God Rank Hero

Chapter 1267: Join the Sirena

In the tree-top garden of the Cold Emerald City, Da Fei saw Silena again. Deere said that Da Fei came to Italy, and Silena jumped with a startled eyebrow and beard: "Restore my sect in Asia ?!"

Da Fei busyly said: "It is true that the elves, for the time being, are based on a thousand Habbit believers. And they have been isolated from the world in the world tree space in this millennium, and have not been exposed to outside information. Influence, and no other sect has ever looked for them, and Lord Serena can accept them logically, and then grow up! What do adults think? "

Silena said, "The Warrior had this idea!" Then he paced back and forth in the garden while touching his beard.

There is drama! Da Fei hit the iron while he was hot: "Does the adult have any scruples? If it is not convenient to talk about these things because of the current national war, it doesn't matter if we calm down the situation and talk slowly!"

Silena said positively: "It's not just a matter of calming down the situation! If I want to return, I want a beautiful return, or it will make people laugh! After all, a thousand years ago, I was a defeated **** in Asia, Although I am fighting for justice, although the history books will sing my achievements, I still cannot cover up the fact that I am a defeated god. Even if others do n’t say anything on their lips, they will still look down on three points. And for a **** who needs worship, this is the biggest flaw! "

That's it! Dafei was overjoyed, "This is easy to say, I am killing the demons attacking in our area in the name of Lord Sirena, so that Lord Sirena is enough to look good?"

Silena said, "This is not enough!"

Dafei frowned: "Then I counterattacked the demons' city! It was like I counterattacked the blood sea sulfur mine that day!"

Silena slaps his hands and inspires incomparably: "What is needed is this effect, I believe that only warriors have this ability!"

Wa hahaha! Although the ideas are different, the purpose is the same! Brother was going to siege Sanguang, so why not do the big things while doing Sanguang?

Da Fei excitedly said, "But I don't know the location of the Demon City!" That's right, I've been waiting for news of Deirdre, but no news for a long time.

"I know! But it's very dangerous!"

Worthy of God! Da Fei busyly said, "I have three Arch Druids appointed by the King to help!"

Silena nodded: "Very well, the Warrior remembers when you first searched for the clones of the five Azazil demons who killed you? During this time, his deity has been stepping through the world of the Cold Emerald City. Tree space, but his rush into the air instead exposed his position, or that it was his fearlessness, in short. Cold Emerald City became an inevitable battlefield. Since the Warriors also have the initiative to attack, then we are here Take the initiative before the war officially begins! "

Delier also immediately said: "In order to promote the prestige of adults, I would like to attack with the warriors!"

Wa hahaha! The beauty finally got on the brother's boat! Dafei overjoyed, "Okay. Leave it to me!"

Silena laughed: "Warrior, I would like to invite you to join my Silena Land Theology and formally become a guardian of the religion I teach?"

Da Fei couldn't help it: "Protective law?"

Delier explained quickly: "I'm a thug bodyguard I teach. It doesn't need to have too high a learning requirement for the doctrine, and it can't even teach at all. It doesn't matter if the spell is not taught!"

Silena nodded: "Yes, only joining me to teach the warriors can fully teach me to fight, but the warriors rest assured that the warriors who join my sect can also join other sects. This is my privilege to the warriors! However, other Whether the sect can tolerate a warrior to join my sect is another matter. "

Dafei suddenly realized: "That's it! OK, I'm willing to join!" Just say that you can come and go freely, and how to say, the underworld lord's side is always open to brother.

Silena satisfied: "Well, warmly welcome the Warriors to be a member of my teaching!"

The system prompts: You have been invited by the ancient tree of Silena. Officially became the guardian of the Sirena Land Deity. You gain +30 defense, +30 defense, +500 command, and +2 tactical position.

System Tip: You get the sect quest "Improve Prestige of the Sirena Earth Gods"! You need to fight fierce battles to turn the prestige of Silena Land Theology in the hearts of your enemies into "fear."

Mission Tip: During the National War, each battle with the enemy will increase the prestige of the sect. Combats that actively attack enemy territory can greatly increase prestige.

Let me go. This is the equivalent of wearing an extra s-class equipment, and also sending a tactical position! Dafei couldn't help himself: "Please rest assured, I must carry forward my teaching!"

Sai Laina satisfied: "Very good, Delil immediately take the protection to prepare, I will teleport the Warrior to the enemy when I am ready!"

"Got it!"

at this time. Da Fei laughed and went out side by side with Dai Lier, this is how to get the rhythm of the beautiful lady properly! This is really impossible, only unexpected! Brother originally was going to siege Sanguang, but now he still accidentally mixed up a guardian and abducted a beautiful woman. Get help from one party, don't be too dreamy! Haha, wow hahaha!

I was just proud to hear Delly cheer up: "Warrior, no, now you should call Your Excellency, and go to the barracks to select the combat troops. I recommend choosing as much as possible all-around troops like the Druid."

Da Fei's heart blossomed and it didn't matter what unit it was, he laughed and said, "Okay, what you say is what!"


At this time, the city was full of people.

This is the frontline fortress established by Hell in the ground world. It is the entrance to the space gate that connects the two worlds. Such an entrance is usually opened by the energy of a volcanic eruption. It can be said that as long as there is a volcanic eruption in the ground world, it is a potential frontline fortress in **** area.

The magic city is the closest volcanic city to the world's tree of light pool. Its strategic position is extraordinary, so its existence is also protected by the enchantment of advanced demons, making it difficult for the elves to find.

Now, the defeat of the front line of the pool of light makes this city lively. Many Japanese guilds have nothing to do. Hell players have arrived in the city to do tasks in advance for possible battlefield missions. Or just come over and play with soy sauce.

The slippery **** who was mingling in the surging crowd of players squeezed into the fifth pub in the city. As a npc hero, Farina is only a place where there are only two places, the pub and the mercenary. Guild. Although there was no news of Farina overnight, as long as the mission that Farina had originally issued to herself was not declared a failure by the system, she would be sure to find her.

When the sliding head entered the tavern door, a green dot suddenly flashed on the radar. At a certain position of the seat in the tavern hall, there was a **** sexy back sitting on the back of the door!

"I've found it!" At this moment, slipping his head and smiling, the tears of laughter brushed DC! (To be continued.)

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