God Rank Hero

Chapter 1276: plunder

With Elina exclaiming, Da Fei asked quickly, "Are you sure this is a demigod?"

Elena nodded her head straight and said, "Rose Queen is a deity enshrined by the Dark Elves. All Rose priests will have a purple spider mark on their foreheads, which is the mark on this spider's head, which is enough to show Her identity. Generally speaking, there should be a large dark elf clan in the place where the queen avatar is located, that is, there may be a dark elf tribe nearby. "

Dafei said with a loud voice: "This ogre is still quite powerful. He even grabbed a demigod to eat!"

Lamia clapped and praised: "Miss Elena is very reasonable. There used to be a dark elven tribe here, but now it may be in the slave market of the demon city or in the slave mine. As for this patron saint, It was defeated by the demon army, and it was unexpectedly reduced to ogre food. "

Dafei was so surprised: "So it is!"

Although Da Fei is not interested in the origin of the spider, anyway, he is also the **** of the dark elves, and it seems too blasphemy to eat it directly. So Ganke asked, "Elena, what do you think of this corpse?"

Elena shook her head: "Adults don't need to care about my feelings. I don't like this god. I suggest let Lilim devour her. They are more compatible, and the improvement should be greater."

Da Fei clapped his hands: "Okay, let Lilim eat!"

Elina sighed: "But I care more about the Dark Elves who are slaves in the Demon City. If the adults have the conditions, try to save them."

Dafei laughed: "Okay. No problem!"

Corpse removal continued. Following the spider carcass. There were various young dragons one after another. The monster's body was dragged out. Lamia explained one by one with due diligence: "This is the young body of the black dragon. It usually appears as a mercenary. The adult black dragon is almost underground. Invincible existence. "

"This is the three giant dogs of purgatory, with the title of land fire-breathing dragon, but unfortunately there is no place in front of the heavenly danger of this underground river."

"This is a marsh-headed snake, and its presence here indicates that the hunting range of the ogre has expanded to a fairly vast area below the ground ..."

And Lamia introduced one each. Dafei's system prompts rang:

System Tip: Your "Lion Heart Empire Encyclopedia" compiles notes to get the "black dragon" illustrated book and incomplete information.

System Tip: Your "Lionheart Empire Encyclopedia" compiles notes to get the illustrated book of "Three Great Purgatory Dogs" ...


Da Fei took a deep breath. The harvest of this battle is not only material. The reputation of humanity has also risen with the water. Such a monster is easy and rich, and he must fight more!

Dafei asked about this, "Miss Lamia, is there a tribe similar to this kind of ogre?"

Lamia shook her head and smiled: "Master, as long as the whole area is a large force similar to the Dark Elves, it has already been crusade by the Hell Army, and the weak monsters have been done by the ogres for the adults. A similar existence exists. But if there is relevant information, I will pay attention to adults. "

Dafei feels as if he is lost: "So it is. Hey!"

At this moment, Tamillah rejoiced to report: "Master, Lord of the City. With the addition of the corpse, another 30 demons were born in the barracks."

This effect is really immediate! Da Fei Xin comforted: "Very good! They are not needed to carry this heavy physical work, so let's devote ourselves to the cause of digesting corpses."

Tamilia exhilarated: "Yes, sir! Also, I just checked that the energy of these purple light magic diamonds is very high, it is no longer in the category of ordinary resources, it should be a very high-end rare material gem, may I ask Are you dumped into the central lake to continue cultivating vines? "

The more upscale, the better! Da Fei thought without hesitation: "Of course it is all cultivated!"

Ramia was surprised: "Master, are you sure you don't want to stay? Even in hell, this purple diamond is quite rare, because it comes from a very remote ice purgatory instead of the usual thunder hell. And purple diamond has The cooling effect is to arrange purple diamonds in each part of the hull to help resist the hot high temperature of hell. After all, how powerful this Holy Vine and the Flying Lord of the Lord is also wood, which is inherently afraid of fire. "

Da Fei's brow flew, and he suddenly remembered the ice crystal coral that helped him through the difficulties in Yanhe Hell!

Dafei exclaimed: "Purple diamonds still have this purpose!"

Lamia smiled bitterly: "Of course! This is the most direct use, a little higher than the use of ogres."

Tamilia then realized: "Since these magic diamonds are so precious, we don't use them. Anyway, the corpse alone is enough to feed the Holy Vine."

Fei Fei nodded: "Okay, then scattered in various places in the cabin according to the purpose of Lamia!"

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

Da Fei said with emotion: "Lamiya, thanks to your reminder, otherwise I'm really a violent thing!"

Lamia smiled even more sweetly: "As the lieutenant of the host, of course I must do the most intimate service for the host! I want to let the host know how good I am in all aspects!"

Dafei spit out with a smile: "Every aspect? Really looking forward to it"


When Dafei was busy loading ships to search for the results, hundreds of Hell Japanese players in Fire Cave City also prepared carts and carts to form a huge convoy to drive out of the edge of the enchantment, and began to search for diamonds everywhere. . The players responsible for reconnaissance and exploration have long been mobilized in all directions, and began their journey into the dark underground world.

At the same time, the Japanese players who are on the Bright Alliance side are not idle. Although they cannot find a place to use in the cold and scary God battlefield, a more secret big task is waiting for them.

That's right, that's the plan of "Falina" of the sliding head to attack No. 3 battlefield. Although Farina's identity is confusing, at least the matter she wants to do is in the interest of the **** people in Japan, and Mitsubishi has no reason not to cooperate.

However, for strict confidentiality and not to be obstructed by players from China, all Bright League Japanese players will only receive mission notifications before the operation begins. Of course, no one would think that when the whole world is attracted by the new battlefield, the Japanese district will return the carbine on the wall of the ancient tree on the 3rd.


At 2:30 pm Beijing time, the ogre's lair was ransacked, and the Hover, loaded with a large number of corpses and magic diamonds, set off again, but because it takes time to digest the corpses and produce the evil demon, the Hover was not in a hurry. So simply drift slowly along the underground river, and by the way, you can save the fuel of the boat in the sky.

Time is too casual for Dafei. It is not important for Da Fei to kill or live in other countries. Now it is Da Fei's personal robbery time. (To be continued ...)

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