God Rank Hero

Chapter 1326: Demolition Batman Battalion

There is a kind of thing, called drinking water by the head. Just like Dafei's university era, although Dafei has the ability to read novels at a glance and ten lines at a glance, a complete set of tens of millions of novels can be completed in a day or two. But only those tens of thousands of words of Ma Zhe, Ma Zhengjing and other compulsory courses, Da Fei, even if he clenches his teeth, cannot read alive.

Don't ask why, if you ca n’t read it, you ca n’t read it. The running history of this lion-hearted empire battle is the kind of existence similar to that of Ma Zhe, which is not something that you should have when playing games. What's more painful is that every page of this book must be operated by the player, and it can't hang up!

Let Dafei face this boring text for dozens of seconds without being able to hang up! Dafei wants crazy pills!

At this moment, Da Fei had only one long sigh: "Have you watched each of them?"

Serbia frowned: "I've read it three times!"

Alicia sighed: "This is the order of the Lord Lord! And there is a six-month return period for Lord Duke."

Katrina sighed, "Captain, do you know how painful it is for me to be a pirate while reading a dictionary?"

I lost! Even if the book cannot be read without borrowing, I can't read it! But now everyone's emotions are high and they must not be disappointed. Not to mention that wisdom is directly linked to the understanding of the master's **** level, it must be valued.

Da Fei sighed: "I see, = I will arrange an independent expedition at the right time for everyone to grow and improve."

Alicia laughed: "Where, we just said that this is a way to improve, and did not say that we must leave the Lord Lord."

Serbia nodded: "Uh-huh!"

Can you two be so fake? Huh? Catalina did not say anything!

Fei Fei could not help but tighten. Is she destined to leave brother? this moment. Dafei felt a sudden heartache. Since leaving Brother is inevitable. Then I must let her train after graduation!

Da Fei suddenly remembered the grumble complaining just now, she and Bai Hua killed and Bu Fei Yan did not make progress, so the brother simply sent the three of them independently to help the past? Although they certainly can't play a big role, it is the key to mix the actual value of intelligence. Moreover, it can also show the supportive attitude of brother, by the way pretend to force players around the world.

Well, yes, anyway, now that the Sky Boat is so advanced, their role is getting more and more soy sauce. Send them out when you have a chance to relax.

When Da Fei thought about it, Tamelia came back with a smile and reported: "Master, we don't need to have such trouble to carry water for such a long distance with a fire bucket. I just looked at it and the depth of the blood pool And the space of the bat's lair is enough for our boat in the sky, we can transport it directly and **** water with the devil's high-pressure impact pump. "

Wow ha ha ha, brother's high pressure water pump is finally put to production use! And just let the Feixiang get wet, more or less it will trigger the effect of sailing training.

Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay, then teleport in. Soak up the bloodwater first, and then demolish! Right. The other six ordinary bat lairs must not be teleported in, and the blood pool there still has to send some evil demon into the bucket Yun. "

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

As Tamilla started to teleport again, the magic light flashed and the scene changed, and the sky boat banged and splashed accurately into the blood pool. The size of this space is cool!

Seeing the appearance of the Sky Boat, Hirce was holding an odd little bottle by the blood pool, and excitedly waved to Dafei's cockpit: "Master! I have an important proposal!"

Yes, I just appreciate this kind of staff who can take out dry goods from time to time! Dafei smiled happily: "Miss Tamilla, pick him up!"

"Roger that!"

As a space door opened at the poolside, Hirsch rushed into the cockpit: "Master, how are you going to house this blood and water?"

Da Fei looked towards Tamilia, and Tamilia replied: "These blood waters are full of rich energy, which can be used to supplement the loss of the central lake, of course, it is directly transported into the lake water."

Hirce said anxiously, "Master, Miss Tamilla, these **** waters are fine plasma extracted from the essence of bloodstone. It would be a shame to mix and dilute with ordinary liquids like this. I see the master's central space. A wine pool was specially opened to hold alcohol, so it is proposed that the owner also open a blood pool specifically to store this higher blood. "

Dafei's brow jumped, it sounded very reasonable! So he hurriedly asked Tamilla: "Is it feasible?"

Tamilia laughed: "The amount of work to open such a large pool is a bit large, but no problem, anyway, in my eyes, these are all energy. Since Hirce has a better proposal, it is naturally better. . "

Da Fei thought of the incident and asked, "Oh, once the blood pool is built, it is equivalent to removing the blood pool directly? Is this a promotion for our re-built Batman Barracks?"

Hilsey said: "It is indeed the owner and thoughtful. In fact, I also have this idea, but I have never tried it before, I dare not fully confirm it, so I dare not make a conclusion. But it is certainly correct to separate the blood pool."

Dafei was satisfied: "Yes, I appreciate your attitude."

Hilsey said: "Thank you for your compliments, you must cultivate new troops with more rigorous attitude!"

Dafei is more satisfied. I have to say that he is more reliable than Tamillah in sketching a large dark ecosystem and chasing the blueprint of the world tree space.

At this moment, Tamillah clapped her hands and laughed, "Our Holy Vine has absorbed the soul of the Hydra, which has a relatively prominent bloodline attribute. Maybe this blood pool can also be used to refine the blood power of the Holy Vine. In this way, the Holy Vine can release various powerful blood spells, such as the more common Blood Mist magic. At the same time, this blood pool may also strengthen the parasitic Vine of blood properties. "

Hilsey said: "Miss Tamilia good-looking!"

Dafei laughed in surprise. It's all kinds of "probably possible", and you're beginning to boast! But I like it!

Da Fei laughed: "Okay, then open up the blood pool immediately. Tomorrow I will have a blueprint of a more magnificent big dark ecosystem to be announced to everyone." Yes, wait for the cool hands of the lucky day to reply. After that, gather the strength of one thousand and hundreds of evil demon flower demon vine demon to strike the mushroom seeds that are like stars in the mushroom forest.

Mr. Hirce exhilarated, "That's where I continued to work ashore."

"Well, go, do it!"

When Da Fei was satisfied with his positive performance, Serbia came forward: "Captain, Lamia has received news that she has received the roster and has started to raise supplies. In order for our army to dock in her territory, her territory camp was set up. Be neutral ... "

Da Fei laughed in surprise, and came over to report when Hilser was gone. Couldn't you be so out of sight? However, this attitude is good and I am satisfied! Wa hahaha!

Serbia continued: "There is another important news in Lamia, because the harassment of our army by the Shadow City has already caused the Shadow City to have a food gap of 30,000 units, which is likely to cause unknown unknowns in this area. The impact can also be a huge business opportunity. She asks her adults to indicate what to do next. "

Da Fei couldn't help but have fun: "I burned 30,000 units of grain? Is there so much?"

The magic map on the table of Serbia nodded and said: "Our army attacked a total of 11 buildings, including 1 exchange, 3 pubs, 1 resource warehouse, and the other 6 warehouses were granaries. The durability from these warehouses It is estimated that all of them should be 10-level buildings. One 10-level warehouse can hold 10,000 units of supplies. The loss of 30,000 units of food in 6 granaries is also fully calculated. "

That's it! Da Fei began to ponder over the connotation of this piece of information. The so-called business opportunity, of course, means selling a batch of grain by yourself. But now that the horse honeycomb has been beaten, all **** cities have raised their defense level, and it is no longer realistic to grab food.

So only I can find a way to transport food from the elven kingdom? Well, this is the capital enemy, right? However, the great man taught us that catching the enemy will focus on the painful feet, and now the Shadow City is the only painful foot and can only keep thinking about it.

Da Fei took a moment's attention and instructed: "Reply to Lamia, pay close attention to the situation in the Shadow City."

"Got it."

Now Da Fei is starting to do nothing, then go to the lake's soil and plant more than 20 mushrooms just obtained. (To be continued ...)

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