God Rank Hero

Chapter 1280: Shadow Prince

Now, Lamia returned to the center village to disguise herself in the enemy city. Da Fei's tactics for launching snakes have been officially implemented: Elina continues to preside over the continuous cast of earthquakes, all the searchlights and cabin lights on the Flying are turned on, and under the mapping of the water on the river, the Flying is as if it is a dark underground world. A lighthouse, like an oil lamp in a wheat field to kill insects!

Since it is to seduce the enemy, you must do a good job in the surrounding defense. The eight gargoyles recovered from the Battlefield of the Light Pool were once again put to great use, and they were monitored by Da Fei in eight directions around the distant part of the Fei Xiang. However, in the dark environment, the vision of the gargoyle was greatly affected. Then only the falcons sent by the blood eagle and fire dance classmates can make up for it.

Of course, you can also send two leaders with reconnaissance charm Emperor Didi and Lili. However, as Dafei ’s first master ’s enlightenment experiment, their skills are too complicated to be a great tool. At the same time, Dafei has never had the opportunity to train them and has no heart to wash them. How much survivability would have been killed without even risking it. Dafei still decided not to send them.

With emotion, Alicia came over, and she said happily, "Master, Lord, I don't think the scene is big enough!"

Dafei laughed: "You want to copy a phantom? Yes! Anyone is idle is also idle."

Alicia laughed: "It must be of course, but it is not enough. Now that the Lord Lord is ready to seduce the enemy, why not light a huge bonfire in a place where our vision is limited? It can eliminate some annoying poisonous moths. Harassment can broaden our horizons and make the enemy see more clearly. "

Dafei suddenly realized: "Yeah! The more I can't ignite underground, the more I will point, okay, Zavala, you will bring an angel army to transport a batch of wood to point a bonfire around the circle!"

"Yes, sir!"

Alicia laughed: "Also, Miss Elena's earthquake alone is not enough. We should also let Miss Serbia play and sing with 300 militia flower demons!"

Dafei laughed: "Okay! Serbia, hurry up!"

Serbia glanced at Alicia: "Captain, she's boring! I'm busy, I want to receive Dildeli's messages at all times!"

Alicia sighed: "Who said I was bored? I'll have to control the two illusions to fly around very busy!"

Serbia cut out: "You clearly play!"

play? She clearly saw that the newcomer Lamy Asia Pacific was too hot. So hurry to consolidate while she's away? Wow ha ha elf beauty is so implicit!

Dafei waved his hand happily and smiled: "Okay, let's hurry up, but we have to show the power to the dark elves who observe us in secret, and all kinds of high-end technologies are brought out to convince them, and then use them Several brilliant victories completely conquered them! "

"I see! Got it!"

As Serbia's piano sounded. The illusion of the two brightly lit airships of Alicia also jumped out, and the perimeter of the Flyboard was also illuminated by a circle of bonfires. This battle was just as lively as the festival, and Dafei himself was a little dim.

At this moment, Da Fei's tactical thinking is gradually taking shape. That's right, before Lingguang came up with this tactic of attracting snakes and holes, Da Fei was actually very confused about the specific implementation of the siege, so he could only obey Lamia's infiltration plan. Now, after the tactical thinking is formed, Dafei has a complete set of guerrilla plan consumption plan, which can further cope with Lamia's sneak action. Then the question is. Will the enemy come? It would be a waste of expression if the enemy did not come and the dark elves did not come.

However, to believe in the npc deputy, npc said that it may come, then it will most likely come, and the system will never make players feel boring and boring in some aspects.

The system did not disappoint Da Fei. Five minutes later, the first batch of visitors finally arrived. They were fist-sized poisonous moths, some of which revolved around the bonfire on the periphery. Most of them flew towards the Feixiang, and then began to attack the stand-by alert forces on the deck. Of course, the moth extinguished the fire.

The moths are here. Little monster, can the big army be far behind?

At this moment, Elina was excited and excited: "The presence of moths indicates that there must be a large group of robes and mushrooms in the surrounding area. This is the main source of food for the cavemen's slaves, and also the hungry food for the dark elves when they are down, This shows that there is a nearby environment where remnants of dark elves hide and make a living. "

"Mushrooms?" Dafei suddenly remembered the scene of fighting with Sartre. Looks like the moth is similar to this moth?

Da Fei asked, "Is there any dark and natural power in the mushroom group?"

Elina laughed: "This is a field that adults will perceive. We elemental warlocks cannot answer this question for adults."

Da Fei said with a loud voice: "That is to say, as long as we find the mushroom group, we may find the location of the dark elves?"

Elina laughed: "It can be said that even if they do not want to appear, we can still find the mushroom clusters by scouting the source of moths. In fact, the environment near the underground river is generally humid and suitable for mushroom clusters. The river search should also find something. Even after the ogres can find them and kill the spiders, are we not as good as ogres? "

That's it! The solution to the problem in this game is really not the only one. OK, even if there is not much success in robbing the city, this hidden downcast dark elven tribe must be taken over!

Just as Dafei talked and laughed, the gargoyle guard post on the outer periphery of Dafei Radar suddenly flashed red, and then the radar in the area became black!

System prompt: One of your Gargoyle sentries is dead!

Dafei smiled slowly: "Dead? How did you die?" I pulled it! My brother's gargoyle hangs without seeing anything else! Did n’t even have one red dot on the radar? The key question is, is the brother's gargoyle in a petrified camouflage state, so simply killed?

Elena chanted: "Master, prepare to fight!"

I ca n’t wait to think about it, Da Fei waved with a big hand: “Everyone gets into the ship and enters the cabin!” That ’s right, as long as he got into the cabin, he would shrink into the fortress and stand in an invincible position. Count.

When the Da Fei boarded the ship, the red light on the Da Fei radar exploded, and suddenly a large number of fuzzy red dots hit on the radar suddenly, and the voice of the three elders sounded: "The warrior is hidden in the ectopic plane. In the army! "

Lying down! Stealth Flying Legion! ?

At the same time, a cloud of red mist appeared around Da Fei. It was Ramia. She hurriedly said, "It is the Hidden Bat Regiment of Shadow Prince Hirser. He is very powerful, and he is advised to avoid it!"

Dafei stunned, "Prince?"

Lamia sighed: "It was the offspring of the former Lord of the Dark Elves to surrender to the Demon King's descendants in order to survive, and it is the best hybrid Dark Elf hero. Even the devil shuddered! "

Just then, Elena spoke: "It seems to be the same character as my brother, Regra, my lord, I suggest to fight him first! If we can't defeat him, then I can't defeat my brother ! "

Dafei gritted his teeth: "Okay, I also want to see how he can take my Flying!" (To be continued.) H211

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