God Rank Hero

Chapter 1391: Talking Mining Machine

It was also between the thoughts of Da Fei, the light pool station arrived, and from the sky, it turned out that it was densely packed with npc of **** people. This is the population that Brother collected!

At that moment, the general sighed: "Warrior, the completion of this campaign mission is beyond my expectations. The warrior's record has regained my confidence in continuing to serve and at the same time restored the trust of the parliament in me. So I There is also a personal reward, please accept the reward! "

System Tip: You have successfully completed the battle mission of Ragner, the defender of the pool of light, "Strike Magic City", you get reward experience +20 million, bright alliance merit +200,000, skill book +10, and elves Kingdom 1000 commanded the value of recruiting authority. You get the hidden skill book "Hand of Vengeance" from General Ragnar.

Hand of Vengeance: Consumes a large amount of hate value at one time, causing multiple blows to the target. The target hit by the hand of vengeance will continue to bleed, the armor is weak, and there is a high probability of direct beheading on targets with less than 10% health. Skill cooldown, one day. Learning requirements: Grand Ranger.

System Tip: Upgrade your follower co-hero Tamilla to level 54!

Da Fei suddenly stunned: "Hand of Vengeance?"

The general nodded: "This is the skill I just used to kill the Demon Lord. I believe that the warrior can also use it. Compared with other hatred strike skills, this skill is unique in that it can be used for any target. Although the warrior has already There is no Ranger profession, but I think the Warriors can also be used. "

That's right, as long as it is a ranger hate skill brother can use it! And the hatred of Ranger hate skills is that it can only deal hate damage against specific targets on the hate list. And there is no limit to this skill, it's totally a technique of venting anger. After heads-up, it can be regarded as a big move that can seconds people! Of course, the premise is to rush to the guru.

Dafei was overjoyed: "Thank you, General!"

The general laughed: "The warriors are polite. The significance of this battle is far-reaching. In fact, my reward is not enough to reward the meritorious deeds. Although the warriors need any help from me in spite of speaking, I will disembark and report to the military. Battle. "

Da Fei laughed: "The general walks slowly."

That's what he said. He had intended to resign in order to make a promise. This reward is indeed not worthy of me. But it doesn't matter. Feelings are just fine.

The following things are of course non-stop transporting people. At the same time waiting for the Holy Vine Space to slowly digest the divine power of the tree roots, try to avoid fighting later. And the boat of the sky has been stuffed with more than a thousand captives, so there is nothing to say, and set off directly to Lamia village.

However, it is not a small number that the sky boat is full of more than a thousand captives.

Da Fei instructed: "The boat in the sky headed to Lamia village at the lowest altitude and the slowest speed." That's right. Make a look of extreme overload for Japanese players along the way. At the same time, it has also made people all over the world, especially the game official, know that Brother's Sky Boat is actually not that godly.

Agalon replied, "Observe, my master!"

Oh! Have you forgotten to switch the automatic driving mode? Fortunately, let it continue to do what it does. The short board of the sky boat is actually his balloon. He must also grow and evolve, otherwise he cannot keep up with the growth rhythm of the vine.

Then, Da Fei finally had time to check the progress of tree root digestion.

Da Fei came to the center village, and there were crowds in front of her, and the captives were already crowded to the edge of the mushroom forest. That huge gold-green tree root was floating in the central lake with thick rattan. The water of the entire central lake is also rippling with golden green waves.

Tamillah stepped forward to report excitedly: "Master, the city lord is now fully absorbing the divine power of the world tree roots. The sap of the divine power that the beetles have absorbed has begun to take effect, and it is not too long before our vine can be upgraded again , Then our central village was not so crowded! "

Dafei laughed, "How long will it take to completely digest this fast tree root?"

Tamilla contemplates: "It's hard to say, after all, the divine power in the root of the tree is more pure than the juice collected by the beetle, and it will take a long time. Of course, if the master of the city wants to grow faster, Then we can naturally gobble up and speed up our progress, but we will waste a lot of energy. "

Dafei waved his hand: "Don't waste, let's digest slowly, don't worry." Yeah, the brothers have been followed by the game official. Where can you dare to go in and out? Time is on Brother's side, and Brother is not in a hurry. How to say it is necessary to stay open to the new world, let all the intellectual brains fully enter the autonomous operation state, so that gm no longer have room for human intervention.

Then, of course, Da Fei is of course going to look at the sand bug mining machine that has rushed to God-level war machine science. The current mining machine is a high-level spiritual intelligent life. Da Fei wants to see how it is an intelligent method.

Da Fei came to the passenger compartment to find the sandworm mining machine. At this time, the round body of the mining machine appeared a layer of dazzling gold-green light, which looked like a huge cabbage worm, disgusting.

Flying view properties:

Sandworm mining machine: Artifact, special vehicle, durability 10,000, defense 500, speed 4, two additional equipment bar. High-efficiency mining machine with various functions such as logging, mining, and digging. The mining machine itself can store and transport 300 units of ore. Starting the mining machine requires 50 units of crystal or gem resources as the power source. (Note: The storage capacity and transportation speed of the mining machine increase with the user's logistics level.) Stunt: Advanced mechanical spirit.

Advanced mechanical spirits: Non-life units have obtained intelligent life characteristics, and can enjoy some strategic attribute bonuses for heroes (currently 20% bonus for heroes).

Additional Equipment: Devil's Spike Drill x2.

Devil's Spike Drill: Artifact, War Machine, 50% increase mining efficiency, 500 siege damage, base durability 200,000. Stunt: Swallow to resume growth.


Dafei frowned, and this is the current property of the mining machine. Remember that when the machine was an s-class treasure, it was 1000 durable, only 100 units of ore could be stored and transported, and only 10 units of fuel were used. Unconsciously, the durability of the machine has doubled 10 times! So what happened to this advanced mechanical spirit? Is it machinery and life? What's the difference between the maggots of Mage City?

When Da Fei selected the spirit attributes, a dull and dull voice suddenly came from the sandworm's belly: "Master!"

Dafei was terrified: "You can talk!"

The mining machine continued to muffle, "Master!"

Da Fei was surprised: "You only know this one?"

"the host!"

What the hell! Really only this sentence! This is the equivalent of a baby saying "Mom", right? It turns out that this is the meaning of the mechanical spirit body. Is it really a life miracle that can only be created by drawing on divine power? That is to say, if it continues to develop, it can also grow into the existence of architectural creatures like the ancient tree fortress?

Da Fei said excitedly: "Okay! The host is very glad to hear you talk, take a good rest, and continue to make you mine and grow in the future!"

At this moment, Sandworm's voice was clearly excited: "Master!"

Wow hahaha, do you understand it? Cool! By the way, I have learned the god-level war machine, so the sub-skills must be learned.

Da Fei took out the golden textbooks, and in one shot, the golden light flashed:

The system prompts: You have spent 1 skill point and learned the skill of the god-level war machine student "man-machine integration"!

Man-machine integration: 35% of the hero's own strategic attributes can be used on war machines.

Dafei was in a hurry to check the properties of the sandworm mining machine, and saw that the defense of the mining machine suddenly changed from 500 to 780! Dafei also has a strategic defense of nearly 500 points. The man-machine integration has increased by 35%, and the advanced mechanical spirit of the sand bug has increased by 20%. This is exactly the number!

Can be superimposed, cool! Dafei ecstatic overjoyed!

The biggest problem with Dafei is that the damage of the crossbow gun is not subject to the strategic attack bonus of the hero. When the player attributes are low in the early stage of the game, the crossbow gun is definitely strong. But when Da Fei's attack is as high as 500, the overall output damage of the crossbow gun is not necessarily much stronger than that of the conventional shooter unit.

Now with this man-machine integration, Da Fei can control the crossbow gun no doubt rejuvenated. More importantly, the attribute stacking of the sandworm mining machine proves that if Da Fei can also toss out a crossbow gun with a "advanced mechanical spirit", then the crossbow gun will also receive a 35% + 20% hero attribute bonus !!

Ah, the crossbow guns that received their 55% attack bonus are two crossbow guns that are supported by the master-level mechanical reinforcements. This power can't be imagined! From the intelligence of this enlightenment situation of the sandworm mining machine, it is clear that advanced mechanical spirits are only life, and there is more room for development in the future. Is it not impossible to enjoy the heroic attribute bonus 100% like conventional troops?

At this moment, Da Fei finally understood why she encountered the epic **** cannon car Dilib at the mine near her hometown in China's Guangcheng City at that time. , They must be god-level crossbows!

As for now, among the Dafei guns, they are similar to the sandworm mining machine. The only thing that is likely to advance the "advanced mechanical life body" is the Hydra cannon. In other words, the sand worm mining machine is the two equipment bits that Fanghua asked the mage mechanics in the city of the mage to install? So what about the Hydra cannon? Is there something like a drill that cannons can eat and grow?

In short, continue to send a letter to Thain to ask, if he says yes, my brother will immediately send the Hydra! (To be continued.)

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