God Rank Hero

Chapter 1297: Ascension Demon

It is now 17:30 Beijing time, and the quietness of the mine is still continuing. At this time, both the digestion of the lake water in the center village and the transportation of the Dengshen cargo space were already super saturated. The unfinished ore could only be piled under the bottom of the Feixiang ship, and now it has been piled up into a mountain. After all, the cooling time of the Dengshen space is actually quite long. During this time, the continuous transmission of 5 by the super artifact is already the limit of urgent need for rest.

Da Fei looked in his eyes, anxious. Solved the problem of insufficient food and encountered the problem of inability to eat. This life is always so tangled. How much development time will the enemy now give itself?

But the good news is that the number of evil demon has exceeded the 800 mark. All the evil demon are going all out to help digest the **** dog in the gastrointestinal space, and the progress is quite satisfactory. The huge body of the **** dog has shrunk by half, now only There were red muscles clinging to the bones.

At this moment, Tamilia came over to report: "Master, Lord, now the digestion of **** dogs is in trouble. The muscles they now encounter are essentially different from the ordinary flesh and blood on the periphery. This is a lot of lava. The elemental body of the flame, presumably this is also the source of the flames of the **** dog, and the absorption of the flame by the vine is very slow, we need a lot of time! "

What the hell! Sure enough, I ca n’t boast. Now that I have eaten both ways, is that what I think?

Dafei hurriedly said, "Is there any other way to speed up digestion?"

Tamilla frowned: "Yes, that is to strengthen the self with the demon's stunt 'Collect the Flesh Essence', but I can't guarantee whether the demon can get advanced, if not advanced, it will be a waste of this Energy collected half a day. "

(Note: Collecting Flesh Essence: The evil demon can collect the flesh essence energy from the corpse of the dead body of war. The flesh essence energy can be used to support the Holy Vine, or you can use it to restore your own state. The more essence the evil demon uses himself , The higher the end, the greater the chance of evolution properties.)

Dafei frowned. That's right, this stunt of the evil demon is not just a Jianweixiaoshi tablet, it can also strengthen itself! There is nothing to do now. Then all the tricks are used!

Dafei laughed: "Even if it fails, it is for the next advanced accumulation of energy. There is no waste to say. Then do what you say, strengthen the evil demon itself! We need more than the number of evil demon, At the critical moment, the quality of the evil demon is still needed. "

Tammelia nodded: "Okay, Lord City Lord, Lord City Master has a special-level special soldier training technique, which can further improve the chance of the evil demon to advance. This is our great advantage!"

Dafei can't help but, this is pushing the work ahead! I have not only master-level training. Brother, there is an s-level jewelry "Overseer Instructor Medal" which can further improve the chance of training success!

Dafei said, "Okay, let's get started?"

Tamilia said positively: "But Lord City Lord, the progress of the evil demon is undoubtedly under the condition of devoting himself to work, so I recommend Lord City Lord to come to the scene."

Da Fei couldn't help but yell: "Personally?" Then he looked up and pointed: "Is it going to the stomach space?"

Tamilia said positively: "Yes, there are digestive mucus of Saint Vine everywhere, very corrosive, ordinary people can not enter, but I think there is no problem for adults."

Let me go! Let brother enter such a disgusting place, which is also fortunate to play games! But it's not a big deal, I used to be a temporary porter who repaired sewer cables!

Fei Fei nodded: "Go then. Everything is to train the troops!"

"Okay, sir! Please follow me!" Tamilla raised her hand and waved a space door to enter first, and Dafei followed closely behind. Then the eyes blinked, the scene changed, and Da Fei's chest was completely soaked in a pool of boiling bubbling mucus. Then a variety of "corrosion damage -16! Burn damage -15! Toxin damage -12" on the head came out!

System Tip: When you enter the special water environment, your god-level navigator skills will play a role in extreme survival, and your life and physical strength will increase by 50%. Your ultimate sea monster hunter achievement comes into play, increasing your life and energy by 20% ...

Let me go, this is the inside of the Holy Vine! How does this make people who ca n’t fly live?

At this point, Tammelia flew over Da Fei ’s head: "Master City Lord, I will first put the 30 demons first produced into the team of adults. When the energy they collect reaches saturation, I will give Hint. Ask adults to start their stunts then! "

System prompt: 30 evil spirits have joined your team.

I am afraid that only Tamila, who is np, knows which flower demon is the first one to be produced. Dafei nodded: "I see."

There is nothing to say about the following things. Dafei was shocked to find out. In this gastrointestinal space, the blue consumption of the treatment is particularly large, and the treatment is indeed very low, and the blood consumption has just barely been maintained.

Tamilla also reminded: "Master, the Lord of the City, here is actually a sacred realm inside the Holy Vine. There is very little light energy. The Lord of the Lord uses less, and the amount of treatment will be lower and lower. Please pay attention!"

Indeed, the sacred vine that feeds on obsidian ore and flesh is obviously not in harmony with light energy. Fortunately, the more the place where the egg hurts, the more amazing the breakthrough. Brother has long been used to it, and now starts to save energy.

Fortunately, soaking in the mucus is also considered a water war environment. The extreme survival of the navigator and the sea monster hunter have supported himself nearly double the blood, and the restoration of the artifact itself can withstand it.

After a while, Tamilia began to report: "Master Lord, 30 evil demon gather energy to full, you can use stunts."

Can work finally start? Da Fei took a deep breath, and then there was nothing to say, the stunt started!

System Tip: You have used the "Collecting Flesh Essence" stunt on 30 evil demon units, and the 30 evil demon units have absorbed the collected flesh essence energy and gained growth potential!

Da Fei suddenly stunned. Brother has a special-grade special soldier bonus, plus such high-end energy of the beast is just gaining growth potential? Dafei hurriedly opened the properties of the evil demon to view without any improvement! That is, it failed!

At this time, Tamilia was extremely guilty and said, "Sorry, Lord. It seems that with their current qualities, it is still early to advance."

It turns out that np sometimes does not work! Well, this is the same as playing the game with refined equipment and rushing +10 bursts of broken eggs.

Da Fei had to sigh: "It doesn't matter, we can continue to try it, change it."

Tamilia shook her head and sighed: "If it is not even their batch, the evil demon born later will be even worse, so my lord, it is very uncomfortable here, please go back."

Please return? It is even more uncomfortable to return to my brother without power! And once I missed this time, where is there to wait for the brother to fight? Da Fei was unwilling to say, "I can stand it, then let this first batch try again, and let them continue to collect the essence of flesh and blood, after all, they have achieved potential."

Tamilla frowned. "Well, since this is what the adult meant, then I will do it."

Da Fei's blood volume passed with the passage of time one minute and one second. Da Fei treated himself with two more. The effect was worse than once, especially the second one's treatment was low and I couldn't bear to look straight. Da Fei wondered if his third cure could be released?

It seems that once it fails, it is only out. Such a scene of sore eggs reminded Dafei of his promotion to the Angel Army on Yanhe River. The situation at that time was fundamentally different from that now, that is, the angels were in a state of extreme depression. At a glance, they knew that they had been tempered. As long as the daily training and potential information came out, the hope of promotion was quite high. Now these evil demons are in a normal state and have never suffered at all. The difficulty of promotion can be imagined.

That's it, Dafei only hopes that the 30 demons just now can be promoted. When it comes to sailing training, Dafei suddenly found that this day is almost over? That's right, it's 5:30 now, and just over two and a half hours from the last sailing training information, the day in the game is about to pass!

And now the position of the sky boat is not considered nautical, and navigation information may not be available, but you can count on bathing here! OK, wait a few minutes, wait for the navigation training information to come out, brother will start! I won't believe it. Can't you make one out of 30? Brother can't be so lucky to play games!

and many more! Speaking of luck, Da Fei suddenly remembered another thing. He seemed to ignore the most important thing? That's right, when Da Fei was training the emperor, he had already concluded that luck had nothing to do with the promotion of the arms. The promotion of the angel group later proved this, so it was useless to open a lucky hand.

However, the advancement of the evil demon is fundamentally different from the former. The evil demon uses its own stunts to advance, and luck can affect the stunts and equipment stunts, so the lucky hand every time you fly When I was 100% lucky, all the special effects that were rarely seen at that moment were all smashed out.

In addition, Dafei has a god-level lucky skill. The lucky body increases the chance of stunt trigger by 15%! Not to mention that Da Fei's first talent specialty is luck, which increases the effect of luck and related skills as his level increases!

Finally, Da Fei, who realized the key to the problem, suddenly became arrogant: "Tamilia, put all 810 evil demons into my team!"

Tamillah exclaimed: "All? Lord City Lord, as far as I know, the more troops your Majesty has, the more it will affect the success rate of training!"

Dafei laughed: "It's like opening a school, the more students become more successful, the lower the chance, but as long as the absolute number goes up, the lower is the profit! Anyway, there is only one last chance, try your luck!"

"I see!" (To be continued)

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