God Rank Hero

Chapter 1335: Marsh dragon

After midnight, Da Fei spiritedly inspected the progress of the various projects in the center village. In fact, it could not be said that the inspection. Da Fei just sitting and watching quietly was a great enjoyment.

At this time, the evil demon continued to flow like shuttle barrels to transport blood pools, and the buzz of the swarm swarms filled the entire village. Then the disturbance of the lake water in Central Lake ceased, and Tamilia immediately instructed a group of evil demon to carry the obsidian mine from the passenger and cargo compartments and continue to put it in. The lake was boiling again. In the black smoke, the 30 evil demon barracks in the lake center were red again Shining, a new batch of evil demon is about to appear.

Seeing this, Dafei suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten one thing, and that was to use the **** of space to deliver goods. This is an operation only for himself and Thain, and the vice hero cannot do it for him. However, now is the time when the Central Village Hongtu Exhibition is in urgent need of energy, and Da Fei does not plan to deliver the goods, all for its own use.

In the boiling sound of the lake water, the black soil on the lake shore once again extended a small circle to the surrounding area, and new cultivated land appeared again! Then, of course, Elina continued to sow along the lake to the newly-formed cultivated land, and soon after she turned around, the soil behind her burst out of clusters of small mushrooms.

Facing such a booming scene, Da Fei's jaw couldn't be closed.

At this moment, Serbia came hurriedly, hoping that it was good news.

Serbia stepped forward: "Captain, Deirdre's intelligence, she learned that the fire cave city tavern has the enemy hero Assad Cromwell defeated by our army, Cromwell is very likely to be Suspended, she joined Grauer, a newly recruited follower, trying to recruit him. "

Dafei was shocked to support his chin immediately: "No, right? Another hero after school?"

Serbia continued: "Then came the intelligence of Lamia. Lamia's village made rapid progress with the help of the warriors. The city wall arrow tower has been repaired. It is completely confident to use its superior terrain to withstand the attacks of ordinary troops. Build all the facilities such as warehouse docks, and the captain will be able to pick up the goods after the warehouse is completed. "

Dafei could not help it. This Japanese team is really good, this big brother who pays the bill may have to make good use of it! Da Fei was satisfied: "Very good, we are too busy to walk away. So it is important for Ramia not to hurry to deal with the goods for us and continue to develop the village. However, other supplies can be slowed down, and the wine still needs time. Purchase hoarding, this can't stop. "

Serbia once again took out the "laptop tablet" and began to reply in a hurry, at the same time asking: "What instructions does the captain give to Deirdre?"

Dafei frowned. "Since Cromwell is the chief hero, it must be more difficult to recruit than the helldog master. Do you think she can do it?"

Serbia shook his head: "Even the hellhound master, Deirdre could not be considered to recruit him, but only to maintain a follower relationship. If it is the chief hero. I am afraid that even follower relationships may not be able to do Here. "

Da Fei nodded: "Let's keep her steady and drink with him to develop friendship. It's important to ask if you need anything."

Serbia nodded. "I see. Any instructions from the captain?"

Instructions? Da Fei thought for a moment: "This is a critical period for Lamia and Deirdre to strengthen cooperation." Yes, unity is important, and it is not necessary. In particular, Deirdeli is no longer her own co-hero, and it is difficult to say how high Ramia's loyalty is.

"Got it."

Looking at Serbia's busy reply, Da Fei was lost in thought again. The chief hero's strength is no small matter, if he had not stepped into the pit. I really ca n’t take him, no, he knows that attacking the balloon alone is a lethal threat. Although he could smash his plot with the power of Sacred Vine, once he was recruited by Japanese players, it was a variety of guerrilla harassment that continuously consumed the energy of Sacred Vine.

In short, Japanese players must not be recruited to him. Then the best way is to let Deirdre recruit him. How to recruit Of course, understand the information, do what you want!

Da Fei immediately thought of Prince Hirsey. He should know the hobbies of many chief heroes, right? OK, go ask him.

So Da Fei left the ship, and along the back and forth passage of the evil demon beetle, found Hilthe who was relocating the barracks.

See Da Fei appear. Hirsey hurried forward to salute: "Master, he is in charge of the demolition with all his heart. Please review it!"

I didn't come to review, and I couldn't review it. but. This attitude of lowering the eyebrows is more and more appreciated. Probably this is the enlightenment of the royal family sister-in-law.

Dafei laughed: "Yes, you worked hard, I am optimistic about you."

Hilsey said: "Thank you host for your compliments, you must work harder next."

Hum, when employees are working hard, they just meet their superiors for inspection. It is difficult to realize the care of the leaders. The loyalty is +1! Wa hahaha!

Dafei talked about the business: "By the way, I heard that Cromwell, the chief hero of the Fire Cave City, may be suspended. How much do you know about him? For example, his hobbies or something."

Hilce couldn't help but happily: "Suspended? He deserves it, if someone else might be able to go directly to prison, wow hahaha!"

What the hell! Can you be so explicit?

Hilser continued: "Cromwell's hobby is the same as ordinary demons, and there is not much difference. Does the owner understand his message in order to win him?"

Dafei frowned: "Yes, talking to smart people is not tiring!"

Hirsey said busyly: "It is impossible for the owner to win Cromwell with hobbies and friendships. As the son of a high-end demon family, Cromwell has nothing but esteem. If he wants to be better than him through performance, It is impossible to draw him in. He is jealous and will only hate those who are stronger than him. The only possible way is to bet on him and make him submit! "

Let me go. What the **** is this? Dafei couldn't help crying: "A demon like this would be so kind to obey the bet? Or would he sign a contract with him?"

Hilce quickly shook his head: "Of course the contract is absolutely impossible. The master, Cromwell once bragged that he was invincible in the eight cities below the ground, and all that ran in the sky was not his opponent, and then A demon king offered him a reward for killing the mogul dragon and got the heart of the dark creature. But Cromwell did not do it because the mogul dragon can not only fly but also dive. This is his biggest Knot"

Numa prison dragon? Da Fei suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a monster gathering place in the distance of La Mia's map!

Hirce continued: "The master can bet with him. If the master can get the heart of the artifact Dark Underground, he can use this to trade with him, and he cannot refuse!"

Da Fei was shocked: "How good is this artifact? How strong is this Numa prison dragon? As long as you trade the heart of Underground to Cromwell, he will follow my army and never betray him?"

Hirsey shook his head: "This artifact can only be used to hire him for a period of time at most. The Marsh Dragon is not actually an orthodox dragon, but a subspecies produced by mating a black dragon and a water monster, but it is just such a The subspecies actually has a godhead, and the heart of the monster marsh is its godhead. The purpose is unknown, so there is a demon king who wants to study it. "

What the hell! The monsters on the map really are all beasts. Da Fei said badly: "I challenge a god-level monster just to hire him with a godhead? Even the follower relationship can't be reached?"

Hirsey nodded: "Cromwell was not a subordinate, so I personally do not recommend that the owner spend too much effort to draw him in. I do n’t think it is important for the host , The important thing is that the **** marsh has a lot of dark energy, which is what the master needs now. And I think that only such a high-end advanced master can defeat that monster! "

Dafei suddenly realized: "You mean, the environment of Helluma is almost the same as here?"

Hilce shook his head: "It is 100 times worse than here. As soon as it enters the moor area, the entire army will be poisoned. Even undead creatures will be corroded by bones. As for the deepest moor, I can't know."

Dafei reconfirmed: "This monster dragon or a water monster?"

Hilce nodded: "But the owner is a sea monster killer!"

Da Fei laughed and laughed and said, "Good, I'm lacking the soul of a monster! I'm here to make a decision! Oh, how much do you know about this monster?"

Hilsey shook his head: "Master, I just said what I knew."

What the hell! You do n’t know the specific information of this dragon, and dare to urge him to go. Are you sure you are not a pit brother?

Da Fei had to discover the surrounding information: "By the way, you just said that the subspecies actually have a godhead, which means that under normal circumstances a subspecies cannot have a godhead?"

Hirce hesitated and then slowly spoke: "According to the supremacy of the blood of the demon, only purely blooded species can qualify as gods, and subspecies cannot. So the existence of this demon dragon is very different from other demon kings. Interested. "

Da Fei frowned. His reaction was a bit wrong? Lying down, could it be that the brother asked the subspecies to stimulate his mixed blood? Okay, brother is wrong!

Dafei had to encourage: "Very good, the information you provided is very important, keep working hard!"

Mr. Hirce hurriedly saluted: "I also hope that I can recover soon, and I can really share my concerns!"

Da Fei returned to the boat and checked the map again. The location of this mozuku demon dragon is quite far away and almost half a globe away, and there are two wild monsters and three mushroom trees in the middle.

This time the big fly began to struggle, is it directly transmitted to the dragon's lair? Or was it originally planned to clean it all the way? Always feel that time is not enough? Of course, the most important thing is to disrupt your own rhythm deployment, which is quite awkward. Is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf hero worthy of upset?

In short, don't think about that much after finishing the tasks at hand. When in doubt, wait and see if it changes and respond to changes. Maybe a good Japanese player can help my brother make progress? (To be continued)

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