God Rank Hero

Chapter 1306: Go to Huo Grotto for destruction?

Underground space, after half an hour of cleaning, Da Fei's battlefield cleanup is nearing completion, and the enemy's body has been completely digested by the nine hundred evil demon, to be precise, the vine and Nasir assisted by the 960 evil demon. There are only eight thousand obsidian mines left to digest and transport.

Da Fei did not plan to leave until the obsidian mine was completely disposed of.

After half an hour of research, Dafei basically mastered the usage of this s-class map left by Lamia. In fact, it is a magic version of the electronic map. As long as you pass by the place by yourself, the map will automatically draw the rough terrain that can be seen in the field of vision. In this respect, it is similar to the map space beacon sent by Makar that can only be used in the space around the world tree, but obviously it is not as refined as Makar's.

The advanced feature of this map is that the Shadow City buildings that have just been destroyed by the big fly are temporarily erased from the map, and there will be a prompt waiting for the information to be updated. All in all, very easy to use.

Another gain of Dafei is that some monster gathering points have been found near other **** cities in the distance. It is estimated that the strength is similar to that of the ogre tribe. This also provides a new choice for Dafei. But it is too far away, and it is necessary to cross a small half of the earth. When there is nothing to do, you may try it.

While Dafei was tirelessly checking the map, the message of Dafei's friends rang, and it was blood Wei Qiqi: "Fei brother, something big happened, the Japanese area killed hundreds of elite np on the wall of the ancient tree on the 3rd, I heard There are also ten generals' deputies. In Japan, this is the rhythm of the Hell Army's counterattack on the No. 3 wall! "

Dafei suddenly sighed with joy and finally brought good news! This is called the National War. It ’s fun to attack each other. Otherwise, it would be early to leave the hall. Who is going to grab?

Da Fei responded with a dry cough: "Okay. Let them make a noise, and when the noise gets worse, we'll go back and clean up."

Blood Vicki said uneasily, "I see! This, can't you take it off?"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "How can you play off? You have only seen the god-level powerhouse in Hell. Have you seen the god-level powerhouse in Elven Party?"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Ah, I don't seem to see much."

Dafei laughed: "Seeing less is not equal to not. The trump cards are kept last. The elven kingdom has an advantage when it is on the defensive, and the trump cards are not played, let alone the world tree."

That's right, even three god-level druids can run randomly with the brother who is a player. Brother doesn't believe that the 10,000-year history of the elves will not have a large group of god-level strong men in hibernation? If there isn't, then it will be better, anyway, this is Japan. Let everyone spoil together.

Xuewei Qiqi realized: "I see, then we continue to develop in the cold emerald."

Da Fei asked again: "By the way, how is your development in Cold Emerald City?"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "Basically all our players in China have mixed up with the title of a first-order educator, attack +5, defense +5, army life +1, and Feige's big protection method . Other countries are similar. Shalu Khan and Russian tower defense masters are mixed with the Tier 3 cult members.

What the hell! This is the rhythm that pushes Syrena to open the door of convenience and gather the disciples? Dafei laughed: "Why are you being beaten by the third brother of India and the Russian brother Mao?"

Xuewei Qiqi smiled helplessly: "Our main career forces in China are in the development of the big frontier and no battle, we can only be regarded as a second-line level."

Great Edge? Yeah, this is the direction of brother's trumpet and Irving. How long has it been since I didn't know about progress?

Da Fei asked: "How is the development of the Great Frontier?"

"The progress is okay. The diamond mine has begun to work normally, but it cannot be shipped out. The stars have already captured several nests that can produce the Trolls in the mountains on the edge of the desert. The boss of the horse outside Gunsan is not very clear. I heard that Chang Liang has made a lot of money. In short, he can quickly break through. "

Da Fei nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, the masters of foreign areas are like clouds, we in China must not be left behind. Well, you are slowly busy."

"I see. Fei is slowly busy."

At the end of the dialogue, Dafei was very pleased. This is above all players in China. It feels so cool to guide the development of players in China! If it was replaced before, what I fear most about being jealous and jealous is that others become stronger and threaten myself. have to say. A person's realm and measure are indeed proportional to strength.

With emotion, Serbia hurried over. Needless to say, it must be good news.

Sure enough, Serbia sneaked around, and whispered in Da Fei's ear: "Captain, there is the latest news of Deirdre, Deirdre successfully killed the ancient tree No. 3 ..."

Dafei certainly knew why she was so sneaky, because the three elders couldn't know it. And looking at the liver so close to himself, Dafei's most wanted thing to do is to stop him! Da Fei can imagine that if a beautiful woman in reality just exhales in her own ear, this kind of breath, this feeling, can't be tolerated by a man! But hey! Be careful that the liver is not a banshee. Even when playing games, there is always so much to be desired!

Serbia continued: "However, in this operation, Deirdeli was burned to a certain degree by the flames of trial, and the upper limit of life and mana were severely reduced. I am afraid that the general deputy who is jealous of her credit will treat her. unfavorable."

Da Fei suddenly returned to God: "The Flame of Judgment? Decrease the mana limit of life? How can the Alliance NP of the 3rd Ancient Tree Wall have such a powerful thing?"

Serbia frowned: "The legend is a high-level myth. This is the end of the matter, I'm afraid she has to arrange her action separately. The hegemony between **** is often not weaker than on the battlefield, especially now that Deirdeli's strength has declined. status."

Other arrangements, right? That is definitely not to let her on the battlefield. Da Fei's brow froze immediately and she had an idea: "Ask her if she can be a spy in the newly opened Fire Cave City battlefield, or any other city."

Serbia nodded: "Okay, I'll convey the captain's instructions." I took out the banshee contract book and spoke with my fingers on the page.

Brother knows, this must be a magic version of the tablet, right?

The big flight didn't wait long, and Serbia had new news: "Dildely will try to fight. Captain, please wait for news."

Dafei sighed. Then you can only wait. If it doesn't work, don't let her toss, just come back to accompany brother to warm the quilt.


The Mitsubishi Corps headquarters cheered to celebrate the excitement. to be exact. It is the whole Japan that is celebrating the whole country. This battle is completely different from the killing of the angel defender by the city of punishment. This is a common victory for all players in Japan. Showing the overall strength of players in Japan. As for the American factor, it is confidential, of course, and it will be automatically filtered by the Mitsubishi team.

And in a festive headquarters, the loneliness of the gliding **** still needs to continue to advance the task process.

Although Farina successfully won the extremely high praise of the new general, the general also saw the hope of counterattack and set out. However, the general's other aides were indeed very considerate suggestions to rest the injured lieutenant, which reflected the rare "warmth" in the **** world.

The general was not very optimistic about Fallinna's combat strength. Now Fallinna's strength is even more unusable. Therefore, she is very reluctant to let Falina cultivate for a period of time and so on. Sliphead certainly knows what this means.

When Falina resigned from the headquarters, she specialized in medical treatment in the battlefield hospital, while the slipper **** organized a circle to guard the players outside the hospital.

As for the flame of judgment in Fallina, there is no doubt that this is the hidden strength of the American team. Such a powerful or even close to magical power has to make people in awe of the strength of the United States team, but also makes Japan's confidence in catching up with the United States is seriously frustrated.

However, the Greater Japan area will not give in. When the United States has 22 and has nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, my Greater Japan will already have up to. With Ultraman, there is Saint Seiya!

While waiting, Farina, who had stopped her injury, came out of the hospital. He looked sternly: "Warrior, my strength is dying, and I have no guards who can protect me. Those who are jealous of me and consider me a threat will definitely be against me. Once I am assassinated, my strength is only It will become weaker and even lose its heroic status. This place should not be stayed for long. I want to go to other battlefields to find opportunities to strengthen myself. "

Of course he understands those things in hell! The slippery **** immediately said: "Miss Fallina, we are your faithful guardians, and we protect you! But. Will you leave without permission? You have been promoted to the general and have been nominated to meet the demon king. If you leave without permission, Deserter. Will be wanted by the entire Hell Corps. "

Fallina smiled: "Of course not leaving without permission, I want to apply to the generals to go to the newly opened battlefield fire cave city. Maybe I can get a lot of credit there."

Fire Cave City? Just what I want! In this way, you can meet with the three groups! As long as they meet, the team can concentrate on solving the problem of how to get more precious minerals from the Fire Cave City.

Slippery God quickly said: "I will do my best to persuade the general!"

As a result, in the company of Sliding Head God, Farina once again met the general to explain her intentions. At this time, the general was discussing tactics with a group of deputies around the map table.

The general frowned and sank: "Fire Cave City? Are you going to help Azsler?"

A group of lieutenants immediately ignited: "Are you dissatisfied with the general's reward?"

Suddenly surprised! The problem is serious!

Fallina quickly laughed: "Of course not, the Lord of Azazelle is recruiting a warrior to defend him from the ancient tree **** Silena, and I have nothing to do here right now, so I can just send in a general for reinforcements Fought in the name of the army, so even if they get credit, they will be generals. "

bad! Slippery head can't help anxious! There are many factions within General Hell, and they can only compete for power. Unless the superior orders it, there is no awareness of assisting the friendly forces. The main reason why the main force of the Japanese area cannot go to the battlefield of the city of magical punishment in their country is because the superior demon king of the main team does not want the devil in the city of magical punishment to get credit with the help of the warriors.

Sure enough, the general said angrily: "The Lord of Azazil is a very capable high-ranking lord. You don't need me to help you. You should cultivate yourself and don't run away!"

Farina's face changed!

The slippery God immediately made an announcement: "Admiral General, it is precisely because of Azazler's ability and good origin. There is a lot of money, so I never put generals in your eyes and still laugh at you as a cold bench. It won't be long before it's finished. If we don't help him, go to his town to trouble him. Let him endure the hardships! At that time, the general will come to an end. Maybe the great devil will be happy, he will directly take Assazler Remove from office and appoint the general to the Lord of the Fire Cave City! "

That's right, trouble! This is not the words of the slippery god, but that the rare minerals in the Fire Cave City during the war are also in the Mitsubishi team's record plan. Otherwise, work for np honestly and earn rewards for merit? The system has never been so generous to players. Moreover, the biggest problem facing the Mitsubishi team now is the cave that can only be entered but cannot enter. If this enchantment can be weakened by disruptive methods, then the diamonds everywhere in the city will have nowhere to go. You will not be able to find a way around the ground and then you will not even know how to die. After all, underground monsters are usually invisible, which is too weird and sinister.

However, in the case of Dafei harassing the attack, disrupting this plan is not the best policy, so it can only be put on hold for the time being. If the interference of Da Fei is ruled out, there is no doubt that even if the Mitsubishi team sacrifices in the trumpet, it will have a pain. And now, slippery head can't take care of that much, it's time to shoot.

The general was furious: "Nonsense. I never heard that he scolded me, and where did you hear it? Without explaining it to me, I will deduct 100,000 of me!"

The general's fury shook from the big screen. Suddenly the celebration of Mitsubishi Command came to an abrupt halt.

The slippery head was cold and sweaty, and he was nervous and just talked about it, but he ignored an important point of playing the game. The np is the main brain of the system. What hasn't happened can't fool the np. This is to play off the beat!

At this moment, Farina said: "Master, don't pay attention to this little thing about cursing, really look at the two adults' face is not good. But I think the warrior's proposal is really very good, and I It is believed that the destructive ability displayed on the battlefield of the No. 3 city wall will also satisfy the general, so how can I leave such a thing in trouble? I am glad that the devil is really great. I really promoted the general to the lord of the city, so I can follow the general Developed! "

at this time. A number of adjutants really agreed: "Yeah, General. It is not a day or two thing for Assadler to look at him. He has always been in the rear and is too comfortable. It is time to give him a chance. Lessons learned, even if the General cannot be the master of the city, it is a happy thing to break him down. "

"Anyway, Admiral Farina cannot play a role in the frontal battlefield. Instead of letting her idle, let her go to the rear to try her luck! The ability demonstrated by Admiral Farina must be competent."

"Maybe, what if the general becomes the master of the city? The general's merit in breaking the wall of the ancient tree is fully qualified, right? By then, it will not be impossible for the devil to compare!"

At this moment, both the gliding **** and the general frowned!

Although these lieutenants have always been opposed to Fallina, they have a high degree of consensus on this matter of pushing her into the fire pit! Fallina failed, so it would be good to die. If it succeeds, everyone will follow her to enjoy the blessing! This is the devil's thinking, simple and straightforward.

Finally, the general was tempted: "Very well, Farina, your task is to bring down Assazler, don't be merciful! As for you"

Speaking of which here is a slippery god: "First deduct your 100,000 merit!"

Grandma! Slippery head burst out of old blood!


At this time, the waiting Dafei received a report from Serbia again: "Captain, Deirdre's latest news, she received the general's order to go to the Fire Cave City to destroy, then hope that the captain should cooperate inside and outside!"

Do destruction? !! What a wonderful development! Dafei was shocked at the scene: "Did I hear your ear right? Did she receive the order of the Alliance General or the order of the Hell?"

Serbia's face sank: "That's my misinformation? Or am I asking?"

I pulled it out, and the samples started to look at brother! But I like it! Da Fei's surprise intersection: "Of course you have to ask such a big thing!"

(There is only one more today ...) (To be continued)

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