God Rank Hero

Chapter 1330: Sinking or the starting point?

With the phoenix feathers gone, a group of youngsters in the Supernova team couldn't help but stunned: "Suicide? Too boring?"

"Even he doesn't even have the equipment? The explosion of his red name should definitely be the exposure of all equipment?"

"I heard that he was once exposed by Da Fei, and has been in Hongming Village. He hasn't gone out to get equipment. He just relies on his enchantment skill pk."

"I really want to know, where will he now appear in the resurrection? Ultimate prison? Or Hongming Village?"

Tommy waved his hand: "There is no need to discuss a losing amateur player who is equivalent to deleting the number, everyone continues to return to the post. Erie, record the killing video and send it to the development department for processing and modification, and hide Our weapon data information is then sent to the Japanese to let them publicize the morale of Chinese players. "

"Roger that."


The system prompts: You have fallen to the Red Sea (Note: The current scene is not open, you cannot trigger the relevant plot).

At this moment, Phoenix Feather's eyes were blood-red, and his brain was numb.

Phoenix Feather has been mentally prepared to abandon the number. If this number is really abolished, do you completely abandon the pit and abandon this game? Or start over from a new practice? Phoenix Feather didn't think much, nor had the energy to think about it. Phoenix Feather was waiting awaiting the final judgment.

For a long while, it was indeed the voice of a faint wave.

The feather of the phoenix only returned to God after half a ring to look around, and saw that he was on an isolated island in a blood-red sea. There are no npcs and no trial information. And the only system prompt is that the current scene is not open?

"What's going on?" Phoenix Feather rushed to the game's official website to find information about the "Red Sea", but found nothing.

As a folk master who can discover the meaning of pk during the public test, Phoenix Feather faintly realized that he had not completely finished it. Since the game's official website cannot find the information, go to other websites to check all the information about the Red Sea. After all, this game has a lot of allusions based on myths and legends, and there should be some clues.

Soon, a general introduction to the Red Sea was found, next to the Arabian Peninsula. On the Suez Canal, overlooked.

Then, here comes the fun. The Dead Sea refers to the Red Sea, the place where Lilith, a very famous mythical figure, lays herself. About Lilith's identity. It is said that she was the first woman that God made of earth before Eve. It was the first wife of human first ancestor Adam. It is said that Lilith is the oldest angel and the first angel to betray God, even before Lucifer. There is a third way, Lilith is a female god.

But no matter which way, Phoenix Feather can already confirm that the Red Sea in the game is the Red Sea mentioned in the document. Since Red Sea is related to Lilith, according to the consistent idea of ​​the game adaptation, this may be Lilith's "tomb of gods". Or a space like Seal Lilith.

With clues. The Phoenix Feather began to search for Lilith's materials enthusiastically as if it were nowhere, and the concept of the Red Sea in myth is more complete: the Red Sea, the Sea of ​​Blood, the Sea of ​​Birth, and it must also be constantly supplemented with blood. Then in Qaba's "Book of Glory", there is a legend that Lilith is hunting and killing babies and sacrificing the Red Sea. Then the ancient Jews would engrave in the cradle of the baby the three angels who were ordered to hunt Lilith. The names of the girls i, snsvi, and smnglo were used as a seal against Lilith, but sometimes it was not very effective.

Lilith's legend is almost collected. Then the feather of the Phoenix is ​​analyzed in light of its current situation.

Now the situation of Phoenix Feather is in an unopened scene. There are only two possibilities for this situation: one. Because the bug appeared in an unfinished game map. But "Genesis of Heroes" is a smart host with complete creation rules. An unfinished game is equivalent to a baby with fewer parts at birth, which is absolutely impossible.

Then there is only the second case. Considering that the server of the National Theater has not been open for a long time, it can only appear in the server of the National Theater that is not open. The server host room of the National Theater is estimated that the power plug is not plugged in. How can I reach it?

Hongming Village!

Hongming Village is known as a small country war zone, which means that its current scene is actually Hongming Village! Logically, there is a great possibility that you will come to Hongming Village after your death. It turns out that the connotation of this Hongming Village is beyond your imagination! So, here is the ultimate prison that is hard to walk? Or is it new? Perhaps all promises will be announced when the National Warfare server is officially opened.

However, Phoenix Feather could not wait until that time, and Phoenix decided to build a trumpet, go directly to the forum to buy a trumpet, and start searching for clues from the outside of Hongming Village.

At this point, Phoenix Feather immediately revived and opened the Gold Rush Trading Network, searching for suitable trading targets.


At this moment, a video released in Japan called "The Last Few Seconds of Phoenix Feathers" shocked China and shocked the whole world, perhaps to increase the contrast effect of the drama. The first two videos of Quartet and the video of the final crash were cut together.

Then, Feifei, who was busy at leisure, also received messages from Bu Feiyan and Blood Weiqiqi: "Feige, Phoenix Feather was killed by a master in Japan, Feige must be careful."

Da Fei couldn't help but hesitated: "It was killed? What a big name?"

Bu Feiyan said gravely: "Well, such a big red name, but also a red name that was punished multiple times during the National War. Once dead, theoretically, it is impossible to wash it through normal game rules."

Xuewei Qiqi sighed: "Anyway, no one in Hongming Village saw him, so he should have gone to the legendary ultimate prison, which is equivalent to a permanent title, right?"

Bu Feiyan sighed: "So Fei, if you feel that there is no insurance, try to talk to us as much as we can, we will do our best to help, do not place an order, although you are not a red name, But in the eyes of Japanese players in the **** camp, Fei Ge is also a big name. "

Permanently titled? That's horrible! Da Fei began to injure his kind of rabbit and sorrow while he was gloating. However, Brother's affairs are exactly what you can't help! Da Fei had to sigh: "Thank you for your kindness, I will be careful."

Xuewei Qiqi added: "By flying brother, Hongming Village suddenly added a lot of players from the European Union. It seems that the European Union is going to make a big move in Hongming Village."

EU? Big move? welcome! Dafei laughed: "I see."

"The flying brother is slowly busy!"

Ending the conversation, Dafei began to view the video sent by Bu Feiyan. The previous video was the Phoenix Feathers killing the Quartet, accompanied by very hot music. Dafei dragged it directly to the end of the video. The music style changed and became humorous and funny. Then the feather of the Phoenix under the light hid behind the stone, his head and **** were shot, his **** was shrunk, his head was shot again. Funny music is repeatedly and quickly replayed. This is the most popular "ghost animal" video technique, highlighting the comedic effect.

And Dafei really couldn't laugh at all. Although Da Fei was unhappy to see the Phoenix Feather, he couldn't wait for this tease to hang up and never go online. However, if you want to hang him, you have to come by labor and capital. Da Fei can already imagine that once he is hung up, God knows if the foot basin will invite a world-class video master to ugly himself.

OK, the feather of the phoenix in the kingdom of heaven, you can go with peace of mind, brother will be angry for you.

With a sigh of emotion, a green dot rushed on the radar, and Alicia's voice sounded: "Master, Zavala, they are back, Elena's troops assembled under the cave!"

Oh yeah! Come back in peace! Dafei was overjoyed: "I went outside to meet Elena in person, you guys keep busy in the cave!"

As a result, Da Fei rushed to the entrance of the cave, and the edge of the mushroom forest under the cave was Elina's dense jungle hunter Druid Army and the Emerald Dragon Army of Zavala. When Dafei appeared, they beckoned far below.

System Tip: Your independent team hero Zavala, Delier, and your deputy hero Elena have joined your team!

Dafei laughed, a Spider-Man move jumped to the ground and rushed forward excitedly: "Finally back, I am anxious!"

Elina sighed with laughter: "Master, I was anxious at the time, I thought it was just some underground monsters attracted by the blood of the battlefield, but I did not expect that the enemy heroes also appeared and tried to hide behind the monsters in the ground, such a disadvantage I started to regret the situation. I was thinking, if I lose, what face will I have to come back to meet the adults. "

Da Fei's heart tightened. Will he become a wandering hero without a face? This is the opposite textbook for loyalty!

Da Fei hurriedly clenched Elina's hand: "Nothing, no matter how big you are, be sure to come back to me! I dare let you go alone and never blame you!"

Elina laughed: "Yes, sir! Fortunately, I knew the situation and immediately abandoned the guard's minecart to retreat. After the enemy heroes got the minecart, their marching speed became slower, and I took advantage of our strong power. The chasing and harassment stopped, but the minecart also became a burden to the enemy. However, the enemy's heroic **** dog did cause great damage to the ancient trees. Fortunately, Miss Tamilla found me in time to repel the enemy. Otherwise, I can only watch the enemy take away the minecart. "

That's it! Da Fei was excited: "So you learned the war experience in the book through this war?"

Elina laughed: "It's not exactly a book. Underground guerrillas have always been the speciality of the dark elves. All I can say is that I haven't fought for a long time, and I'm really rusty."

Zavala laughed, "Sir, I want to read that book so well!"

Deere also said, "Well, Miss Elena's progress is enviable, and I want to learn too."

Dafei laughed and laughed: "Okay, look at it, everyone will take a rest after watching the boat."

At this point, a prompt appears:

System Tip: The cooldown of your lucky hand skill "Luck of the Hand" is up.

Dafei frowned, and finally survived the day, okay! It's time to pick mushroom seeds! (To be continued.)

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