God Rank Hero

Chapter 1360: How high-end is the Big V?

Finally, when all the members of the army were annihilated, Ma Yinglong returned to his seat and slumped back to his seat: "This is a good pretense, I give it a perfect score!"

The Emperor Shen sighed: "If it was in the previous e-sports game, his level may be slightly worse than that of Li Minhao, but in this game, I dare to say that Li Minhao is far from his opponent."

Gu Xingchen sighed: "Yes, after all, this game is mainly an adventure game. Adventures and luck and the wisdom of the player also account for a considerable proportion. It is no longer just the previous speed, energy, and nerves. The reaction was confronted. "

Xue Wei Shenggun said blankly: "Who is he or Dafei great?"

Ma Yinglong shook his head: "Who knows, Da Fei is an amateur player after all. At least, he can't compare with him in terms of technical operations."

The Emperor sighed, "What do you do under the boss of that horse?"

Ma Yinglong smiled wryly and shook his head again: "Let me think, otherwise, you guys try it?"

亘 Gu Xingchen didn't have a good air: "Bottom! Boss Ma said that if he loses well, don't he lose, does this lead to one of his skills? And he still used it before. Boss Ma tried a few times to put all his Big moves are coming out? "

Ma Yinglong cut it out: "I'm not Japanese, I can't afford to lose this person, I still forget it."

The Emperor sighed: "Even the boss Ma is not sure, then we are not sure."

Xue Wei Sheng gun sighed: "Let's just watch the EU take the mine away?"

At this moment, the big brothers were silent again, leaving only the thunderous sound of the local overlord. As the owners of professional e-sports clubs, they all have sharp eyes, clear heads, and accurate judgments of the situation. The more than 30 fishing red names in the European Union are not necessarily the ones that they can take down with the number of people, let alone an old monster out of the mountain.

It is not even ruled out that the EU is taking this opportunity to build momentum for the big v. It can already be imagined that the big v just couldn't go out. The signature pretense video of the Chinese red name raging and dying out of 1000 has been posted on the EU forum and has caused a sensation in the world.

If the big brothers still don't know how to play, and continue to give him heads and stepping stones, that's really worth the loss.

Finally, Ma Yinglong sighed, "Can't control it. I flashed."

The Emperor God and the ancient stars couldn't help sighing, "Then there is no way."

at this time. The royal overlord suddenly woke up: "What's up? What can't be helped?"

Xue Wei's holy gun can not help but joy: "With it, maybe there is a way for the overlord!"

The ancient stars also had a sudden joy: "Yeah, there is an overlord, and he can do everything in disregard of urban management and burning!"

Ma Yinglong clapped and laughed: "Come here, let the overlord look at the video first!"

The royal overlord shook his head and rubbed his eyes and watched the big v video. He still didn't wake up: "Is this what?"

The big nods nodded solemnly: "That's it!"

The hegemon of the royal family laughed in surprise: "Just this shit! I just say that you people are too concerned about your face, aren't you just hanging out with a group of people? How big is it?"

Xue Wei's holy gun softly said: "After all, their three major guilds represent the image of our Chinese area. Their face is the national body of the Chinese area."

The royal hegemon haha ​​laughed wildly: "Understand! You are big professions and high players who want to protect your country. We are wayward tyrants who don't pay attention to that much, OK, then leave it to us. No matter how daunting Dafei did, it didn't scare me. I've seen even better things now, who can pretend to be in front of me? But, yes, I can only send a trumpet to disgusting them, and don't count on how great they can be! "

Xue Wei Sheng gun clapped and laughed: "All that is needed is to make a gesture of resistance to declare the presence of our Chinese players in Hongming Village!"

The ancient stars laughed: "By the way, this is an opportunity to promote the Royal Guild brand. All the members you dispatched have your monogram on top."

The royal overlord didn't feel good: "Afraid that others think we are the trumpet of your guild?"

Everyone laughed: "Look, this is all guessed!"


At this time, the EU District Team Alliance chat room was filled with applause and cheers.

Prince George once again applauded: "Although we have guessed that Mr. V is very powerful. But it is beyond our imagination! Even if the Chinese player named Phoenix Feather is not blocked, he is unlikely to be in red The famous village defeated Mr. Da. "

Big v shook his head and smiled: "His home court advantage is still quite scary. My next goal is to build my home court advantage. I also come to fish. What friends should do. In fact, I know that even without me, friends. Are you sure you can deal with Chinese players? "

Prince George laughed: "The only thing I can't be sure of is dealing with Dafei."

Da v shook his head and smiled: "Actually, I'm not sure. I don't know how many cards he has. However, it should be interesting to be able to compete with such strange players."

The captain of Sweden, Viking Ares, also said: "Presumably the Chinese will retreat when they find it difficult. Let's start with all our efforts to deliver materials from the city of the mage."

Prince George cheered up, "OK, let's continue!"

Unsurprisingly, the video of Da V's red name village killing a thousand Chinese players with a summoning sensation caused a sensation in the European Union area, and then a sensation in the whole world. The emergence of Big V is undoubtedly a challenge to name Da Fei. Players from various countries have discussed on the forum whether Da Fei is an opponent of Big V?

Yes, at the beginning of the game, Da Fei was only recognized as the world's first "amateur" player, but as Da Fei's continuous slaughter of God continued to broadcast on the world, the word "Da Amateur" was removed. . And now the great strength shown by Da v has shaken the status of Da Fei as the world's first player, and the eyes of players around the world once again focus on Hongming Village.


At this moment, looking at the video message sent by Xuewei Qiqi and Yan Ran with a smile, Dafei was shocked with uncomfortable thoughts on the spot.

Even if Da Fei does not know all the retired active professional masters in the past ten years, Da Fei cannot fail to know Da v, this is a person of the same age as his own contemporaries. When Da Fei was still playing with the joystick in the arcade hall, Da v already played on behalf of the national team and achieved very good results. When Da Fei started to touch the mouse and keyboard pk more than once, Da v was already a small pop-up window in the game. In Da Fei's mind, this person who is completely in two planes with himself can never have an intersection with himself.

And now, this big v challenged himself like a ghost crawling out of the TV! This is the death lord of the most valuable **** hero in the world. Does he have many adventures of his own? How many artifacts does he have? How many divine skills or part-time jobs does he have? He is so calm that he exposes things like "element neutrality and shadow absorption" that he has never heard, which means he has more powerful skills?

how to respond? Although Dafei is very confident in his superiority, Dafei also knows his shortcomings, that is, his development direction is mainly in terms of influence and strategic attributes. Dafei's own combat effectiveness is not outstanding, and it may not even be Head to head over the Phoenix Feather. In fact, isn't Da Fei's game playing just to travel back and forth for the beauties and vice heroes?

However, he said later, at least for now, he came to work for himself. Da Fei decided to ask Elina, who grew mushrooms, what this element neutralizes.

Facing Da Fei's question, Elina could not help but stunned: "Neutralize the elements?"

Da Fei added: "If the fire and frost spells hit at the same time, they will cancel each other without harm!"

Elina's face was incredible: "How is that possible? According to the situation that adults say, even if flame and frost can offset, then there is no element of lightning magic to offset it, why can't lightning magic cause harm?"

What the hell! You still ask me? Who do I ask? There is no alternative but to take her to ask Hilda or the three elders. The **** must have my teacher.

In the face of Da Fei's question, the three elders and Hilda were also confused: "How is that possible?"

What the hell! Wouldn't there be no such spell skills at all? Is big v flickering all over the world? Brother loves to do this kind of thing.

Da Fei asked, "Will it be an artifact?"

Everyone shook their heads again and was at a loss again.

Isn't it? Don't even give a hint to hide skill information? To what extent is this big v high-end?

Just then, the elder frowned and said, "Perhaps, Lord Lord can ask friends in the city of the mage? No one is more proficient in elemental magic than they are."

Elina frowned, apparently expressing disapproval.

Da Fei sighed, I'm afraid I have to write to ask Thain. If you say that Da Fei's tangled skills just now are just curious about the effect of the skills, then now Da Fei wants to see how high-end this big v is. If you can't even figure out the realm of the other party, then you still have wool?

Da Fei's inquiry soon received a reply from Thain:

Admirable Lord of the City: Regarding the neutralization of the elements you said and the state of skills you described, I am foolish and cannot explain, but I will try to find relevant information in the next, please be patient.

Your faithful friend Thain.

Da Fei sighed silently, then only patiently waited, hope this is indifferent, indifferent.

With a long sigh, Dafei's friend message rang again. It's blood Wei Qiqi again.

Blood Wei Qiqi: "Reported to Fei Ge, the Dragon Soul Association has withdrawn from Hongming Village. Now the Royal Guild will send a group of low-level players to Hong Ming Village. They are going to the disgusting people. Please also ask Fei Ge not to expect too much. . "

What the hell! royal? Dafei couldn't laugh or cry. Okay, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as the actors play their feet without hurting their muscles, the royal family will toss.

As for their message, let ’s continue to pretend to sleep for half an hour before replying. It ’s important that I rush to eat mushrooms.

(For monthly tickets ... recommended tickets ...) (To be continued.)

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