God Rank Hero

Chapter 1273: Brush down the monster first

Now, in the captain's room, all the deputies of Dafei gathered around the map table.

On the map of Lamia's imaginative finger, a red volcano city icon surrounded by red apertures is endless: "Here is the fire cave city where we are rich in fire crystals. This circle is the enchantment of the fire cave city. Enclosed by the enchantment, a whole mountain vein here is isolated from the main world, and even if mortals come to the mountainous periphery of Fire Cave City, the existence of Fire Cave City cannot be seen, and it is more difficult to enter. "

"However, because it takes a lot of energy to maintain an enchantment with such a large range and intensity, in order to save, the enchantment is one-way defense, that is, it is difficult for outside people to enter, but it is easy for people inside to come out. This has the same function as most of the enchantments, but it is incomparable with the magical enchantment that is not easy to get in and out of the world tree. Therefore, this defensive enchantment on the master ship will soon face the problem of this defensive direction. This will be discussed later. Our current first goal is to leave this enchantment. I believe that it won't be long before the city owner will organize a large-scale military force to come and hunt for deportation. "

Dafei frowned: "We came in with so much effort with the help of Silena, if we just left like this, can we still come in later?"

Lamia laughed: "Sirena didn't know the way. He could only enter by force. Of course, it was laborious. But it was different with me. If the host successfully defeated the teleportation team in other cities, I could also make the city teleport. The ship was transported by the host. "

Dafei was shocked: "You are so good?"

Lamia laughed: "It's a hell's teleportation facility far beyond the imagination of the ground race. For ground races such as human elves, it is a very labor-intensive and expensive task to transport large legions of goods, but for hell, It's nothing at all. So how lucky it is for the owner to be assisted by my lieutenant who is proficient in the operation of the Hell Corps. This is a management field that Deirdrie has no access to!

Serbia cut out: "You have no right to belittle someone who beat you!"

Lamia sneered: "It was too stupid for my former employer, I just lost to the owner."

I'll pull it off, and I'll make a fool of it! Da Fei quickly waved his hand: "Now I just talk about fighting, don't mention other things."

Lamia laughed: "Then the master, fly out of the enchantment at full speed now. In order to conceal our main attack direction, I suggest that we first leave here from the map, deliberately let here along the way, and the two demon sentries here Arrive. Then suddenly come back and go straight to Syndicate! "

Looking at Lamia's calm command on the map, Da Fei couldn't help but be convinced by her skill: "Well, Tamilia, just follow Lamia's line."

"I see. Lord Lord!"

Listening to Tammelia's peaceful and obedient tone, Da Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, still Tammelia's personality was good, and it didn't hurt. Now that the route is set, ask something else.

Dafei asked again, "Is this ground fire crystal a specialty of the Fire Cave City?"

Lamia nodded: "There are many types of ground fire crystals. The lowest grade ground fire crystal has 3,4 times the energy of the ordinary crystal in the same unit, and the medium grade ground fire crystal can reach 10 times the fine crystal of ordinary crystals. The level of crystal, as for the higher-grade crystal, may be beyond the scope of resources, but a special treasure material. "

Dafei lamented: "It seems that not all good things are in the new world, and there are no less valuable resources in the old world than in the new world."

Lamia laughed: "But the new world can still divert attention greatly, otherwise the specifications of our war today are far from what we see now."

Between words. In the sky in front of the sky boat, a red curtain like a glow appeared. Lamia continued to explain, "Master, this is the boundary of the Fire Cave City and the edge of the mining area. That is to say, such a large area where we were just now. They are all veins of earth fire crystals. Even if there is no defender here to let the master rob, the master may not be able to **** it for more than ten years! "

The big horror moved: "Where is that outside the enchantment?"

Lamia replied: "After leaving the enchantment, we will enter a vast area of ​​underground space. The more underground areas with frequent volcanic activity, the easier it will be for vast underground spaces. This is the unimaginable existence of the above-ground creatures."

As soon as the voice fell, Dafei's eyes were red. The sky boat crossed the enchantment, and then the scene changed. The sky boat appeared in a dark space with sparkling light, and the sparkling light seemed to make Dafei feel like being in the starry sky!

Dafei could not help exclaiming: "What is that flash?"

Lamia laughed. "Master. Maybe a diamond!"

Da Fei was shocked: "Diamonds? So many? Just put it out there and no one mines it?"

Lamia laughed: "Master, rare resources can be found everywhere in the underground space, such as these ground worlds consider precious diamonds. Such gems can only be produced under the high pressure of volcanic lava below the ground. Take it to the ground world, the ground world will never get this gem. So it appears precious. And diamonds are the most inconspicuous among the many rare resources in the underground world. The priority of mining is not high. After all, mining ground fires Crystal is already too busy. "

Da Fei's heart tightened: "Isn't **** growing big in the underground for so many years?"

Lamia nodded: "Yes! Only by controlling and conquering the underground world can you truly gain the initiative of war. Hell has been in this area for thousands of years, so every time Hell attacks the ground world, the scale is It is beyond the imagination of the ground world, these are the results of long-term accumulation of resources in Hell! "

Elina also said: "But conquering the ground is not so easy. The strength of the monsters in the underground world is also beyond imagination. The rarer and more valuable the resource, the more powerful creatures occupy it, such as the black dragon!"

Lamia laughed: "It is indeed the Lord of the City. I can recruit such a beautiful and dark Miss Elf around me! Yes, even the powerful Hell races cannot explore the underground world away from the volcanic base, so the Hell races Although there are huge advantages in resources, a lot of resources are consumed in the competition with underground creatures, so the advantages are not as large as expected. "

"So it is!"

Looking at the piles of diamonds in the distance from the field of vision, Da Fei is extremely tangled. This is exactly the door of a new world opening to himself. Is it just passing by?

Da Fei turned his head and asked Tamilla: "This, can our Central Lake of the Vine eat diamonds like dissolving cold emerald gemstones?"

Tamilla shook her head: "Master, the ordinary diamond has no magic power. It can only be used as an ornament, and it is not among the resources. This has no benefit to our central lake."

Da Fei couldn't help but sigh: "Indeed, the devil does not look down."

At this moment, Lamia Haha smiled: "Master, ordinary diamonds are indeed not magical, but there are still magic diamonds, and the concentrated energy level is beyond imagination."

Speaking of which, Lamia pointed towards the map again, and the icon of a two-headed monster holding a purple diamond emerged on the map without any logo just now!

"Wow!" Dafei and all the beauty lieutenants present were in a blast, of course not because of the icons, but because this map actually has such amazing effects. Is it an electronic map? Then you can imagine how much information is hidden on this map. This Lamia is really in stock!

Lamia laughed: "Master, here is an ogre tribe that guards the magic light purple diamond. The chieftain's strength reaches the level of demigod, and their fortress is on the top cliff, and there is an underground river under the cliff. Nature insurance is the hard bones of the Hell Army. Every failure of the Hell Army's conquest is to send them a lot of fresh meat to strengthen their tribe. However, the owner of the air battleship can completely offset their terrain advantage. Since the owner is in short supply Resources and corpses, would you like to practice here first? "

Dafei frowned: "Semi-God level?"

Ramia nodded: "Master, if you ca n’t even win such a small tribe, then our robbery of Syndicate can only be carried out on the outermost side, and we have to change our target now."

It turned out that he was testing Brother's strength again? Da Fei turned his head and asked the other beauty deputies: "What's your opinion?"

Tamilia immediately asked, "What's the population there?"

Lamia shook her head: "Last time when I came here, it was no less than a thousand. After eating a lot of fresh meat, it is estimated that there will be a few hundred more now."

Tamelia said positively: "Master, Lord, in the previous battle, although our Holy Vine Space also ate a lot of demons, it still consumed slightly more than the benefit. We urgently need to find a weaker enemy to add energy. By the way, a large number of evil demon are produced. At present, there are still only 300 evil demon. The labor force does not support us to carry out large-scale city grabs! "

It made so much sense, Dafei immediately clapped: "Okay, let's practice this ogre tribe first!"

And for a boat that can continuously fly through the half-earth of the sky in the afternoon, this distance on the map is not a thing at all, it does not need to consume the energy of the Holy Vine itself, only the troops need to be rotated to recharge. Crystal added mana, and it didn't take much time.

So 20 minutes later, the boat of the sky reached the destination, and then entered the stealth trek and quietly approached the target.

Saw the cave group on the top of an underground waterfall. If it is not underground, this terrain can also be called Huaguo Shanshuilian Cave. It is indeed dangerous! And under the high cliffs of the cave, there are countless huge bones piled up. If you don't know that this is an ogre, Dafei thinks that this is an undead stronghold.

Lamia said positively: "This ogre chief will use a spell between Undead and Shaman to resurrect these dead bones to resist attacks from the ground, powerful and abnormal, but has no effect on the master's air battleship. Their only threat to their masters was throwing boulder, but I believe the master's warship can bear it. "

Great Leap is eager to try: "I also want to see how my resistance is, then start!" (To be continued.)

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