God Rank Hero

Chapter 1261: Preparations for Counterattack Demon Cities

Elina, who received a gift from Da Fei, was overjoyed with a smile on her face and said, "Thank you, Lord, I heard that in the customs of the ground world, giving a ring has a special meaning, does that mean that?

On the side, Alicia waved a serious hand again and again: "No! No! It doesn't mean that at all!"

Dafei was surprised and jealous! Alicia must be jealous! It's time for me to send some artifact to her, but I just haven't had the good equipment of Ranger.

Elina smiled: "Anyway, this is my intimate testimony with the adults, and I will continue to serve the adults with all my strength!"

The system prompts: your deputy hero Elena gets your gift "Artifact Fire Phoenix Ring", Elena's affection for you rises to "intimacy"!

Oh yeah! What I want is this "intimacy"! As long as she thinks that Elina may become a queen to become independent in the future, the sense of loss that is difficult to give up in Da Fei's heart is irreparable no matter how much the benefits are. Only use this "intimate" chat to console.

Speaking of the phoenix that dropped this ring, from the achievement of "Abyss of the Abyss" instead of "Godfailor" obtained from the killing, this fire phoenix has not yet reached the level of the devil level, and it is not enough to be broadcast on the world. Qualifications. If you think about it, compared with the two demon-level powerhouses, such as the blood sea monster King Sartre, the process of fighting this phoenix is ​​much easier, it means that the enemy should have a harder rear move, the real The battle has just begun, so come on, Brother's Sacred Vine Space ** is unbearable!

At this moment, Serbia came over to report: "Captain, just received the message from Deirdre, she has entered the crowd of fleeing enemy forces and arrived at the magic city of the fortress behind the magic army. After the detailed intelligence is detected, she Will continue to report. "

Dafei frowned: "Okay, now we're going to clear the market and wait for her news."

With the help of the general, Dafei no longer has to worry about supplies. Began to concentrate on moving the corpse.

At 12 noon Beijing time, the sky boat was cleared along the lake. In this crazy feast, Nasir was just full, and there was still an unknown distance from the production of beetles. As for the barracks in Shengteng Space, three batches of evil demons were produced, totaling more than 100. This is quite a long way from Tamilia's initial goal of forming 1,000 evil demon legions.

In the final analysis. It was because most of the remaining enemy troops ran away and did not become corpses, and the overall quality of the corpses was not very high. As soon as he thought of his resentment towards the corpse, Da Fei suddenly realized that he might be the most suitable occupation for the undead?

After the sweep was completed, the Flying continued to transmit back to the lake area where Douglas' slime monsters were located, and continued to receive energy. It is believed that when this batch of energy is accepted, the evil demon barracks can produce several batches of evil demon. Before the number of evil demon reaches the scale. Da Fei is not prepared to engage in such a similar general battle. Not every time there is a chance to meet a good man like a general to help himself end.

The next time, Dafei went to Sheng Teng Space to check the situation.

At this time, the three elders greeted him with comfort: "Warrior, terrific, in fact, to be honest, we had a little thought about the king's order before, after all, let us take the risk of leaving the city defense post to assist the warrior. Worth it? Now it seems that Your Majesty really knows it! Lord Silena's appreciation of warriors is totally justified. "

"So we three old guys should work harder. But we can't make young people small!"

Dafei grinned and said, "Three elders have won awards and awards!"

And thinking of his grand plan, and Deirdre's grand plan. Da Fei deliberately tempted at the next move: "Do the three elders remember what we said before we came? I said, why only the enemy forces attack our city, and we should also attack the enemy city!"

The three elders laughed and laughed: "Of course I remember that before, we were only a brave word of the warrior, but judging from the current strength of the warrior, I am afraid that there is such a strength! Of course, provided you know where the enemy city is . "

Dafei busyly said: "Sooner or later, the enemy city's entry and exit will be discovered by us sooner or later. The key is that the three elders are willing to assist me in attacking the enemy city?"

The expressions of the three elders became clear: "Assisting the warrior is not only the king's command, but also our wish at this moment. As long as the warrior is willing to do it, our three old bones will accompany you!"

Da Fei suppressed his inner ecstasy and finally asked, "What if the 3rd wall was attacked by the demon army during our siege, and the three elders really couldn't go back? The king's order must be before the 3rd wall happened Asking the three elders to return? "

The three could not help but start a stun, then shook their heads and laughed: "This is really a difficult thing to do, but we have no responsibility at all, the key is to look at the warriors."

Right? Dafei suddenly understood: "That is to say, if our army's destruction of the enemy city far exceeds that of the enemy's city, then the king will not be too big, right?"

The three elders shook their heads and sighed: "Although the lives of our people are not used to compare injuries with enemy forces, war is so helpless."

That's it! The stone in Da Fei's heart fell to the ground: "I see! The three elders rest assured that the enemy forces that I will fight will completely lose their war will and end this war as soon as possible."

"Okay! We are determined to appreciate the Warriors!"

While Dafei was chatting and farting, Dafei's mobile phone rang, and she knew it was Xiaoli when she heard the ringtone.

Dafei took off his helmet and connected the phone: "Little Li, what's the matter?"

Xiaoli laughed: "It's noon, did you have dinner?"

Da Fei laughed: "I ate it early at 11 o'clock in order to do something big, and now it is done. It is much smoother than expected. Have you eaten?"

Xiaoli laughed softly: "I just woke up and prepared to cook. I reminded my brother not to be too busy and we must pay attention to the law of diet."

Dafei sighed: "It's you who pays attention to the law, you must not stay overnight after the national war."

Xiaoli laughed: "I see! And now the national battle is going very smoothly. The Japanese team will not be able to support it for a long time. Otherwise, Japan will return home to end the national war in a day or two."

Da Fei Xin comforted: "Well, good, then work hard to end them, now hurry to eat."

"Got it."

After hanging up, Da Fei was filled with emotion. Xiaoli greeted the phone without saying anything, and the tone she spoke just now is really unforgettable. At that time, she was admitted to the university herself. How much did Xiaoli, who was still in junior high school, worship her brother, and that was how she spoke to her! As for later, let alone. As for now, haha! Haha!

Suddenly, Da Fei once again found that Xiao Li was actually a very realistic woman? Well, the reality is good, wow ha ha ha! In this way, I can be assured of being a big brother.

There is still more free time below, then while hang up to recharge the tears of light, while taking a nap while busy, brother must live up to the expectations of his family must take care of the dragon body, the body is the cost of the country's war (To be continued.)

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