God Rank Hero

Chapter 1323: Call little girl

A major breakthrough in the mushroom forest was achieved, and Da Fei was idle again. All he could do now was to hang up and wait for Tamilla to come back.

Da Fei was bored and took off his helmet to get up and move his muscles, then opened the window to let in fresh air. As a result, Dafei opened the window, and the fumes from the snack street downstairs mixed with the noise of the street.

It smells so cool! Dafei always eats box lunches for the past two days, and he starts to move his index finger to order two barbecues and two bottles of beer. After all, Dafei still resisted, after all, most of the night tonight, if you drink alcohol, you may miss something.

Da Fei had to resist thoughts and shut the window. Think about how rich you are already, but as a result, you are not as comfortable as before when you were poor and happy. This life is so painful. Then Da Fei remembered the invitation of Xue Wei with a smile, and it was extremely tangled.

Speaking of Xue Wei, I don't know what happened to my sister. Dafei called Xiaoli.

Then Xiaoli quickly answered the phone: "Brother? What's the matter?"

Dafei grinned and said, "Nothing, just call and ask, is this convenient to speak?"

Xiaoli laughed: "Um, convenient, Xiaofang is taking a bath, I'm on the balcony."

Take a shower? Da Feifei thought for a moment and then shook his head again to eliminate the distractions: "Oh, I just have nothing to ask, what is the progress on your side now?"

Xiaoli replied busyly: "Is the City of Divine Punishment? There is no problem at all. The siege artillery of Brother Ge Liu has a very long range. Even if the Japanese team developed a powerful summoner, it would not be able to approach us. On the contrary, the guerrilla warfare that the piglet ran fast on our side has indeed made great progress. Many successful sneak attacks on the rear **** np's camp stole a lot of things back. "

Da Fei couldn't help having fun: "But that big gun was hard-won, you have to make good use of it."

Xiaoli laughed: "Of course, there is no defensive officer now. The guild regards the cannon as a treasure, and three teams are on duty 24 hours a day."

Dafei asked: "There is no defender, will NP send a new one?"

Xiaoli was surprised: "This. There are no signs in this regard, it seems that after the killing of the defender in the European Union, there is no candidate for a new defender."

Dafei frowned: "It's not always a problem. I have to find a way to trigger the plot and choose another one!" That's right, re-select a pit where Shir shit, so she will never Can't return to the post, I can only stay with brother forever, haha, wow hahaha!

Xiaoli said aloud, "So, okay, I'll propose it with the chairman."

Dafei nodded in satisfaction. Although there is no hope, as long as there is this idea and this consciousness.

At this moment, Xiaoli also said: "By the way, Shan Fanghua also began to lead high-profile players in the major guilds in China to start the task arranged by Thain. The same is the investigation of the ruins of the city of time. "

Oh! Now that Sein has so much business and his brother gave him an achievement, should he be promoted? Da Fei Xin comforted: "How is the mission going?"

Xiaoli sighed: "It's difficult! In the easy-to-play scenario, no quest items are dropped, and a little deeper into the ruins, the difficulty of the monster is beyond imagination. By the way, it is said that the three major guilds and the shocking guild are A dwarf found a space door in the window of the world space that is most likely to lead to the center of the ruins of the city of time. The three major guilds may decide to take them to try out the development scene in these two days. "

It's a terrible thunder, brother has forgotten him for a long time. Dafei asked again, "What does the scene look like?"

"Er, it is also a city ruin in the desert. But it is much taller than the surrounding ruins. From time to time, gold gathers into the sand soldiers and it suddenly appears very powerful."

Sand soldier? Summon creatures? Elemental creature? Da Fei nodded: "If you can fight, it's best, if you can't fight, collect all the information of those monsters. Wait for my brother to come back and take them."

Xiaoli said, "I see."

Da Fei asked again, "Yes, if you have any other difficulties, I'll be ready."

Xiaoli sighed: "The difficulty is, of course, that when Fanghua returned the sandworm mining machine to his brother, the plan to dig the mountain tunnel of Duke William's house went bankrupt. In fact, Fanghua now develops the Master City to see if it can You can't get a mining machine from Mage City. "

Da Fei frowned, did the mining machine? I just have one more! However, I can only return to China to talk about it. Da Fei laughed: "The problem of the mining machine is not a problem. At that time, Brother will definitely double. No, three times will make up for her backward progress."

Xiaoli said: "It is indeed a legendary flying brother. If someone else said this, I would not believe it. Well, Xiaofang is going to finish washing. I just hung up. I pay attention to rest at night."

"I see, so do you."

Hanging up the phone, Da Fei spit out a long breath, and sure enough, when people were bored and bored, it took a lot of comfort to talk to a trustworthy person.

Go back and take someone? God must be ready. However, according to my current progress in building a city in Japan, I know how long this national war will be fought? In case of playing for ten days and a half a week, wouldn't the delay be great? Everything else is easy to say, the development progress of Duke William's side is related to the progress of the Nightmare Space of the City of Divine Punishment, and a delay is really a major event.

Isn't it just a mining machine? Dafei frowned, why not send the newly captured Hellrunner back home? But even if they return to China, they will first transfer to Hongming Village. Will they be able to transport the machines from Hongming Village?

This is a problem! In short, I can only think about it slowly, or go back to the machine and wait for the changes in the helmet.


At this time, Xiaoli Xiaofang's dormitory. Xiaofang, who was bathing in a towel, went out while rubbing her scalp and casually asked, "Wife, who did you call just now? I don't think you're right today."

Xiao Li wasn't angry. "Call my dad, what's wrong?"

Xiaofang laughed and said, "No, right? I heard you laugh so clearly, shouldn't you be good with Dawei again?"

Xiao Li frowned: "Can you not mention him? Don't be a chicken, just now I talked to the chairman about choosing a new defensive officer. The chairman gave it all to us, you talk about it, nominate it Which? "

Xiaofang was not very angry: "What kind of defensive officer is chosen well? Our own industry is too busy. You are still so keen to work for the guild."

Xiao Li cut aloud: "No vision, woman's opinion!"

Xiaofang couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, okay. Looking at the whole China, the angels I saw were only the strength of the Elda seen in Hongming Village, but she was the head of Hongming Village. "

Xiaoli clapped her hands and smiled, "There is a play! She also holds the post of Fei Ge, the deputy city leader of the city of punishment!"

Xiaofang frowned: "Alas! I have forgotten this relationship, so I will try to find an Archangel nomination."

As a result, Xiao Li's Blood Arrow Linglong came to the head of the angel Sazel: "Master Angel, I think Miss Elda should have the ability to serve as a defensive officer, and she is also the deputy city owner of the city of punishment Why not appoint her? "

Sazel shook her head and sighed, "She is a winged angel who is guilty. If she doesn't complete her mission, she won't get any office."

Xiaofang asked quickly: "Our situation is anxious, isn't it possible for the gods to harmonize?"

Sazel said, "God's will cannot be disobeyed."

Xiaoli busy asked: "What is her mission?"

Sazel shook his head: "It doesn't matter to me, don't ask me."

Xiaoli Xiaofang was dumbfounded on the spot.

Xiaofang sighed, "Nothing! Choose another person."

Xiaoli sighed: "It's a pity where to find a qualified angel."

Just then, Xianchengbao stepped forward and asked, "Two beautiful women, what are they discussing?"

Xiaofang laughed: "Oh, master, here you come, help us think of a way ~"

Appoint Elda of Hongming Village as Vindicator! ? With Ono ’s ambitions next, isn't this EU region missing a defensive officer? Although the British acted, it was not crazy enough, did you take this opportunity to stimulate them again? (To be continued)

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