God Rank Hero

Chapter 1304: Kill the Hell Convoy

In the midst of a big joke, Serbia came over: "Captain, Lamia sent the latest information, the Lord of the Shadow City has begun to guard the entire city, and began to send a large number of garrison forces from the abyss, and began to deploy city defenses. Enchantment. In the enchantment, our army's Flying will not be able to teleport at will. And there may be slight signs that the Lord of the Shadow Studios was injured. "

Dafei snapped suddenly: "Enchantment? Injured?"

The three elders laughed: "This is all an inevitable result. I just don't know whether the city of Syndicate that the Warriors will attack will be strengthened by this."

that's true! If the city grabbing is a one-time deal, then Brother has to do his homework, Dafei instructed: "Reply to Lamia to see if she can teleport to Syndicate to investigate the situation. If not, continue to lurk in the magic The Studios inspected the injury of the owner. "Yes, a wounded Devil-level powerhouse made Da Fei think about it.

Serbia nodded. "I see."

With the new big goal, Da Fei was not interested in continuing to count the temporary results, and Da Fei returned to the Captain's Chamber again to deal with the next battle.

And Lamia's work efficiency is very high, Serbia came over and reported quickly: "Captain, Lamia brought news, the transformation of the magic city immediately alerted the other 7 **** cities ∑, all prison cities They started to be on full alert and began to defend the enchantment, especially Syndicate. As a resource and material center, they gathered a lot of strong men. So Lamia asked the captain not to attack easily. And Lamia also said that she You can try undercover destruction in enemy cities, and ask the captain to indicate where the damage is needed. "

Da Fei frowned. Is this a frightening snake? Robbing this kind of thing is really only as easy as the first vote. The more this situation, the more Lamia's role as a spy behind the enemy can be manifested. The less you can act lightly.

Da Fei replied without a decision now: "Let her continue to collect information in the Shadow City. Don't expose it for now."

"Got it."

What to do next? Can we only resort to wild harassment outside the city? Or. Forcing the enchantment directly to "call" the Bacchus to break the enchantment? But in case it doesn't work, isn't it too bad for me to fly? For a time, Da Fei fell into deep contemplation.

At this moment, the red light on the Dafei radar exploded, and then the voices of the three elders sounded: "Warrior, a large number of **** troops have been found in the front, please stay alert!"

Looking at a large red cloud in the distance from the radar, Dafei felt complacent. The warning range of these three elders is far-reaching, which makes Brother's proud god-level reconnaissance a mess of professional bonuses. In short, immediately send the blood eagle to check first.

After a while, the blood eagle arrived at the target site, and saw a large area of ​​the **** army marching under the ground like a torrent of flames, and could not see the head! What the hell! On this scale, the direction of this operation will not be the more than 100,000 **** army who just besieged the brother just now?

Soon, the Blood Eagle found a machine with a huge drill bit in the team. Behind the machine was a huge convoy of hundreds of transport trailers. The faint black light on the team told Dafei the answer: no wrong. Not only did we contain it, we also dug up the rest of the mine. We are returning to the city happily!


Da Fei is puzzled by the offensive targets behind him. The meal delivered to the door is nothing but nutrition! And during the looting of the Shadow City, Da Fei has become more and more confident about how to play the ground troops. Although the other party has 100,000 people, what can I do? This is the scientific and technological advantage of aliens hanging on the earth!

The next moment, the sky boat was directly transmitted to the top of the convoy, then the gun doors on both sides were fully open, and the arrows on the deck were raining, and the enemy forces around the convoy were cleared!

However, the enemy also responded immediately, and countless sparks exploded in the army formation. The next moment, the flying deck also exploded, and in the sparks were crowded with hundreds of 7th-level soldiers. Transmission appears.

The first time to meet them is the head of the Angel Army led by Ms. Seoul! Thanks to the bonus of Da Fei's anti-sky attack, these big devil fell to the ground before they could fully show up from the teleport! Then their bodies were immediately taken away by rattan sticks out of the deck.

Dafei laughed: "Long-lost meal!"

The transmission of large devil's teleportation continued, and other ground long-range troops also rushed to the bottom of the boat in the sky like a tide and began to shoot a dense fire barrage against the air. Numerous "-1" points of damage came from the bottom of the flying . This makes Da Fei feel the shock of the ant's death!

Da Fei can completely teleport the Sky Boat to avoid their blows and kill their heroes everywhere. But Da Fei didn't want to leave this time. Once the number of teleports in the sky boat was enough, it was urgently needed to replenish it. Secondly, Feifei was afraid that the Feixiang flickered, and these mining fleets fled and fled. At that time, I was really lazy to find them everywhere. And once he flashed, the opponent's body was not concentrated, and he might be sacrificed by the devil on the spot, which was another trouble and loss.

So this time, Dafei decided to use the advantages of the fortress in the sky and their rigidity to the end!

This battle lasted for ten minutes. The corpses of the bottom of the ship of the sky were piled up into a mountain, and the number of high devil as a high-level unit was limited. The army no longer had any counterattack.

At this time, the enemy made the most normal and correct decision, and the heroes led the troops to leave the convoy and fled.

Ran? When thinking about whether to chase after flying, the system prompts:

——System prompt: the battle is over! You defeated the First Army of the Shadow Studios, and you gain 7.64 million experience! You have seized the loot "Special Vehicles: Hell Crusher", you have seized 108 heavy convoys and found a large amount of on-board mineral "Obsidian Mine"! Your Ranger Hate Strike skill gets a hate value of 460,000.

——System Tip: You have achieved the "Victory of the 34th Battle", the war poem skill has an additional 100%, you gain 20 command power, and 10 world reputation. You gain the "Victory of the 25th Brilliant Battle", with an additional 100% bonus to the Psalm of War skills. You gain 40 Command Force, 40 Life, and 20 World Reputation. You spread the reputation of the Sirena Earth Deity as 76,000.


Dafei laughed! This enemy not only helped me run out of mines, but also gave my brother an extra mining machine, and now I do n’t think there are too many mining machines.

Then there is nothing to say. Even if there are tens of thousands of low-level troops, it is not worthwhile for the brother to waste time to chase. Now it is time to move things away. Of course, there are corpses. The corpses of the **** clan's long-range troops are all high-end goods. Don't miss them. Let Nasir come out and eat together! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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