God Rank Hero

Chapter 1238: It's time to start

With the help of a stealthy tree branch, Da Fei followed the group of pans who delivered the vegetables to the cafeteria. To be precise, this is a large warehouse full of various food and drinks.

Da Fei, just in case of shrinking behind a wine barrel, quietly watching these pan gods put the offerings in the closet, and then watched these pan gods leave, and after confirming the inspection and inspection by the gatekeeper pan **** With a bang, the cafeteria door closed.

It was not until this time that Da Fei noticed that the keeper's horns of the two goalkeeper Pan Shen were golden, which was completely different from the previous encounter with Pan Shen, and was clearly an elite powerhouse. However, no matter how strong the person is, there is no way to stop the brother God level stealth double insurance scamming.

The action begins! Da Fei canceled the branches and returned to the current space in a stealthy posture. After all, in the ectopic plane, it can only be seen and cannot be touched.

Dafei quietly opened the wine closet just seen, which was full of neat wines, so there was nothing to say, and quickly packed them all with poisonous wine.

But is it enough to just drop the bag? Looking at the food in this warehouse, Da Fei is like a mouse that has fallen into a rice tank, a thief sneaking into the vault, and the urge to steal is rising! There are so many things here, no one will find them stealing more?

However, if you can't bear it, you will make a big deal. What if the other party has an alarm? Da Fei finally resisted. After all, this is a rice crock, not a vault. But what if this is a vault? Da Fei really wasn't sure, maybe he would just go out.

The next thing is to wait, when the next wave of food delivery Pan Shen opened the door and came in, he took the opportunity to slip away. This was the plan that was finalized when starting discussions with Zavala. The original plan of Dafei was to let Zavala mix in to poison the food, but once Zavala did not sneak, it would not be safe to rely only on the stealth of a tree branch. The other thing is that he is not sure whether Zavala Have enough time to poison.

So in the end, I can only make an article in the wine. This is more or less a little regrettable. If the food is poisoned, maybe the Bacchus will anger the progress in Japan. Hey, it's a pity!

Wait, suddenly Fei Fei's heart beats. If it ’s just to anger Bacchus, and you do n’t need to make a fuss about poisoning, brother will pull two **** on their food. No, dig a nose. Is it disgusting enough?

Of course, there is no such thing as **** in the game (except for the hawks), but adding a few more salts is no problem. The salt, which is included in the field marching bag for players when they are born, is also a necessary ingredient for primary cooking. From the beginning, Da Fei seemed to have never used salt before entering the game.

It's time to substitute salt for yourself! Hands on? Do it! Must do it! Although Da Fei successfully restrained his desire to steal, this uncomfortable desire for destruction was difficult to restrain anyway.

But wait! Can't be littered everywhere! If salt is sprinkled everywhere from the beginning, the other party will not be able to eat the banquet if it is not right, but it will be a bad thing.

main course! The main course should be served last, just sprinkle it in the main course. When you think about the other person's poisonous wine drinking, you suddenly eat a large amount of salt in the main course. For the main course, Da Fei immediately set his eyes on the large plate of oil on the long table filled with various side dishes of melons and fruits, leaning on the whole pig. This style, this shiny fangs, is it!

Da Fei pulled out a large pack of salt and approached quietly, then a property box popped up:

Hell Volcano Roasted Whole Pigs: The elaborate culinary masterpieces from Hell gourmets and ogre Akzabi, using rare volcanic **** wild boar ingredients, the effect of taking them increases with the perfection of the sacrifice. Grade cooking, offering materials. When taken during the priest ritual, life will be permanently increased by 50-500 points, physical strength will be permanently increased by 10-50 points, and attack and defense magic knowledge will be permanently increased by 5-20 points. Under the condition of perfect sacrifice, it can reach the maximum. (Note: You must obey at the sacrifice ceremony to permanently add attributes)


Frowning with a big fright, I pulled it. How could there be such a cruel dish? Is this a dish that Japanese players get?

In the impression of Da Fei, the so-called cooking all adds attributes temporarily. Even if you can add attributes permanently, you should not add too much. And now this plate of **** wild pork completely subverts Da Fei's cognition, this is only the s-class, if the god-level cooking has not become the Tang monk meat!

In short, it will be even more disruptive. Dafei immediately sprinkled this large bag of salt!

The system prompts: You release a lot of extra seasonings on the finished recipe "Hell Volcano Roasted Whole Pig", and the quality of the dishes declines.

The system prompts you for information on basic cooking.

Dafei can't help but even get information? Haha, cool!

The following is waiting to dive in. This time Dafei didn't wait long, and there was cheering footsteps outside the door again. Da Fei immediately activated the Silena tree branch to enter the double insurance stealth state, and then quietly lurked beside the door.

As soon as the door slammed, the door opened, and a group of Panshen once again happily held the large-cap and small-cap to enter the door. When the last Panshen entered the door, Da Fei flashed forward and walked away. Simple, too simple, wow ha ha ha!

Now, Da Fei has returned to the woods hidden by Tamilia and Zavala, and is very pleased to make an ok gesture to them. The next thing is to continue hiding until they start.

The time before that can not be wasted, of course, continue to use blood eagles to scout their vineyards, and looking at the grapes in this garden, Da Fei does not look like a legendary artifact vine. The artifact vine should be shining, right? However, Sheng Teng did not flash.

Da Fei asked Tamilla: "Do you know how to recognize the legendary Ampros vine?"

Tamilia shook her head: "It's hard to say that during the time when the adult just acted, I looked carefully at those grapes. They are indeed rarer and higher-end than ordinary grapes, and it is difficult for me to have enough time to guarantee my success Transplantation, but at least one thing I can do, I can **** all these vines, just like I used to **** those vines that were too late to be transplanted in Hell Volcano. "

Dafei frowned! Smoking? Dafei suddenly remembered how Tamelia had advanced into a hero at first, and the process was greedy and heinous! However, I like it! This is more affordable than burning it out. When it's too late, it's not too late.

Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay, when the scene is chaotic, we will see the machine and act! Just fast, not refinement! Try to maximize the destruction as the purpose."

Tamilla couldn't help but said, "Okay, so I can be more confident."

At this time, a cheerful drum sound came from the square, and the Pan gods patrolling around the area gathered to the square. Oh also, it's a good show!


At this point, Mitsubishi Command.

Tsukamoto impatiently retired the report from his subordinates: "I don't want to explain to any reporter the reason for the failure of the mobile master, and then I can't refuse to comment after receiving this convenient interview. For us now, it is no longer necessary What self-esteem, we are perverts now, don't care about anyone's accusations and ridicule! "

"Reporting the captain, it is the news of the Sakura team, and the sacrifice of the Sakura team has begun."

Sakura group! When Tsukamoto heard this name, he couldn't help but get upset, but soon he came back and said, "Please call the cherry blossom training team. Now the number one is just a group of insignificant men."

The slippery **** couldn't help wondering: "I can't think of cherry blossoms ... Um, the training team's process is so fast, but **** can get Hell's cooking so fast?"

Tsukamoto shook his head and sighed: "No, today's failure made the Sakura team feel the crisis. So in order to force the process forward, I just barely won an s-class offering, but it's a pity. But it doesn't matter, the future festival can make up for it."

The slippery **** sighed: "Next time, it will take a month to wait for the actual time."

Tsukamoto sighed: "So next time, we will definitely prepare all the real god-level ingredients. If necessary, skip the grade of wild boar."

"That's it!" (To be continued.)

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