God Rank Hero

Chapter 1284: Obsidian mine in the camp

Facing the question of the Shadow Witch, the Black Scout replied: "Exactly, I saw them defeating Hilthe's Giant Battalion and captured Hilthe alive!"

The crowd was shocked: "Hill Ciel was alive?"

Elena laughed: "Exactly, I was Elina who came across the demon to slay the demon. During the operation to destroy the ogre's lair, she accidentally found the corpse of the spider. I ’m here to rescue you. I hope you will join us and fight against the demons together! "

The witches asked, "Can you help us regain Shadowland?"

Elina shook her head and laughed: "You are strong, but your vision is too low. What is a polluted Shadow City? Follow me, our goal is a new world rich in resources, and all races in the world are starting to be there Blocked by God's blessed supercontinent, our dark elves have no reason to shrink behind them! "

The witches rejoiced: "We are willing to join the heroic team!"

System prompt: 27 leader-level shadow witches, 16 leader-level **** girls, and 11 leader-level shadow scouts admiring your achievements to join your team!

System prompt: You have recruited a large number of leader-level troops, you have obtained the information of god-level leadership, Elena has obtained the information of god-level leadership!

Let me go! All are ss-class troops! Da Fei's chin all fell down, which is totally equivalent to finding a hidden treasure chest and sending it directly! Dafei can't wait to start looking at the properties of these troops:

Shadow Witch: Shiva, a small leader-level humanoid, attacking 86, defending 46, hurting 65-89, attack speed 13, moving speed 9. Life is 2560, mana is 3000, magic resistance is 75%, command value is 150 (by Elina, command value will be 50), and physical strength is 180. Stunt: Long range shooter. Creature (Master Dark Magic, Master Destruction Magic, Master Meditation), Shadow Stealth, Sacrifice.

Sacrifice: The shadow witch can sacrifice (kill) some creatures before the battle to increase the damage of the entire army. The sacrifice effect lasts up to one week. The sacrificial effect is determined by the total life of the sacrificed creature.

Bloody Maiden: Leah, a small leader-level humanoid. Attack 46. Defense 24, damage 31-40, attack speed 20, movement speed 16, life 1130, magic resistance 50%, command value 50 (by Elina command command value will become 16), physical strength 160. Stunt: Lethal strike, sensitive dodge. Shadow sneaks, high speed assault.

Mortal Strike: The Bloody Maiden has a very high chance of hitting double damage crit, and a certain chance of hitting triple damage.

High Speed ​​Assault: The Bloody Girl can consume 50% of her physical strength and double the speed of battlefield movement.

Shadow Scout: Theron, a small leader-level humanoid, attack 35, defense 19, damage 25-31, attack speed 13, movement speed 15, life 1030, magic resistance 50%, command rate 50 (submitted to Elina) The command rate will be 16), Stamina 190, Stunts: Poison Crossbow Shot, Poison Dagger Attack, Poisonous Trap, Master Scout (Shadow Sneak).


Looking at the attributes of these leader creatures flying is amazing, not to mention that the shadow witch's attributes are close to their angel legion, just the **** girl's attack speed is almost numb to the scalp! What's even better is that their bodies are hot and matched with bikini warframes. The degree of wind is comparable to that of the banshee, and the point is very high! This kind of arms should be watched from time to time as the Emperor Emperor protects, no, play reward! Wa hahaha!

Dafei couldn't help but admire: "It's strong, it's excellent!"

The shadow witch named Shiva replied: "Thank you for your appreciation, when the Shadow City was captured by the demons, a thousand people fled under the leadership of the Rose Spider. After a hundred years of struggle, they finally managed to Those who survive are the strong, and hope we can become a powerful fighting force for adults! "

Dafei laughed: "Okay, you will be led by Elena in the future!"

Elena laughed, "Thank you, Lord!"

The witches rejoiced, "As I wish!"

At that moment, the leading scout spoke, "Master, our entry has undoubtedly alarmed the demon, or it will not be long before the army of demons will come and attack our camp, please prepare early!"

Da Fei asked quickly, "You said on the way, our camp is valuable. What is the value?"

Shiva replied, "Reporter, our camp is actually an obsidian mine secretly developed at that time, please follow me!"

Elena was overjoyed: "There is such a precious mine! Let us take a look!"

Let me go! Do n’t say that you have to send mine! Da Fei said, "What is the role of obsidian?"

Elina laughed: "Obsidian mines have a large amount of dark energy, which is an important raw material for the creation of dark artifacts, but they are usually ground into powder after purification to be used as a medium to enhance the magic effect of darkness. The possibility of dark natural power that adults need, after all, is dark energy. "

Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "That's it! How many reserves do you have?"

Shiva said positively: "Only 2,000 units have been mined in this century, and 500 units have been purified. As for the remaining reserves that have not been mined, at least tens of thousands, even tens of thousands. I suggest that if the adults want to retreat, take away the 500 units of refined concentrate. "

Dafei frowned! Tens of thousands of reserves! Hundreds of thousands! I ’ll take it. Under normal circumstances, it ’s not a big guild that ca n’t swallow it at all? But it doesn't matter, Brother has already prepared the teleportation artifact from the warehouse of Hongming Village from Thain! If it is a general resource such as sulfur and mercury, of course, it is not worth brother to start the transmission, but this obsidian obviously has this qualification!

"Take away 500?" Da Fei waved with a big hand: "I want to take all!"

The shadow scout stunned: "Even if the adults 'warships have this ability, but we do not have the capacity, during the time when the mines are constantly transported from the mine camp to the adults' warships, the devil will definitely fight!"

Dafei laughed, "No problem, as long as this cave is big enough, no problem!"

Before speaking, Da Fei had followed the witches into the deep cave, and the mushroom forest on the way was really flourishing. At this moment, the black light flashed on Da Fei's radar:

System prompt: Your dark psychic has found the power of darkness in front of it. Is it possible to use dark psychic to approach absorption?

Let me go! Sure enough, where there is a mushroom forest, there is the power of darkness and nature. This is not enough to send beautiful arms, even mines with magical power? Wow ha ha ha, good! This mine brother is settled. Although the demon army will let the horse come, he will stand with you! (To be continued.)

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