God Rank Hero

: Chapter 1278

At 15 pm Beijing time, when the novelty eyes of the whole world focused on the new battlefield Cold Emerald City with meteorites, when the elite players participating in the national war all over the city delved into the mystery of the Cold Emerald Mine, it has long been forgotten. Suddenly the lights flashed on the 3rd Old Tree Wall Plaza. Thousands of players from the Japan Bright Alliance appeared.

As soon as these players appeared, they gathered in various streets, barracks, and walls of the city in accordance with the instructions just obtained, and the entire city was blocked in an instant!

Then hundreds of elite undercover players from the special operations team who had already been seated according to the plan shot. Their goal was to assist the slipper and "Falina" to set fire to kill the generals in an alley that the patrol must pass through. An important lieutenant! This is the easiest target to be selected after repeated observation and research of the sliding head nerve.

I have to say that the victory of the No. 3 city wall and the tiredness over many days really let the NPC defenders relax! Of course, it is not useless to relax. As long as there is no interference with the opponent's killing of the red name, no matter how savvy npc is, it is difficult to face Japanese players' tactics to block the road!

Moreover, even if the road blockage is about to fail, players who block the road will not hesitate to actively attack the npc with the red name to delay the battle in front of them, and make time for the followers to block the road block again!

The screaming alarm sounded throughout the city, and the white light of the death of Japanese players in the streets and streets of the city rose and fell like sky-high fireworks between the festivals. This is the price of pitting the same camp during the National War, not only the experience of death, but also the resurrection directly in the prison equivalent to the title! But all sacrifices are necessary.

At the same time, at the first scene of the assassination of the lieutenant, when Falina took the shot and three black lights came down from the sky to cover the entire lieutenant patrol regiment, all players who were fighting at the scene, the Mitsubishi headquarters behind the scenes command shocked the scene!

The slippery **** exclaimed, "This is the legendary super artifact curse armor!"

"How is it possible!" The Mitsubishi team was in a blast, but no one questioned their eyes! These 3 layers slow down and reduce defenses. The reduced curse effect is indeed the curse armor effect announced during the beta!

Then, if you want to confirm the percentage as a super artifact, you only have to wait for one thing and Farina really didn't let everyone wait long. Next moment, Farina raised her hand. Immediately after that, a deceleration delay was released **, the lieutenant team has been slowed down at a slow rate!

"Additive delay **!"

At this moment, the headquarters of the Mitsubishi Corps stood up in a blast!

That's right, whether it's players or npc. Of course, the same spell that you release is impossible to stack, but it covers the effect of refreshing the previous spell. The only thing that can be superimposed is the special effects of the artifact! This is indeed the curse of the super-artifact no doubt!

As a professional player, everyone knows what it means to curse armor! In other words, this farina is equivalent to a humanoid artifact, and its value is beyond imagination.

At this moment, the slippery **** cried in excitement on the spot: "Juns, do you still believe that such an existence will still be the sub-hero of the player? Even if she used to be, Dafei will fire her without taking back the super artifact? Of course, the more important thing is , May Dafei have such a super artifact? "

Tsukamoto said with emotion: "As long as there is a super artifact. Everything else is not important!"

The accidental appearance of the Cursed Armor made the ambush that had a chance of winning a big deal no suspense. When the npc lieutenant team was completely destroyed, Fallina took off the druid headdress of the lieutenant. That was the druid. The status symbol will only be lost if the battle dies.

"Warrior, see you at the base!"

"Victory!" At this moment, Mitsubishi Command applause!

Sliding God is excited to stand up and shake hands with his teammates one by one. From the perspective of Sliding God at this time, this is the most important first step to possess Falina.


At this moment, in the underground world, Da Fei is still waiting for Elina's news on the underground river bank. At the same time he was worried about Deirdre's situation. It is only at this time that Dafei will hope in the bottom of his heart that players in Japan can be more reliable.

At that moment, the message of Da Fei's friend rang, and he took a look. It's blood Wei Qiqi again.

Blood Wei Qiqi: "Feige, just now suddenly there were thousands of Japanese players in the Japanese area gathered on the wall of No. 3 ancient tree and killed a group of npcs. It seemed like a big move! Should we send someone back to the No. 3 battlefield ? "

Lying down! Of course not, you have to make Deirdre a killer in the right direction! But apparently Deardle succeeded in listening to this situation? well!

Da Fei perfunctoryly said: "This, I don't know, I can't wait for the players in Japan to mess around. As long as they don't mess with the Cold Emerald City."

Xuewei Qiqi was surprised: "The battlefield between Cold Emerald City and Fire Cave City really was developed by Fei Ge?"

Dafei haha ​​laughed: "Yeah, accidentally the specifications are a bit high, it seems to be a divine war? In short, I personally suggest ha, if you have the strength, go and concentrate on finding the Sirena mixed mission, I am a tree god, and my brothers are mixed to protect the law. As for the other NPCs in the battlefield, the specifications are low, and the task achievement rewards are also taken. Whatever? Why are they all in Japan? In one thing, why are we still so broken? It's a big deal when everyone comes along with the **** of trees and kills them to get back to the task again! "

Xuewei Qiqi was startled and said, "Fei brother, what is your protection method?"

Dafei was smirked in surprise, and showed his professional law-protection career bonus: "The ancient tree gods' law-protection method, strategic attack and defense +30, are you afraid?"

Xuewei Qiqi exclaimed: "Oh my God, this job bonus is too fierce! It's just two more pieces of equipment!"

Dafei laughed: "So, what should you do, don't ask me, I'm busy chasing after the devil!"

Xuewei Qiqi hurriedly said: "I see, disturb Fei brother!"

Huh! It ’s good to know, let ’s help the brother stabilize the cold emerald battlefield! Just when Da Fei was feeling sorrowful, Serbia hurried over with joy.

Dafei could not help but start listening.

Sure enough, Serbia was excited: "Dilderi has heard the news that she has taken over the post of Deputy Staff Officer at the Demon Headquarters!"

Really? Dafei asked Lamia: "Miss Lamia, what is the staff officer?"

Ramia's face sank: "I was the officer I used to be under the general."

Da Feile was happy: "It seems she has taken up your post?"

Lamia's face changed, and then he grinned: "Since I have followed the master, those officials are meaningless, and it is not worth me to be jealous! Lord, in fact, I still have a way to destroy the Shadow City."

Dafei was overjoyed: "What is it?"

Ramia said lightly: "Of course I transformed into the shadow, but in order not to cause any doubt, I need that Miss Ista and three dancers to serve me." (To be continued.) H211

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