God Rank Hero

Chapter 1333: Use of the evil beetle

However, no matter how strong Da Fei is, Da Fei is only a passer-by of the national war. As far as sliding head gods are concerned, Da Fei is just a gift for himself!

"The defeated dog!" The sliding head excitedly said, "We found another defeated dog, and we are still flying heroes. His role is unimaginable. We must find a way to recruit him!"

Tsukamoto laughed: "Seniors make sense, but heroes of this level should not be able to be handled by our current players, I'm afraid they only rely on seniors!"

The slippery **** laughed, "It's our goddess!"

So Slippery God immediately said to Farina: "Miss Farina, it must be very unhappy to have such a big deal on the other side, can we find a way to draw him over?"

"It's ridiculous!" Grauer sneered: "Cronwell is also unhappy to be a nobleman of the high-end devil Azazelle family, and the subordinate demons who started from dogs like me are not a level existence at all. It just makes him think that you are humiliating him, and he will destroy you on the spot! "

It turned out he was Cromwell! It turned out that he couldn't raise him before him? This difficulty is completely beyond the imagination of Mitsubishi players.

Just then, Farina did laugh: "The demon world is the strongest, and the hero does not ask for his origin. Even if he is a noble, but as long as he dares to land, he is not your opponent, so Grauer need not mind. Your own origin. "

Grauer laughed broadly: "Miss Fallina is right. I wouldn't have troubled the employer if I didn't see him in the back office, otherwise I would n’t have to put a dog on the ground as long as he dared to land. The chicken is choking! "

Fallina laughed: "By the way, this Cromwell has had such a major failure, how will their owner punish him?"

"Punishment?" Grauer was even happier: "Even if he is the city's own son's suspension, it is inevitable, let alone he is not. If he loses even worse, his lead hero position is definitely direct. Replaced by someone else? He won't be like me now? "

Flicking his head frowning, he immediately saw the stitches: "How could it be the same as His Excellency Grauer? However, His Excellency joined our army to engage in the most promising grand project. Compared with his vision and vision, Crowe Seoul is still in the tavern. "

Grauerle took a big sip of wine: "Don't feel stunned? Deserve it, wow hahaha!"

Falina did brow. "Otherwise. Let's go and see how he looks stunned? Watching a man who was once incredibly slumped before him appears in front of himself. It's so fun and happy to think about it ? "

The Mitsubishi team members are uproar! This Falena's consciousness of recruiting and buying horses is too strong, right? And the way of speaking is always so euphemistic and indeed worthy of being a banshee!

Sliding Head God was ecstatic and overjoyed: "If there is a chance to draw such a person to yourself, it will be the supreme joy of life?"

Fallina clapped her hands and laughed: "The idea of ​​the Warriors is very interesting!"

Grauer laughed, "Yeah! We pretended to pass by accidentally met his warrior, where did he drink?"

The slippery **** excitedly said, "The soul of Fire Cave City tears down the restaurant!"

Grauer laughed, "That's right! The wine there has always tasted good, and today it will definitely taste better."

Fallina laughed, "Let's go." Speaking of which, Fallina waved her hand proudly at Lamia in the sky: "Enter the city and have fun, wait to meet!"

"Began!" Mitsubishi Command cheered!

Sliding Head God is even more excited: "The other team members will extend the warning range of Lamia Village by another 2 kilometers!"

"Hi Yi!"

Then Slip Head went straight into the river. Kulong Kullong's bubbling will never get up the fastest ticket: death back to town!


At 00:00 am Beijing time. A new day is coming. Xuehai Kuangtao Studio has begun the hot and spicy snack time.

The **** sea Kuangtao, who had just made up for sleep and woke up, moved his muscles and bones, preparing for the big overnight show. Since this time yesterday, after the sea of ​​blood rushed to get the ship rewarded by the npc island owner, he left the battlefield all the way south, looking for the devil **** oolor in Japan.

According to the speculation of the blood sea mad Tao, Fogalo sealed by the sea **** is not unique to China, because this demon is a genuine demon, not a descendant of a certain demon family. The real **** is of course a plane creature. Everywhere in the world exists. The reason to see this demon in Japan is of course to get rid of the npc boss Barack. The **** sea of ​​madness wants to swallow the benefit alone.

Seeing Xuehai Kuangtao getting up, the pony stretched a laziness extremely tired: "A Tao finally came to take over. I can't carry it to sleep."

The blood sea madness could not help but: "I know you can't do it, what time is it?"

The pony took off his helmet and yawned again and again: "No way, sailing is so boring and boring, I want to sleep halfway, yes, good luck, this day is a big downwind, and it is almost coming.

The blood sea mad Tao rejoiced: "Okay, it's up to me now."

The horse thought of it: "By the way, just an hour ago, Phoenix Feather was turned over by the Japanese district. It is estimated to be obsolete. It is on the forum video. You watch it slowly ..."

Phoenix feathers have been turned over? Bloodsea Kuangtao hurriedly went online to take over, and at the same time check the forum immediately, sure enough! Deadly funny!

Blood Sea Kuangtao sank! The blood of the sea of ​​madness is clear that the Phoenix Feather and the big trick he cultivates are actually the same kind of strength. The more he kills, the stronger he is. Similarly, he also killed 1,000 people who are going to pay tribute to the devil.

"It's Nima's amusement!" So far, Blood Sea Kuangtao could only curse like this.

At the time, the Phoenix Feathers intercepted the merchant ships of the Great Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce at sea, but the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce at that time was all undercover arranged by the blood sea Kuangtao, so when the blood sea Kuangtao was angry, the Phoenix feather was pk off and burst Out of his several artifacts. But the artifact had not yet been hot and was blown away by a sword from the Dafei Chamber of Commerce. In short, the relationship between the two was very bad.

If it was in China, the **** sea mad Tao heard the news that Phoenix Feather had been made obsolete, and he must laugh more and ask the team members to have a supper, but now in the National Theater, he saw that he was made by a foreigner. But he couldn't be happy anyway. The next one is Dafei and labor, right? However, Da Fei can die, and labor and capital are not something you can handle!

At this point, a dark red cloud was faintly seen in front of the battleship, and it finally arrived. Blood Sea Kuangtao closed the forum to eliminate distractions and began to meet the biggest challenge.

In China, the sea of ​​swirls in the red cloud must be led by Barack, who is very skilled in shipbuilding, but now it is different. The **** sea has already possessed the power of the deities, and can summon the swirls to offset the swirls. As for the pirate king army guarding the demon god, the blood sea mad waves with the power of the devil are not even considered.

As long as he succeeds, Bloodsea can imagine how many skills he should realize! As long as I successfully met the demon alone, huh, huh, I knew how many kickbacks were eaten by Barak, and when I got back the first one, I killed him.


At the same time, in the bat nest, Dafei is still busy planting mushrooms, and now Elina has planted a circle of mushrooms along the soil of the lake shore, sharing more than 1,000 robes. When I returned, the earliest mushrooms were as large as hollow Chinese cabbage. At this point, the mushroom stopped growing and the mushroom body began to dry and hard.

Da Fei poked at the big mushroom and wondered, "I can't eat this?"

Elena nodded: "Well, mushrooms can be called trees when they grow up, and the growth time begins to become very slow. The bigger the mushroom tree is, the stronger its ability to reproduce offspring. Small mushroom trees do not have much ability to reproduce, nor can they be used as wood resources. Normally, they can only be used as firewood. "

"Can't burn!" Just then, the laughs of the three elders came: "Warrior, we're making progress!"

Looking at the three crows flying towards him, Dafei overjoyed: "Three elders, is there a way?"

Sanchang aging sighed in a humanoid shape and sighed, "The solution is there, but in the future, I can only rely on the warrior himself." After that, the three took out three small bottles containing black liquid.

Dafei was surprised: "This is it?"

The three elders sighed: "Although the mushroom tree is also a tree, it is still outside the control of our druid's natural power. It should be a dark plant. As a last resort, we had to extract some black liquid from the mushroom tree. It's named mushroom essence, and with these essences, it must be able to further stimulate mushroom growth. "

After that, the three elders poured three bottles of liquid on the roots of the mushrooms, just like boiling water falling to the ground. In the sound of snoring, these black liquids quickly diffused into the soil, and then the next moment, this already lignified mushroom exploded again, and then The speed visible to the naked eye has expanded a circle!

Everyone in Dafei was uproaring: "Great!"

The three elders laughed: "We only collected such a small amount of mushroom essence. If there are enough mushroom essence, the production speed of this mushroom is even more unimaginable! As for how to collect the essence, you have better conditions for the warrior. "

Da Fei was excited: "Elder, how do I collect?"

The three elders really smiled, "Evil beetle!"

Evil Beetle! Dafei suddenly wakes up! Yeah, except for the self-explosion of the evil beetle ’s stunt, it ’s “suck the juice.” At first, it first entered the pool of light and met the beetle that was so crowded with the roots of the world ’s trees. Then it was the withered beetle in the Tajius jungle. It is the beetle that **** the entire forest behind the Worm Nest on the 3rd battlefield. This is a big killer!

Dafei ecstatically said, "That is to say, I sent a beetle to absorb all the mushroom forest below?"

The elder Shen said, "Exactly!" (To be continued.)

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