God Rank Hero

Chapter 1286: Build another warehouse

It is 15 pm Beijing time and 16 pm Tokyo time, and the Mitsubishi Command has set up three teams that are highly busy. A group of killing Guan Bai is fully responsible for the decisive battle of the city of gods and punishments in China. In the second group, Captain Tsukamoto personally directed the collection of diamond mines outside Huo Grottoes in the district and explored the way out of the mine. The three groups are under the command of the sliding head of all the bright league undercover players in Japan to make a comeback to the No. 3 ancient tree wall battlefield.

At this time, the 12 main members of the group where Killing Life Guanbai was located were rewarded by the demon king who defended the **** fortress for killing the defensive officer of the city of punishment. In addition to attacking defense magic knowledge +10 each, life mana +500 In addition to the basic attribute rewards, the more important thing is that long-term merit accumulation (mainly accumulation in the European Union) has finally given everyone the ultimate reward of "noble blood"!

The world power of the devil is supreme, and the foundation of the supporting force is the blood of the demon race. The so-called high-end demon usually refers to the devil with noble blood. There are only 80 demon families in total. The demon, and other demons other than that are all low and middle ranks, including the abyss blood demon king.

Although the power of the Abyss Blood Demon King can rival some high-level demons, his bloodline is destined to be only a low-level demon. He can grow to this point only as an individual accident. He cannot guarantee that his offspring can also match He is as strong. But high-end demons are different. Every time a high-end demon is born, he is destined to be a strong one.

This is the essential difference between higher and lower orders. The high-level demons formulated the law of **** order. All low-level demons have obligations, and they should be honored to serve high-level demons and respond to the call of high-level demons.

That is to say, once the 12 main players in Japan have "noble blood", even if their personal strength is not much improved as before, they can summon magic servants. And this demon servant is essentially different from the kind of demon servant that the mortal summons through the contract temporarily, that is, they do not need to pay any price, because this is the "obligation" of the low-level demon!

Of course, even obligations. But after all, the devil's world is "strength first". If the summoner is too weak, the devil servant will not buy it, so the devil servant will test the master's strength.

Killing Guan Bai is responsible for this master's examination of the master. At this time, the Demon's Gate of Hell Fortress is summoned. NPC began to select the magic servants for these outstanding warriors one by one.

The first is killing life.

The npc summoner solemnly said: "Warrior, please choose the strength of the demon servant you need. The strength of the demon servant is divided into s level, a level, b level. C level. But even c level is not your current strength to defeat. Yes, of course, your goals do not need to defeat them. As long as you can support the servants for 1 minute, you can get the approval of the servants, and the servants will respond to your call and fight for you! "

Guan Bai didn't hesitate to kill him: "S class!"

The NPC Summoner was startled and said, "Warrior? Are you sure? Once you fail, you will have to wait until next month to choose the demon servant again!"

Killing off Guan Bai smiled: "Anyway, I just want to see how strong the s-class demon is!"

That's right, in addition to the three main players who are out, as a 12-man main team, killing Guan Bai as the first person to eat crabs has to consider the overall interests of the team. To be precise, it is to ensure the interests of the mobile master. As long as the mobile master can successfully sign the s-class demon, all the other 11 people fail.

"Then, warrior, let you see the power of a s-class demon servant as you wish!"

At this moment, the entire team was boiling: "Leader, come on !!!"


At this moment, Tsukamoto glanced at the large screens in a group, feeling relieved. It doesn't matter whether the test of a group is successful or failed. A group of 12 main players have already possessed noble blood, and they are already on the top of the world's players. Although now being suppressed by Da Fei, Da Fei is just an individual player. The Mitsubishi team is indeed a team with top allies such as the United States, the European Union, etc. It is only a matter of time to catch up with Dafei.

Now, Tsukamoto is paying full attention to the pathfinder operations outside the Fire Cave City, and the headquarters named the "Diamond Road" for this operation on how to return the diamonds.

At present, 31 members of the team have been killed by monsters attacking the road, and their longest exploration distance is only 8 kilometers from the city. This diamond road is indeed very difficult. but. All the hardships are worthwhile. The resources and ore found by these players along the way are just a door for the Mitsubishi team. Tsukamoto is eager to know how deep the treasure is hidden in the depths of the ground?

Now Tsukamoto has set 15 targets for the next step after the return of the main players. As 15 main players were defended three times by Da Fei's corpses, it was no longer possible to go to the New World National War Zone in the first time, but it is also a good choice to stay in the area to develop underground, at least to avoid New World countries Frequent battles between players.

I have to say that Tsukamoto is quite grateful that Dafei opened a treasure door for Mitsubishi this time. So, the question now is, where is Dafei? Is Dafei still exploring deeper? His spaceship has limited carrying capacity and cannot pose a threat to our treasures, so can we just follow in the footsteps he has explored?

Just as Tsukamoto contemplates, some team members report: "Captain, Ono Jun reports something abnormal!"



Land of Exile, Hongming Village.

Since Da Fei gave the Guild a mission to build and upgrade warehouses in Hongming Village before the departure of the National War, Da Fei has no new instructions for three consecutive days. Hongming Village is as boring as ever, except for fishing. No fun at all. And even fishing itself is just as boring and boring.

For soldiers such as Xilai and others, there used to be a phoenix feather to play, but now this only living treasure is gone. Then the rest is chatting with a few sisters in the guild, watching movies online and playing other card games. Maybe Feige doesn't come back from Japan one day, everyone will be so bored every day.

Even so, no one dares to complain, because Haoge has always been sitting on the Diaoyutai. Even big tyrants like Haoge can stand loneliness. How can anyone dare to complain?

Of course, everyone will never know that Haoge has been in the spitting blood of the incarnation "Fresh Orange Treasure" in this time, and his life is very colorful!

Just when everyone thought that today was another boring day, the guild beauty Baihua killed brought Fei Ge's condolences in the chat group: "Fei Ge said, everyone is working hard, wait for him to return to the whole guild to reward equipment! "

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but be shocked: "Feige and his old man finally spoke!"

"Isn't the equipment that Feige wants to reward is below the s-class?"

"Isn't that nonsense? Don't say anything else, just because Feige has defended the 15 mainstays of the Mitsubishi team so many times, God knows that his pants have burst out? How can we give our brothers a set!

Baihua killed with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, Fei Ge keeps the 15 people who haven't killed the light soldiers and can't afford the equipment!"

"Oh, that's right! Isn't that Martian still fishing? He must have been exposed by Feige without any soldiers. Ask him what equipment he lost?"

"Take it down. Hao Ge talked to him and he didn't care. If it wasn't for Hao Ge's generosity, I would have opened a film in Hongming Village to criticize her!"

"It's up to you!"

At this time, looking at the noisy chat group of the guild, Hao Nobuichi Ono began to ponder the meaning of Da Fei's sudden speech. With Dafei's style of ignorance, shouldn't it be a sudden whim to console you?

When the Ono got off the plane and took a physical activity, when he finished the eye exercises and got back on the plane again, the invincible soldier Yi Xilai had already stood behind him: "Hao brother, Hao brother is online!"

"Brother Hao, something big is happening. The angel village chief has issued a new task. Let's build a warehouse!"

The system prompts: Invincible soldiers will share with you the team building mission "Build another warehouse" in exile, will you accept it?

Ono's eyebrows frowned, "Why build a warehouse again?"

"The npc didn't say anything! It only required us to finish it within a week, the sooner the better!"

At this moment, Ono was at a loss, was it that Da Fei was supposed to have something to do with Hongming Village, so he came back early to say hello?


Da Fei, of course, is going to be a problem in Hongming Village! At this time, Dafei ’s entire army ’s large-scale mining development is in full swing, although the central lake ’s absorption of ore is much slower, but it does not prevent the evil demon barracks from sending out troops, and the unicorn wreath is flourishing!

At present, the number of Da Fei's evil demon units has exceeded the 500 mark, and is now advancing towards the 600 mark. Thain's Dengshen space has also delivered 3 waves of 3,000 units, just like the fourth wave.

If it was before, it would be unimaginable for the Dengshen space to start three times in a short period of time, but now for the sacred vine that continuously devours high-level mines and replenishes energy, it is all about fighting for war and virtuous circle! This feeling made Da Fei Shuang fly!

Therefore, when the third wave of Dengshen Express started, Da Fei specially left a note for Elda: "There are many resources. I am afraid that one warehouse is not enough, I hope to build more warehouses!"

That's right, brother is so confident!

Also when a new batch of evil demons joined the ranks of the mining army, the shadow scolded Theron hurriedly to report: "Sir, **** army appeared!"

It's finally here! Very good, brother Feixiang has been eating stones is not good for nutritional balance, it is time to eat meat!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "The whole army returns to the ship and is ready to face the battle!" (To be continued.) H211

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