God Rank Hero

Chapter 1339: It turns out there really is mine!

1am Beijing time and 5pm London time. The members of the Royal Ark team went back to intense work after dinner early.

Because the latest news came from the exile: "A mine suspected to have unknown resources was found! The red names of various countries have arrived at the scene."

At this moment, British captain Lancelot was excited!

As early as two hours ago, the Royal Ark team received information from Chinese informants, and the Blood Wei Association of China attempted to recruit Elda from Hongming Village to serve as the city defender of the city of punishment. This gave great significance to the British team, and also gave the British team the best reason to fully settle in Hongming Village. Because the city of punishment in the European Union needs a defender.

So Lancelot also returned to the city of punishment for the first time to find the archangel to trigger the task, and the situation of the archangel in the EU is much more difficult than that of the archangel in China, and he has seen love Elda's ability was also serious introspection of her own mistakes. She fully agreed with Lancelot's proposal and agreed to issue an appointment letter to Elda.

And the appointment book from the **** world is the existence that Hilda can never refuse, this is the ultimate killer of the British team to recapture Elda.

However, the EU region also has the same problem. It must first assist Elda in fulfilling the mission of Hongming Village. Prior to the opening of the National Theater, Elda's mission was unknown. However, we ca n’t wait any longer. Fanghua, the female leader in China, has begun to take action, and must take the initiative to take full advantage of the time when Da Fei cannot return from the national war in Japan!

Now, the large screen of the Royal Ark Corps headquarters shows a scene of a wild mine. The entrance of the mine is a strange creature with a car-like shape, a humanoid upper body, and a giant spider at the lower body. In Japanese buzzwords, the monster queen of the spider clan. The strong recovery power of this creature left a deep impression on the British team members who collected information in the last red name Ichimura Kiyomizu.

And not far away from the mine are other national red names who are watching and avoiding the harassment of various small monsters, especially the Chinese red names in the front row of the two or thirty five-star red flags.

Lancelot frowned: "It's a bit of a surprise, it's a little bit beyond our control. Who discovered this mine?"

The team members switched the camera to the head of the Chinese player who squatted and circled on the ground in the back of the crowd: "It's him, a Chinese player, all of us are following him."

Lancelot frowned again. "He's a good stand. Anyone wants to kill him. He can run away in time."

The player replied: "It should be a master, unlike ordinary players."

Lancelot said Shen: "If he was sent by the Chinese Grand Guild, he should keep a secret anyway. What is his identity?"

The team members switched to a page on the website again: "We found that his account had a transaction record two hours ago on China's most well-known gold rush online. This is a buy number."

"The number to buy?" Lancelot frowned. "It's very suspicious! It doesn't rule out the possibility that someone will deliberately smoke smoke bombs to tease players in various countries."

The team members were surprised: "What should we do?"

Lancelot said in a deep voice: "Contact our frontline players and ask them to lead the lady spider away from the door, and the other members will rush into the hole as quickly as possible to see."

"Roger that."


At this moment, looking at the movements of "multinational" players, Phoenix Feather sneered. For the large "sealed" Phoenix feather. All actions now are almost venting, lest the world be chaotic. At the same time, the bigger the scene is, the better it is to break the game.

At that moment, the soldier of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce came to the "Princes of Pork Ribs" again: "Brother, are you sure there are treasures in it? There are so many foreigners now, if the treasures are stolen, wouldn't it be great?"

Phoenix Feather was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "It's my shit! Whoever has the ability can take it."

The soldier said in a deep voice: "Say, I know you are not an ordinary player, what is your purpose?"

Phoenix Feather wasn't angry: "Isn't that a bullshit? Which ordinary player will enter Hongming Village?"

The soldier frowned. "Can you talk well? You pull a wool?"

Phoenix Feather said coldly: "How old are you? Labor is the best name, labor is the price!"

"Nima!" The soldier also crouched next to the ribs, and then said solemnly: "I've only seen one who played such a silly person as you have." Watch the actions of multi-national players.

Phoenix Feather's heart beat, did he recognize that this was my trumpet? But after waiting for a while, I didn't hear the soldier's following. Although Phoenix Feather did not intend to talk nonsense with him, he couldn't help but asked, "Who?"

The soldier said, "Who?"

Phoenix Feather said impatiently: "You say that you are so stupid like me". Phoenix feather immediately regretted it!

The soldier pointed at Phoenix Feather's nose and laughed, "You acknowledged it yourself. Are you stupid?"

The feather of the Phoenix is ​​furious: "Grass mud horse, dare to play with me!"

The soldier smiled even more happily: "I changed my mouth, as silly as you, I have never seen it". With that said, the soldier smiled and said, "Say, are you the horn of the Phoenix feather?"

The phoenix feather trembled, how did he guess! ? Even if I buy a number, no one knows any connection between me and large!


The soldier said, "I have the illusion that you are him."

This is forcing me! Phoenix Feather frowned: "Why do you see it?"

The soldier said lightly: "Because the feather of the Phoenix is ​​a big fool ..."

Nima! At this moment, Phoenix Feather decided to shut up. Never say a word about this garbage again.

At this time, the strange monster action of multi-national players has progressed, and the spider woman removed the small half of the body!

The Phoenix Feather suddenly got up, and the marching skills were turned on. Rush!

For other players who are not familiar with Spider-Woman, this may not be a big progress, but for Phoenix Feather, who is familiar with the road, this is the opportunity! Once this opportunity is missed, the behavior of the red-named players will most likely be cleared by players from other countries if they fail to get closer.

The Chinese player's change was another uproar! In the eyes of everyone. At this time Xiang Bo ss approaching is simply suicide!

However, a "miracle" appeared. Instead of being killed by Boss, the Chinese player rushed into the Boss hole smoothly!

Lancelot immediately returned to God: "Rush!"

For a time, a large number of red names moved, and other red names that did not belong to the British team also followed the wind. At this moment, the red names of all countries are surprisingly tacit. There is no pk event that pulls each other's hind legs. After all, everyone knows that this is the action of the big country game club. The real battle is still behind. Mining intelligence. In the case of unknown information, pk each other is simply a glorious world.

However, the miracle did not happen again, and half of the people did not grasp the chance and were still killed by Boss. However, there are still half of Hongming's who successfully broke into the Boss hole.

Phoenix Feather laughed, and of course he knew what happened behind him. The Phoenix feather also knows that the monster that keeps the hole is not only the door, but also in the hole. So the advantage of being a pioneer of the well-known road came, he went straight into a dark crack and hid after entering the hole.

Then, the players in the following countries still thought that someone was leading the way, rushing through the race, and then, one could not stop the car and simultaneously led to the two spider women in the hole!

Two! The red names of all countries are uproar! Then the next moment, the two spider women rushed the red names of the countries to the cave like two bulldozers!

When the two spider girls passed by the crevice hidden by the feather of the Phoenix, the feather of the Phoenix seized the precious opportunity and rushed into the depth of the wave ss cave!

The Phoenix feather is extremely fortunate. The previous actions that could not be completed more than 20 times by a single person were successfully completed because of these cannon fodder. So what is the depth of the wave ss cave?

It's close! There was blood at the end of the passage! Is it the blood of the Red Sea? Phoenix Feather is throbbing with excitement!

When the Phoenix Feather rushed to the end, a huge blood pool appeared, and there were countless blood red crystals around the blood pool!

Phoenix Feather's jaw dropped: "It turns out that there is a mine !!!"

Looking at the opposite side of the blood pool, there was a passageway. The bleeding water was continuously poured into the blood pool. The feather of the Phoenix could not think much, and rushed to that passageway, perhaps there was the source of the Red Sea ... (to be continued).

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