God Rank Hero

Chapter 1389: Will the service be postponed again?

——Moderator: "Good afternoon, friends from the audience, now it is 3 o'clock live broadcast of the Hero Express. We are fortunate to have Mr. Gu Xinglong, the president of the Star Association, and Mr. Yinglong Ma, the president of the Dragon Slayer Association, a guest live broadcast. In the meantime, welcome to the two chairmen! "

Ancient Gu Xing laughed: "Hello audience friends, good host!"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "This is not the first time, the host is polite."

Gu Xingchen laughed with a smile: "This time the live broadcast group didn't make an appointment. It suddenly called us over. This must have happened to a very important thing?"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "President Long, it was already very urgent without an appointment. You snatched my lines again. You made me embarrassed in front of the audience in the country? Don't worry about borrowing money!"

Gu Xingchen hurriedly said: "Ah no! Please ask the host to let the national audience comment and judge. Are we the Chinese Association to join forces to go to the country, should borrowing money be-"

Ma Yinglong was not angry: "Which country is suffering? The situation in China is very good!"

Elder Gu Xing laughed: "In that line, the responsibility of single-heading the whole world fell on President Ma!"

The host coughed: "Ah-two presidents, this is indeed a very important thing. Just when we were preparing the program material in our live broadcast room, we saw the information of our Chinese players flying to destroy the city. Players from 7 countries in the world are in shock. Presumably, the live broadcast programs of various countries are also discussing this topic for the first time. Of course, the live broadcast of our heroic newsletters must not fall behind the program groups of other countries, so the two chairmen were urgently invited. "

Ma Yinglong nodded: "Understand, I heard that Tokyo Telecom ’s live broadcasts are getting better and better during this time. There are more and more audiences around the world. Even many Chinese players are watching Tokyo Telegraph for the first time. Already Faintly surpasses our hero news program in China. "

The host sighed with a smile: "This. The anchors of their show crew are the popular voice actors of well-known cartoons that have been invited. Naturally, the popularity is slightly higher and a little bit."

Ma Yinglong sighed: "In the end, it doesn't matter if the show is not professional, it is the kingly way to follow the popular beauty anchor line!"

Moderator: "Eh! We also made mistakes when doing professional live broadcasts ..."

Lao Xingchen sighed: "The other main reason is that they can provide first-hand information about the national war, and in contrast, the information we can provide in China is very limited."

Ma Yinglong nodded: "Well, Da Fei, which is mostly of interest to the world ’s audience, is too mysterious! The Japanese players who he played know more about Da Fei than we Chinese players know about Da Fei. So this I ’ve been watching Tokyo Telecom for a while! Of course, I ’m watching our hero, and I have two TVs on the wall at the same time! ”

The host smiled and said, "Well, please ask the two presidents to share their views on Dafei destroying the city!"

Ancient Gu Xing laughed: "In order not to grab Chairman Ma's lines, I decided to let President Ma talk first!"

Ma Yinglong grinned: "The view is very simple. This is a disaster for the world's players? With a flying airship in the sky, he alone is enough to withstand the Allied Powers of the Eight Kingdoms. Doesn't President Long say?"

亘 Gu Xingchen waved his hand: "Where and where, President Ma can resist the two main groups of others with a single cannon!"

The host gave a cough: "Um-this, there are two days left before the server of the New World will be open. What effect will the destruction of the city have on the pattern of the New World?"

The ancient star said, "It has a great impact. This is completely beyond the progress of the game at the time of the beta. To be more precise, it has completely changed the pattern of the New World National Theater. Originally, the teams of all countries were ready to prepare. In the New World, the city was built in large numbers, but after the big fly, it is estimated that no one really dare to build a large area. Otherwise, just after the village is built, the big ship will fly over and bomb it. play?"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "So, the situation in China is very good."

Gu Xingchen laughed with a smile: "So, we are all using money to develop the old world. Well, money can only work if it is used out!"

Ma Yinglong cut it out: "Really used it all? I bet you still have at least 500 million national war reserves!"

The ancient star hurriedly said, "Nothing! We all developed airships, OK?"

The host laughed: "So how will players from all countries respond to the challenges posed by Dafei?"

Ma Yinglong said in a deep voice: "No way?"

The ancient stars nodded: "There should be no way."

The host laughed: "Did Dafei become a flying devil, can he do whatever he wants?"

Ma Yinglong said with emotion: "If I'm not mistaken, the service time of the National War Zone may be delayed by a few days."

The ancient stars nodded: "Well, this is the only way."

The host was surprised: "The opening time of the National Theater has been postponed for 10 days because of Da Fei. Is it going to be postponed for a few days because of Da Fei?"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Otherwise, I can't think of any official measures to restrict Dafei."

Lao Xingchen laughed: "Of course, the National War Zone is not entirely due to the 10-day delay of Da Fei. Officials still have to allow enough time for the development of the New Southeast Asia and South American New Districts."

Ma Yinglong nodded: "However, although the two new zones are developing very fast, the background is still insufficient, so it is still necessary for the authorities to continue to give them time, so the possibility of continuing to delay the opening of the national war zone is also very high. Now. "

Gu Xingchen laughed and said, "Why not, our program team will do a lottery to gamble? Can you guess the players who have opened the server and can accurately guess the delay time have a chance to win?"

Ma Yinglong clapped and laughed, "I bet for three days!"

Ancient Gu Xing laughed: "I bet for 5 days!"

The host laughed: "The proposals of the two presidents are very interesting-"

—— “Bet !!! The first place is a luxury satellite gaming helmet, the second place is 10 platinum helmets, the third place is 100 gold helmets ...”

The host laughed: "It is indeed a director, and it was finalized on the spot! Then viewers. If you are interested in participating in our contest, please scan the QR code at the bottom right of the screen. Send a text message ..."

Gu Xingchen laughed and said, "I watched the show group for the ratings too!"

Ma Yinglong laughed: "I said the director. Do you have more groups of beauties to do the show? We have a team of professional beauties in China. Can you invite them? You can't take all the beauty out of Japanese beauties! And those voice actors In fact, they are not long, and there is no reason to lose them! "

Director: "It makes sense!"

The host said with a smile: "Now let's talk about the strength of the new zone that players are more concerned about. The two presidents think that the national war team in the new zone is the most challenging for us in China?"

Gu Xingchen: "There is no doubt that the Southeast Asian New Area has been developed. Especially the Vietnamese team, there are already Japanese and American investors who have recruited and trained third-tier professional members in their countries. And they are also third-tier professional members. Competitive clubs are required to pay salaries ranging from 6,000 to 15,000. In Vietnam, the monthly salary equivalent to 2,000 yuan can be ignored. The majority of young people's crowded registrations will have different labor costs. "

Ma Yinglong said positively: "On the premise of saving labor costs, the Vietnamese team is devoting all their energy and funds to the research of airships. It can be imagined that in the next month, the heroic Genesis sky will be controlled by the Vietnamese team. But it's terrible. "

Moderator: "What about South America?"

The ancient stars sighed: "The overall strength of South America is definitely not as good as that of Southeast Asia, but it is definitely the one with the most talented talents. At present, the spirit of Batty, Neymar, I love talented players like Messi. .They have already made an impressive record in the arena ladder, if they have the will. I really want to buy them. "

Ma Yinglong laughed: "Now they have different values. It's better to buy them from India."

Moderator: "I have to say that the advent of Heroic Genesis has given children in poor families in South America an extra star choice besides football ..."


When all countries in the world are discussing a series of effects brought by the Dafei slaughter city, the Mitsubishi team is making waves again—there are thousands of **** npcs in the pool of light! .

"Nani !?" At this moment, the entire Mitsubishi Command was more shocked than Dafei Slaughter City!

Needless to say, these **** npcs must be the magic city people teleported by those druids who appeared together. As for the use of these npcs, all Mitsubishi team members guessed the first time: the population of Lamia Village!

The slippery **** was even pale: "We are not able to surpass the progress of Dafei's population collection?"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth: "Even if Dafei is just a national war passerby, the leadership of Ramia Village must never fall into Dafei's hands!"

The gun sighed and sighed: "Captain, I suggest that all of our main players in the city of the city of punishment return to China to support it. We are completely deadlocked in the city of punishment, and we have killed the angel defender. After the mission, it will be of little value to continue to stay in the city of punishment. "

Tsukamoto frowned: "It is true that whether it is to cooperate with Dafei to destroy the city or to capture the **** army from the ground world, you need the ability of the main players to do it, then return the task and return to China."

"Hi Yi!"


At this time, Xuewei Studio. President Zhou Qing laughed with a smile: "Dear ladies, you met the machine that turned into a golden phoenix. Just now the Hero Express program team contacted me. In the future, several beauties will be arranged as guest commentators. You are ready. No?"

Blood Wei Qiqi exclaimed excitedly: "Have I? Have I?"

Zhou Qing laughed: "You'll have your dark circles removed!"

Just then, the World Channel clanged:

——Information on the National War of the City of Divine Punishment in China: Japan's player generals, Echigo Dragon, Kai Fei's Tiger, Killing Life, right and left ... 12 players left the National Battlefield, and the City of Divine Punishment End!

"Okay!" The whole Xuewei studio cheered! (To be continued ...)


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