God Rank Hero

Chapter 1313: Build a city in Japan

Serbia quickly brought back Lamia ’s reply: “Reporting to the captain, Lamia said that she can now buy some wine in small quantities in cities. If the adult needs more, she urgently needs to upgrade her business license. Level, if she has a big business card, she should be able to develop internal channels to buy more. But these will take time. "

Business card? Dafei has not run a business for many years, and suddenly remembered that there is such a thing as a business license level!

That's right, the level of the business license determines how many goods a player can buy in a city at most in one day, which is a limitation on the player's business running, which prevents the business running as a gold coin machine in the game. However, of course, players have a way to solve it, that is, to pay a higher price than the exchange to buy from other lazy runners.

The earliest Da Fei in Ai Luo Lin used this method to receive a large number of goods. Otherwise, it is indeed a big joke that the big ship with 1000 cabins is limited by the purchase amount of the business license.

However, it's not nostalgic—none—wrong—it's time, and the problem of business cards with egg pain must be bypassed. The relationship between dragging Dellel, the chief sacrificial general, and buying so much wine is almost so-called internal channels. This is the high-end gameplay, and this high-end gameplay requires a lot of popularity! So the priority is to raise Lamia's reputation.

Da Fei immediately instructed Serbia: "Reply to her. Time is on our side. Our army can go and clean up the monsters marked on her map. It will not rush to siege the city. Let her use her time to develop her reputation. There is a need. We have found a way to provide prestige items. "

Soon Serbia brought back the latest reply: "Captain, there is exactly one prestigious item, Lamia, that artifact ogre stick. Just submit it as proof to Syndicate who issued the ogre reward order. The lord of the city will get a reward. The highest reward is a **** tribe's land order. Getting a land order to build the village to become the city owner is the fastest and highest way to gain popularity. Otherwise, an artifact alone cannot prove that the ogre was killed by her. The captain can transfer his achievements by adding a contract with Lamia. "

The fiefdom order? Achievements can also be transferred? His jaw dropped to the ground!

Let me go! Is there anything wrong with her? The artifact is hers. She loves it and transfers achievements for Mao and Brother. Well, brother's attributes have broken through the sky and don't care about an achievement plus attributes, the problem is. Brother built a city in order to grab the city, isn't this too painful?

The point is that although the city owner has the most prestigious reputation, the city owner's reputation is also linked to the city level. The city owner of a high-level prosperous city is obviously more prestigious than the village chief of a broken house. Although I have a lot of time, I don't want to go to Jiancheng to play? At that time, the national war in the Japanese area was unknown until the year of the monkey.

Da Fei couldn't help but shake his head and sighed, "We are just passers-by across the district. Is it too wasteful to build a city here? How can we have time to build a city?"

Elina shook her head and said, "Sir, although it is a bit troublesome, as long as the benefits are greater than the pay, you should still be able to try. The key is. Since we are buying a lot of goods from Hell City, there must always be an unquestionable The place of delivery? Let Lamia name the city. It just happens to be able to purchase all kinds of materials, even strategic materials, and all kinds of arms. So it is still quite necessary in the short term. "

Dafei suddenly realized: "Yeah, there is such a benefit!"

Alicia did confirm: "It will not be only short-term. The Lord Hero ’s heroic profession is the Guardian of the World. After all three parts of the Guru heritage have been collected, the Lord Lord is eligible to travel around the world and return at any time. Take a look here. "

what? !! Don't you say that I totally forgot about the guardian of the world!

Da Fei was shocked to support his chin: "The guardians of the world can travel in various areas?"

Alicia said positively: "Of course, otherwise how to call the guardian of the world?"

Dafei said in amazement: "No one mentioned it with me? The officials who issued me the reward didn't say anything!"

Alicia said lightly: "Because there are not many people who know about this, it is considered top secret."

The system prompts: You got the information of the special hero class "Guardian of the World"!

Grandma! Dafei spit out with a spit of water! Actually perfected the information! Why didn't you say it earlier? How old is Alicia? In other words, I can go to the United States and go to Southeast Asia? It turns out that the guardian of this world is horrifying!

In shock, Serbia did say: "When the captain becomes a god, he will be able to travel between the worlds. It's just a bit laborious, but it's not impossible."

Da Fei was shocked again: "Become a god? Yes, gods are plane creatures. The gods in each district are actually the same god! As long as they become gods, they can!"

Serbia nodded: "The captain is just on the road to becoming a saint. As long as he is a saint, can he still be a god?"

What the hell! You're going to make a big deal too? It's so subtle! Dafei couldn't help laughing, "Yes, saints or whatever, it's just around the corner!"

Alicia laughed: "So in the long run, this village is still necessary, which is equivalent to the Lord of the City having a stronghold in this world."

what! When I think of others still fighting for the construction site in the New World, Brother has already left a stronghold in the Japanese area. This feeling of being mixed with the enemy is very exciting!

Dafei exclaimed: "Then this city must not only be built, but it must be built!" At this moment, Dafei immediately thought of the treacherous terrain of the ogre's lair. Isn't this the perfect place to build the city? ? Moreover, there is an underground river below the city. It is also possible to develop some water transportation, which is quite promising?

Da Fei hurriedly said, "How about the ogre's lair?"

Elina laughed: "It is indeed an adult, there is really a very good terrain there, and for the time being there is no land owned by any **** city owner, which is exactly the conditions for using the fiefdom."

Alicia laughed: "So if you want to build a city, hurry up and take it up before the other **** city masters respond."

Dafei laughed: "Okay! Serbia immediately sent a letter to Lamia. I totally agree with her project and transfer her achievements to allow her to immediately occupy this important place of the ogre's lair!"

"Got it!"

Just then, red and green flashes on the map at the same time, Elina laughed: "They are back!"

Dafei hurriedly looked up, two green dots and two red dots on the map came quickly! Needless to say, those two red dots are the charm emperors who joined the "enemy"!

A stone in Da Fei's heart suddenly fell to the ground, and Brother said, how could it be so easy to encounter such an unfortunate thing attacked by a monster.

But wait! Don't be too happy, they will return! (To be continued ...)

Chapter 1313 Building a City in Japan:

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