wei Xiaoyu frowned: "Just he has been dead, but he hasn't died. Look, it's getting more and more terrible, shouting who can stab me!"

Xue Wei Sheng gun sighed: "No matter what he is, he has to go by himself and restrain the other players from doing light things."

Xiao Yu frowned: "There are still more than 10 players going out with him, as if he has more than 20 angels."

Blood Wei Qiqi cut off: "The more such a small half bucket of water, the more I know the height and height of the sky, and he will cry when it is destroyed by the Japanese."

At this moment, an emergency report from the head of the regiment suddenly came on the big screen: "Japan's main force is moving! It's attacking us! The devil boy full of pressure!"

All members of Xuewei Studio were startled: "Do you really dare to go in Japan? There must be fraud?"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!" The Xuewei Saint Gun immediately decided: "On top of all the members of the regiment, the blood arrows fluttering incense and blood arrows exquisitely led all angel troops to retreat! Repeat again, the blood arrows flickering incense and blood arrows retreat!

Blood arrow fragrance: "Received!"

"Is it so resistant to retreat?" Xue Wei's beauties were surprised.

Xue Wei Sheng gun gritted his teeth: "Intuition! The arrangement of a ball was originally forced to resist the pressure of anti-Japanese public opinion for the players across the country, but it is actually unnecessary from a tactical point of view. Now our victory in Japan can already allow players across the country Shut up, we just need to guard the situation of the city of punishment, so that Japanese players can't take advantage! "

Blood Wei Qiqi frowned: "But our main angel is withdrawn, isn't it necessary to end a group of 98 players?"

Xue Wei Sheng Sheng said: "In fact, we should have withdrawn long ago! Japanese players already have a military advantage. I am afraid that we have been deliberately trying to destroy us!"

At this time, the main return of Xue Wei's main force before returning was really a bit unexpected for the Mitsubishi team. Tsukamoto took the initiative: "Hirata, chase their main force, this is the moment to let the world see the power of mobile masters!"


The next moment, the doom knight suddenly rushed out from the flanks of the valley, ignoring a group of nearly a hundred players, flinging in the direction of the blood arrows and fragrance.

Xuewei's group of channels was uproaring: "It's a big devil! There are so many big devil!"

It turns out that this is the hidden killer in Japan! Players who have gone through public beta know how terrible the big devil with the ability to teleport on the battlefield is in the hands of professional masters! Although the angel's healing skills are completely worthy of the big devil, the problem is that the other party also has blue sucking little devil everywhere! As long as they are sucked blue, the strong angels are mostly scrapped.

Xue Wei's stun gun hurriedly said: "All the members of the regiment fully covered the retreat of the angel troops!"

The head of a group hurriedly said: "It's useless! Can't run away! We can't get away!"

Xun Wei's holy pistol stunned! Indeed, human heroes have been slower to walk on the volcanic terrain than **** races, not to mention that the other is a $ 8 million god-level hero mobile master who is known for his motivation!

However, in what way the mobile master is just a hero who runs the opposite leg, compared with the real flying hero, nothing!

Xue Wei's stun gun immediately showed the card: "The pigs rushed out and appeared to meet their troops."

Yes, Piggy Run is a real flying hero with the ability to ride a griffin. If he comes to take over the angel, that is really the commander of the Air Force.

On the big screen, a very excited voice of Piggy ran quickly: "Received! Is it just that I came out so early and exposed? The eggs have not all hatched yet."

Xue Wei Sheng gun sighed: "This is also no way, I don't want to hit them by surprise."

Piggy ran quickly and laughed: "Then I will take the troops and hit them by surprise, otherwise a group of people will die in vain, and it will not be good to pass on."

Xue Wei Sheng gun nodded: "Okay, you can do it!"

Piggy ran and laughed, "I'm thinking, what would happen if the whole world knew that a hero of $ 8 million was killed by my hero of $ 1 million?"

The beautiful women laughed: "This, we want to know!"

At this moment, watching the Demon Legion submerged a group of positions in the rear, and looking at the big Demon Legion rolling from the flanks of smoke and dust, Xiaofang and Xiaoli's scared souls were about to fly!

Although the battle of the city of punishment has happened sporadically, for the main group, they have always been in a confrontation. They are still recruits who have not formally fought. And never expected that their first battle is actually escape!

Fortunately, Piggy is about to come and take over the troops, otherwise, if they really kill Fei's troops here, they really don't have a face to confess.


At the same time, the Mitsubishi team received an urgent report from Ono: "The situation has changed drastically, and Piggy Rush has appeared in the city of the city of punishment. He is a flying hero! There are flying mounts! Players in the whole city were surprised by him Arrived!"

"Flying hero !?" At this moment, the Mitsubishi team was all stupid!

Hirata Hiroshi sighed: "It's too late! I will take it away! Unless I start the **** march, but the physical exhaustion is too great, I am not sure to kill the other party."

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "Retreat!"

"Slow!" Ono shouted quickly: "I'm nearby, this is the best chance to give me a head!"

Tsukamoto was surprised: "How else can this situation be delivered?"

Ono smiled and said, "Of course, let my hero save the beauty! How can I leave that little pig to run?"

Tsukamoto would immediately understand: "Yo West! This is the moment to get close to the top of the Chinese region in one step! Hirata Jun, start the march of hell, so that even if it is defeated, it is justified and convincing!"

"Hey!" (To be continued ...) i1292

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