God Rank Hero

Chapter 1271: Go to other **** cities first

System prompt: Congratulations! Banshee hero Lamia joins your team and becomes your deputy hero!

Dafei laughed out of saliva! I didn't expect that the captives who were completely stubborn yesterday would be compiled under such a situation. In the final analysis, the banshee really eats hard but not soft, and men really have to be hard!

In the face of the joining of the Banshee, the three elders also eased slightly, but still said sternly: "Since you have joined our camp, you must perform well under the warriors, and you must not rebel and re-emerge!"

Lamia's armor slammed directly and the whole person was crooked on Da Fei and hummed, "Master, Lamia belongs to you from now on, whatever you want!"

There was a huge earthquake in Da Fei's heart. Can the game really satisfy the players' fun? The problem is that Deirdrie didn't satisfy her. Could she do it?

Tamilia also sneered: "Master Lord, since we have included this banshee, let's quickly clean up the battlefield. In addition to the 317 demon corpses that were salvaged in the air battle just now, there are also hundreds of holy vines. Corpses, there are also several bodies in the cabin corridor. "

The three elders also laughed: "A lot of wine was consumed in the First World War, and the Warriors were asked to quickly replenish their wine."

Tamilla immediately said: "Leave these to me!"

Da Fei was in a good mood: "Okay, hurry up! Also hurry up and resurrect our troops!"

Now that everyone around is gone, Da Fei can't wait to check the attributes of this newly compiled banshee in his arms:

Lamia: A high-level banshee hero serving high-level demons. As a heroine of banshees, Lamia has a value far beyond that of ordinary banshees. It is a small and famous social flower in the devil world. She is not a private property of a certain high-end demon. She will only serve a certain name by contract For high-end demons, when the contract expires, choose to renew. At the same time, Ramia, a special hero class "Darkstalker", has superb stealth assassination capabilities. Not only can avoid the jealous assassination of the Banshee kin, but also make the high-end demon who hired her feel real value for money. Lamia's only annoyance was that she was involved in too many conspiracies between masters and employers and knew too many secrets.

Dark Walker: Unlike the stealth skills of ordinary reconnaissance, the Dark Walker is a stealth profession that can truly realize the transfer of planes. Each level of hero increases. Increases 1 attack. 1 free attribute point. Each class level increases the effect of reconnaissance by 10%.

Talent talent: Shadow Assault. The banshee is a spiritual body, better than any demon creature. When the banshee launches an assault from the ectopic plane, the assault damage increases with the hero level, and the hero level increases by 1% regardless of the target's defense. . (Note: This effect is only effective for the blow when it appears.)

Personality: Inflammation, but profit.

Level: 75

Commanding power: 600

Loyalty: 100 (red letter warning)

Hero Skill: Grand Scouting. Grand Master Offensive (Special Sub Skill: Shadow Assault). Grand Master Defense (Special Sub Skill: Shadow Dodge), Grand Master Archery, Grand Master Leadership (Special Sub Skill: Charm Diplomacy), Master Dark Magic, Master Meditation, Grand Master Bargaining, Master Architect , Master-level luck. Master Logistics.

Life: 17,000

Strategic Attack: 160 (Personal Attack 260, Shadow Axe Bonus.)

Strategic Defense: 50 (personal defense 170. Shadow Armor bonus.)

Magic 120

Knowledge: 150

Damage 160-220

Attack speed 14.

Stamina: 410.

Personal Stunts: Flying Creature, Charm, Fire Chain Shot, Transformation.


Dafei's eyelids jumped! This is the resume of the newly compiled Banshee, the attributes and the special professional sneaker! Her resume is exactly a bitch! And her level is as high as 75! A 75-level hero is almost impossible to follow a player below her 20-level level, right?

What does it mean that the loyalty 100 is shown in red? Generally, the loyalty is lower than 20. When the hero may abandon the player at any time, the loyalty will be warned in red. Does it mean that she will also abandon me at any time?

Just as Dafei was shocked, Lamia took off her helmet, exposing an American Hollywood blonde star with a soft smile and a soft smile: "Lamia has officially met the owner!"

amount! Why is this face so blonde? Da Fei then returned to God and coughed out, "This, yes, you are beautiful!"

Lamia smiled: "The host of lieutenants and escorts around the host are more beautiful. It is enough to gather so many beautiful women around to see how good the host is! Lamia will willingly follow such a good man!"

What the hell! No wonder the more women around Gao Fushuai, the more beautiful women come to the door! The question is, how can you let the brotherhood still be a single dog in reality? In short, continue to deepen understanding first!

Da Fei asked with a smile: "General banshees are rarely worn and exposed on the battlefield. You are really rare banshees in armor, can you explain?"

Lamia smiled proudly: "For me, there is no need to disturb people's hearts and show their charm through naked low-level methods. I will only do the most suitable things at the most appropriate time. And although I am a hero, Poor, what I'm better at is assassination through personal ability. A strong personal offense and defense is even more necessary! "

Da Fei nodded: "That's it!" Indeed, judging from her skill attributes, she is indeed a hero with a beheaded beheading type. Her level of 600 at level 75 is simply amazing, no wonder she will be led by Deirdre. Beat down.

Lamia laughed: "Well, please ask the host where I need me. Lamia will work for you!"

Dafei's frown turned sharply! If other heroes are so aggressive in their performances, Da Fei is too late to be happy, but this Ramia's resume and the way of surrender are so strange that Da Fei is very painful! Let her go and behead the enemy coach? Will she run away? With her red 100 false loyalty, anything can happen! However, if she doesn't do anything for her, she will find an opportunity to run away if she is not happy!

Da Fei decided to ask some questions to relax the atmosphere, so he asked, "What do you think about our army's attack on this fire cave city?"

Lamia frowned: "Master, it's difficult! After the defeat of the First World War, it is very likely that the Lord Azadzil will take action against the Master himself, even if there is an enchantment on his battleship. It should also be realized that the enchantment is not very strong, and the heroes under him have the ability to penetrate. So I suggest that after the master's enchantment is stronger, the master can try to harass the destructive attack, but never directly enter the city . "

Da Fei frowned, and was she talking about things again? How much wine and time can I get stronger? If you switch to ordinary players without big ships and no enchantment, how to fight? Da Fei asked, "Does it have to be enchanted? Without the enchantment, you cannot deal with this Lord of the City?"

Lamia laughed: "I think that the reason why Silena would issue such a battlefield task to the master is that the master has an enchantment? In the face of high-end demons such as Azazil, enchantment is a must. Otherwise, Silena's release of such a task would be to let the master die. After all, Azak the Gorefiend the master had killed is essentially just a subordinate demon who is only capable of guarding the mine, and Higher demons are two concepts! "

Dafei just realized that the condition that triggered this battlefield task was that the brother was forced to have an enchantment! It's unrealistic to go back to transporting wine and raising food, and the only way to fight guerrillas and accumulate dead bodies is to say that it's difficult to say whether this balance can be maintained.

Da Fei couldn't help laughing, "You know how I killed Azak the Blood Devil!"

Lamia Mei laughed: "The senior generals on the front line of the Demon Army know this, which also shows the strength of the master. It is my honor to follow the master. Please forgive me once again for the practice of testing the strength of the master. silly!"

Dafei laughed and said, "Don't mind the past, let's look forward together!"

Just then, a cough sounded. Da Fei turned around and looked at it, indeed Serbia appeared behind him, and his face was not good!

Dafei was shocked! It was not until this time that Da Fei realized that she had been entangled with the banshee in her arms, and her lower body skirt was quietly removed, and she was unknowingly talking on her bare butt. It's up!

Let me go! What good thing did I miss? I haven't checked if there is a pinch in her ass!

Serbia coldly: "Mr. Captain, please check!"

What a pity, Master Captain has become Mr. Captain! Dafei hurriedly pushed the stunner in his arms and laughed: "This, what's the matter?"

Serbia sighed, "Dearli has heard the news. She hasn't found a way to the magic city. Now she plans to sneak into the wall of the ancient tree, so come and report."

did not find? Da Fei was a bit lost. "That's okay, then she'll do as she wants."

Just then, Lamia grinned, "Didry is the one who beat me?"

Dafei laughed: "Don't care about the past, now you are all my darlings."

Lamia laughed: "Is the master going to attack the magic city?"

Dafei frowned: "The original plan was like this, but now the plan has changed. Why, you know how to get to Magic City?"

Lamia laughed: "It's time to show that I am more capable than that low-level banshee. I used to be the deputy of several demon generals, and I know most of the open city teleportation coordinates. Although the host is now attacking the Fire Cave City , But on the premise of not having a good phone conference, the owner can plan to change again. How about going to a nearby demon city to relax? "

Dafei suddenly burst into joy: "Okay! Then find a **** city with the weakest defense, the most supplies, and the most alcohol!"

Lamia laughed: "No problem!" (To be continued.)

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