God Rank Hero

Chapter 1282: Dark Elves Appear

A high-pressure water cannon is different from a conventional cannon. It is a continuous guided attack, so a little prince who accidentally was affixed to the ground no matter how struggling and rolling, the water column sprayed against him like a shadow, leaving him without breaking away Room for it!

At this moment, Katrina's weird laughter rang through the ship. Dafei knows that he will win! Unless he can escape with the teleportation of Fire Phoenix. But Dafei will not give him this opportunity!

With a big wave of Da Fei's hand, when the whole army was about to embrace and kill him, Elina did shout, "Master, let Lilim catch it. This kind of heroic threat can't let him die back!"

The sink reminded me that Brother's gameplay is catchy now! Dafei hurriedly shouted, "Catch it!"

"Received! Got it!"

Katerina laughed: "Wait for his energy before I run out!"

Dafei nervously said, "Don't kill yourself!"

Seizure is a highly difficult technique. It is only effective for hero units and npc units that do not have the power of resistance. Similarly, usually only heroes and npcs can capture each other. Conventional arms have limited intelligence. It is impossible to do so. They will only kill enemy heroes without resistance.

And the meaning of no resistance is not only physical strength and redness, but also zero, and there is a state of "dying coma" that is systematically determined. For example, Cindy Gossa was in this dying state. This state is very difficult to grasp. Kill someone by accident.

But Lilim's ice spider silk is obviously different. She successfully captured Ramia and showed her amazing strategic value! That's right, if it weren't for Deirdeli's use, Dafei wouldn't have known that Lilim had this ability! Lilim's capture ability is matched with the innocuous impact of the water cannon, which is indeed a pair of golden partners for capture heroes.

The abnormal state of the enemy hero directly led to the weakening of the enemy ’s offensive. The choir of the three hundred flower demon of Serbia once again gained the upper hand, and the interference of the giant bat on the sound wave was indeed very obvious. Their flight began to wobbly and unstable, and the giant bat legion in this state is no longer an opponent of the angel legion, and the giant bat knight has been constantly knocked down!

Da Fei laughed. It turned out that the seemingly superior giant bat had such a short board that it was no wonder that the Devil looked down! Actually. This giant bat is similar to several volcanic foxes and wolves collected by Dafei. There are sonic attacks, and the magic fox also has the ability to sneak. In fact, it is not a very bad army.

Looking at more and more giant bats being shot down, Da Fei couldn't help but be filled with emotion. If it weren't for the opponent's coach, the player who ran into this battle and was not sure to lose now is himself. After all. The coach of the other party was too wavy, and fortunately he rushed out without having a fever in his head. In short, we will learn lessons in the future. As long as it is such a big battle that bears the safety and security of the entire army. No matter how aggressive you are, you must shrink back in the safest place and never give the enemy a chance to behead.

Finally, when the enemy hero on the local ceiling came up with a "suffocating coma" status data, Lilim shot out again!

System prompt: Battle victory! You captured the enemy's coach Hirser, and you gain +6.25 million experience! You get the "Victory of the 32nd Campaign", with an additional 100% bonus to the Psalm of War skills, you gain 20 command power, and 10 world reputation. You spread the reputation of the Sirena Earth Deity +62,000.

System prompt: Congratulations. After the baptism of battle, your Legion of Nature's Guardians successfully raised to level 5. Get Legion Attribute Attack +5, Defense +5, Life +1, Damage +1, and get the Legion Stunt "Advanced Light Shelter"

Advanced Light Shelter: Creatures in the legion are sheltered by light power, and the effects of the curse of dark creatures are reduced by 25%, and the effect of light magic is increased by 10%.

System prompt: Congratulations! Your flower demon militia unit grows in battle and is promoted to the elite flower demon militia unit. The value of the flower demon attribute has been greatly improved!

Flower demon militia unit: Elite spirit unit of small size, attack 13, defense 7, damage 4-8, life 56, mana 40, magic resistance 40%, physical strength 150. The command value is 0 (the worship of the demon worship and the selenium medal reduction and command increase bonus) special effects: flying creatures, production gardeners, clarinet playing.


"Victory!" The army was cheering!

Da Fei was finally relieved! Finally, I won, but the long-lost Natural Guardian Legion has been upgraded. If I do n’t upgrade, I almost forgot its existence. What excites Dafei most is that these 300 militia flower demon actually promoted to the elite!

Have to say, dangerous! If you are not on the water now, there are voyagers who have increased their maximum survival by 50% and their sea monster hunters by 20%. This flower demon may not be able to survive the sonic confrontation just now!

Generally speaking, the more anemic low-level troops are, the harder it is to advance, because it is difficult to guarantee their survival. As long as they are killed once, even if they are resurrected, they are basically abandoned, and they are hopeless. In short, it is good to survive. Although the attributes of even the elite are nothing but the level of the 4th level soldiers, they are still weak, but they did not die when they were low-level, and it is even more difficult to die after becoming an elite. The future is bright!

Sighing with sorrow, he personally brought back the enemy coach wrapped in a cocoon.

Elena sneered: "Let's see what this half-blooded prince looks like!"

Da Fei also laughed and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you how to fix it!"

Elina laughed: "Rest assured, don't want to go back alive anyway! I believe that as long as he kills his giant bat legion, the action behind the adult will be much less threatening."

Lamia did say: "Master, for the confidentiality insurance of the subsequent operations, I am inconvenient to appear in front of any enemy forces, and I avoid it."

"Um, okay!" Although Da Fei didn't think the prince could go back alive, what if the other party ran away? So Lamia's caution is indeed quite necessary.

At this moment, 箩 er brought this group of silk cocoons to the crowd of Da Fei, and then dialed the silk cocoons at the beginning. The appearance of a pair of long-eared elves with sharp angles on their foreheads appeared in front of everyone.

Actually horned? Isn't it the same as the dancers of Ista? Dafei asked Elina in shock: "Your brother looks like this?"

Elina frowned and said in disgust: "No, this should be more mixed with demon blood." Speaking here, perhaps considering the feeling of Ista, Elina turned the topic: "My mother Tudd Hannah is a very powerful dark elf. Even if my brother was born in combination with a demon, his bloodline is biased towards the elf, and he will not become his strange look! "

At this moment, the prince in the silk cocoon opened his eyes coldly: "This is a symbol of high-level creatures, you low-level creatures will not understand. I advise you to better let me go, otherwise you Is very miserable! "

Elena said lightly, "It seems that the demon's stupidity has also been inherited!"

Dafei chuckled and said, "Let Tammelia **** him up with Santa?"

Tamilla smiled bitterly: "That scares Ramia. Taking heroes with Sacred Vine will lead the hero to commit suicide. The dead Phoenix Phoenix is ​​an example."


Elina said lightly: "Leave it to me, and use the sacrificial tradition of the Dark Elves to sacrifice him to the Rose Spider. I believe the Queen must be very happy, so that she can destroy this enemy and gain the power of the Queen Reward, kill two birds with one stone! "

Da Fei said, "Okay, just do it! Then hurry up?"

Elina laughed: "The sacrifice requires a special day, and he can only be locked up for a while! I believe Miss Tamilla will never let him out of trouble this time, right?"

Tamilia said positively: "I will not make the same mistake a second time. I will cultivate a holy vine cage to continuously absorb his physical and mana, so that he has no chance! But Miss Elena is not unbelieving Behind Rose? "

Elina Haha laughed: "But this doesn't prevent the Dark Elves from paying tribute to her! The relationship between our herds and the Queen Spider is a mutual use!"

At this moment the prince said coldly: "You won't be alive until the sacrifice time comes, our army will definitely save me out!"

Elina said coldly, "Look then, is there any value in His Royal Highness being saved?"

The prince shouted, "Of course! I am a prince! I have obtained countless feats for Lord Demon! You are just waiting to die!"

Da Fei couldn't help but have fun. Seeing him like this is like Lamia said that it is an unseen prince who needs to prove to show its value.

Da Fei waved his hand: "Then Tamilia take him down, and let Lilim guard him."

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in the dark corner of the river bank, and a firework soared into the sky!

Elena was overjoyed: "Get a response! This is the Lily Flower of Contact for the Dark Elves!"

Da Fei laughed and laughed, "Sure enough, he was watching us secretly!"

Elena laughed: "I'll meet them!"

"No need! I'll see it alone!" As soon as the words fell, a vague shadow appeared on the dark river bank.

Da Fei was so pleased that he finally appeared. This is definitely the rhythm to come to! And it's definitely worth watching for the other side!

Elena asked excitedly, "Excuse me, are you the dark elves of the former Shadow City?"

Shadow said: "Exactly! You are the main mother who keeps sending out contact signals? I don't know that there is such a main mother in the Dark Elves family! And the signal you sent is too public, and it has alarmed the magic Studio City's Hell Corps, what do you want to do? "

Elena laughed: "I came across the area to destroy the demons, and at the same time rescued the editors, and I found the corpse of the spider. You have no way out, follow me!"

Shadow said: "No problem! But I hope you go back with me to meet our captain! This is not my decision!"

Elena laughed: "No problem!"

His jaw dropped in shock: "It's that simple?"

Elina laughed, "It's that simple!" (To be continued.)

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