God Rank Hero

Chapter 1328: Lamia

Suddenly the mid-level arms transporter feels shocked! Why did n’t you come up with this experience before, only today? How is today different from before? Do n’t tell me that it ’s because of interrupted sailing training.

Dafei hurriedly looked at the introduction of the long-forgotten arms transporter:

Junior arms transporter: Marching on land, speeding up by 5%, and increasing physical strength by 5%. Occupational promotion effects are superimposed with logistics and navigation. Junior junior arms transporters gain an additional free attribute point every 5th level. Vocational skills "Arms Road".

The Road to Arms: The more materials you transport, the higher the defense bonus your **** troops get, and the junior arms dealer's maximum defense bonus is 5%.

Da Fei frowned, as if the mayor had sent me a scroll of wisdom that allowed me to formally break through the horror's 8 career restrictions and said how to promote this career.

Dafei hurriedly looked at the player's event log and found the day when he was officially employed as a junior arms dealer. Check the conversation record and find it!

Mayor: "Let's talk about this arms transporter. This profession, like the navigator, has no textbooks and cannot be upgraded through skill points. However, occupations and skills that can be upgraded through skill points cannot obtain wisdom. The upgrade of the arms transporter is very simple. As long as the president makes more trades and more long-distance transportation, the most important thing is long-distance transportation. The more transportation materials, the longer the distance, the more professional experience can be increased. It's too simple. "(See Chapter 1060" Beyond the Limits of Mortals ")


Dafei suddenly realized that today is different from before. Today, Elena cleared all the troops in the passenger compartment. The space of 10,000 units was full of obsidian and purple magic diamonds! The reason why the promotion information was not available before was because the cargo tank was not full enough! This is indeed, as the mayor said, this is simply an advanced method.

Dafei who wants to understand can't help crying or laughing, it is just such a simple and advanced method. It's really difficult for me. After all, such a high-end busy person, how can there be time to do such low-level activities as full warehouses?

And, the more "simple" things sometimes afflict people. Such as punching various forging, gathering and other life skills. It's really simple! day after day. Repeat it over and over again. However, this arms transporter is also a profession, and its "simpleness" is definitely a little bit more connotative than life skills.

So Dafei can conclude that this seemingly simplest arms transporter may be harder to advance than all other 8 occupations of its own! Because most other professions can be realized by flash of their own light, and this arms dealer is just grinding time and hard work, which is the most terrible. No, there is also a junior monk. This is pure time. The progress of this professional flying is almost 0!

The more Fei Fei thinks, the more it hurts.

According to the teachings of the archbishop who taught his monk profession at first, as long as he can graduate 8 occupations that mortals can learn, that is, at least 8 masters in his 9 occupations, the saint is hopeful. Then the two "simple" junior occupations of arms dealers and monks are the last towing oil bottles. If you can't become a saint by these two stupid hindering skills, this is a big joke.

Or else, you can take advantage of this opportunity to "food your enemies" with food? Although it is a silly time occupation, but I still have so many wisdom points, it is time for wisdom to play a role?

At that moment, Serbia spoke again: "Captain, once again received the news of Lamia, the original site of Lamia's successful ogre's lair used a fiefdom to build the village. The name of the village is Lamia ! "

As soon as the voice falls, the system prompts a jingle:

The system prompts: Your deputy hero Lamia successfully set up the village-level city Lamia Village in the neutral camp and become the village head of Lamia Village!

What the hell! The name of this village is simply impossible to look at! And looking at this line of information. Dafei suddenly had a strange feeling of being a godfather! That's right, this is also the village of the daughter.

OK, idle is idle anyway! Da Fei finally made up his mind: "Okay! When we finish the work here, we will transport things to help her build a village!"


At this moment, the Mitsubishi headquarters cheered.

With the official use of Lamia's land closure order, the former ogre high cliffs and a small area of ​​100 meters around the bank of the underground river under the high cliffs officially became the territory of Lamia village. Hundreds of "Meat Shield Players" from the Japan Bright League who swam down the river and stood in the dark for a long time immediately entered the territory. At this moment, the players of the Japanese Light and Dark Alliance finally shook hands and celebrated in the victory rally in Lamia Village.

And at the same time. Outside the wall of No. 3 ancient tree, the forest where the former rear worm nest was located. Thousands of Japanese **** players with logging skills are struggling to chop trees. The Bright League player convoy pulled carts of timber back to the city at the edge of the forest. Players of the Light Alliance and the Dark Alliance can work together in such a harmonious and large-scale manner, looking at the entire world. At present, only Japan can do this.

It must be said that if such a huge forest is the property of the np of the elven kingdom before the start of the national war, players must not rashly cut it. Even after the National War, this place became the worm nest base behind the Hell Army, and players still didn't want to take away all the grass and trees. Now that this **** army is being repelled, and the elf kingdom is unable to accept the short period of blankness caused by it, of course, it is more important to find a channel for selling wood. This is really the machine in Japan.

So at this moment, looking at the crowded traffic outside the No. 3 city wall on the big screen, the members of the Mitsubishi headquarters are even more intoxicated.

However, the slippery **** did not get dazzled by the current situation: "Captain Tsukamoto, such a huge team should attract a little fly, right?"

Tsukamoto laughed: "The predecessor was talking about the Phoenix feather? The predecessor is assured, we guess he is most likely to escape from the offline, otherwise he has no reason to miss such a good opportunity. We will contact the United States when he appears There, the jet lag over them was just when the fighting spirit was strong in the morning. As soon as the feather of the Phoenix appeared, they shot immediately. "

Slippery head smiled: "If you can get rid of an old enemy in the course of the big transportation, then it will be the perfect ending for two birds with one stone!"

Just then, some team members cheered, "Trailers! A lot of trailers!"

The next moment, a series of system beeps sounded on the big screen:

System prompt: You found 52 abandoned heavy trailers ...

The entire headquarters was screaming: "A total of 108 heavy-duty vehicles! We can now compete with any city owner!"

Tsukamoto even laughed loudly: "So, as long as you continue to explore, there will always be gains! The whole city team immediately set off to take the trailer back to the city!"

The slippery **** exulted: "It is indeed Captain Tsukamoto. Our Great Japan is really Takeshi Changlong. I have foreseen that good things will happen below!"


It is 11pm Beijing time.

Drinking in the afternoon, the feather of the phoenix, who was hypnotized, woke up in his sleep. Just now, the feather of the phoenix dreamed that he had blasted the flying battleship powder with a thunder ball, and then the deputy deputy heroes of the flying rushed to themselves. Undress and surrender.

After wiping the saliva from the corner of the mouth, Phoenix Feather's first reaction was to check the alarm clock. At 11 o'clock in the evening, I slept for 6 hours. Well, this is the capital for overnight. It's a pain to go online!

Before going online, Phoenix Feather still used to go to the forum to check what happened in the past few hours. From this perspective, Phoenix Feather knew that the Japanese area immediately launched a larger gathering of tens of thousands of people after it went offline. Phoenix Feather really regretted the opportunity!

At this moment, Phoenix Feather saw another live broadcast from the reporter in front, and tens of thousands of Japanese players carried out large-scale activities on the battlefield of the No. 3 city wall. It is not enough to describe the huge scale of moving with ants!

"When labor and capital no longer exist, right? Let's all go shit!" Phoenix Feather was excited and impatient to go online. (To be continued)

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