God Rank Hero

Chapter 1400: Amnesty

Mitsubishi Corps headquarters, the rescue operation of Lila Kimi Milon officially launched.

For the player, without triggering the plot, he never knows which hero is in prison, and the salvation action is impossible to talk about (except for storming the prison). Once the hero's name is known, the plot can begin. Various pub owners, prison guards, npc officers, etc. can inquire about the hero's information. Therefore, as long as you know the name of Mimiron, the rescue operation is half done, which is the most valuable clue obtained by the Mitsubishi team.

For a while, the Mitsubishi team members gathered all the information about Mimiron in the city of magic, all the high- and low-grade taverns, mercenary guilds, and barracks training grounds in the abyss.

Although a lot of information was collected, it turned out that the other Mitsubishi team was very frustrated. This Mimiron's detention specifications were beyond imagination, and it was almost impossible to redeem them by players' tasks or redemption.

The higher the specification, the less likely it is, the more it proves his strength, and Mitsubishi will never give up lightly. As a last resort, Tsukamoto had to return to the village of Lamia with the number of doom knight and asked Lamia: "Miss Lamia, although we have collected the information of Mimiron, we can't exchange him at all Can Miss Lamia give me some pointers? "

Lamia shook her head slightly: "All I can do is let you know that this prisoner exists, and I dare not say more, otherwise it may mean declaring war on the Lord of the Shadow City. Maybe it is because there is This layer takes care of what makes normal redemption impossible. "

Tsukamoto frowned and declared war? Indeed, if Lamia taught herself how to rescue Mimiron, this would definitely trigger the task, and the triggering of this task would mean that it would be hostile to the Lord of the Mage City and declare war. As a professional player, this task routine Mitsubishi team certainly understands.

For a while, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters was once again at a loss, and there was much discussion.

Can we only storm the prison? Maybe this is the only idea for all the players, but no one dares to say it. This is the Hell's Capital Abyss Demon City. Any thought of using force is insane and hopeless!

And looking at the big ship in the sky that Dafei stopped at the dock, Tsukamoto frowned: "Ask Dafei?"

Slippery head sighed: "Is it really necessary?"

Tsukamoto sighed: "After all, whether we are convinced or not, he will undoubtedly be at the forefront of the world. And he is in our interests in this respect. If he knew, he might say."

Slippery God smiled bitterly: "Yes, as the current team captain, you are better than me is that you are humbler than me and willing to ask the enemy for advice."

Tsukamoto laughed: "The seniors have won!"

"Then I'll ask." So. Slippery God sent a message to Da Fei: "Da Fei Sang, I want to ask you something."

Then just waited, and waited for a long time and Da Fei didn't reply.

Slip Head was a little impatient: "It seems that the big flying ship has been stopped here after the unloading is finished?"

Team members reported: "Hi Yi! It has been stopped for more than an hour."

Slippery head sighed: "This time should be Chinese dinner time, right? Dafei should go to eat."

The Mitsubishi team waited another ten minutes. Slippery God sent a message again, but it was half a ring and no reply.

Tsukamoto was also upset: "Even an amateur, spending more than an hour on a meal is simply puzzling."

The slippery **** was depressed: "Then wait and think, there must be a way."

As a result, the Mitsubishi team waited another ten minutes. Slippery God sent a message again, but it was half a ring and no reply.

Tsukamoto was furious: "Eating and eating for one and a half hours and minutes, such a **** is almost unrecognizable, not worthy of such a high game achievement!"

Killing off Guan Bailiang coldly: "Perhaps Dafei really hung up to handle important personal matters. His command should be given to his npc deputy hero. If an army can attack our village at this time, his deputy The hero will definitely attack, and the NPC will definitely try to do its best and will not keep it. At that time, we may be able to collect more information about the battleship Dafei. "

The gun's right and left Yin Yin measured and said: "Maybe we will kill his ship at the expense of Lamia Village?"

The sliding head was angry and said: "Are you Baka? The battleship to deal with Da Fei is the British Noah's Ark. It doesn't need us to harm ourselves! And it doesn't rule out that Da Fei just eats and sleeps, or doesn't return to me on purpose If that's the case, it is worthwhile to observe whether our response is worthy of his deep cooperation! "

Gun Zhizuo bowed his head and said, "Hi Yi! What the seniors learned!"

Tsukamoto sighed: "In fact, we can think of the good side. Dafei lost our cooperation. It became idle."

Slippery head strong self-reliance: "I think we may have fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking! I can still try it!"

At this moment, the soul of the Fire Cave City where Sliding Head God lived tears the tavern, Farina, Graul. Cromwell was punching and drinking happily around the table. But even so, their table was still near, and Cromwell's temper was still so hot.

The slippery **** spent 100,000 gold coins to buy the most expensive bottle of **** blood wine, summoned the courage, and laughed forward: "Three adults--"

"Get off!" Without saying a word, the head of the Swordhead blasted the red light before the eyes, and the Swordhead saw only a shadow of Naruto coming!

"Wow--" At this moment, all the team members had only a short time to exclaim!

"No--" meanwhile. Farina's half-scream was also coming out!

And what Slip Head God can do at this moment is to hold this bottle of luxurious blood wine in front of his face! Time seems to be forbidden at this moment!

One second? Or half a second? The grey and black scene of death expected by Slip Head did not appear.

It wasn't until the next moment that the slippery **** saw that the bottle in his hand was gone!

——System Tip: You were robbed of "Luxury Hell's Blood Wine" by Assad Cromwell!

plunder! ? Seeing the system prompts, the Mitsubishi team is shocked! Pirates are the signature skills of pirate heroes, but they usually kill people, and the level is at least 10 levels higher than the opponent to be able to plunder successfully. This Cromwell can actually plunder in front of the player. It's outrageous!

Cromwell said lightly: "I won't kill you because you are a follower of Fallina!"

Fallina busily grinned and said, "Thank you, Cromwell!"

Grauer was dissatisfied: "Stupid! What do you mean by taking a bottle of wine? If it were me, I would kill you!"

The slippery **** immediately returned to God and hurriedly said, "Adult is angry! I immediately buy two bottles to help the adult!"

So slippery and excited, Bid Bid bought another two bottles of luxury blood wine from his boss. That's right, as long as you can approach Cromwell, it is a major breakthrough.

Graul then smiled with satisfaction: "That's right, idiots can't survive in hell!"

Fallina did smile, "Warrior, do you seem to have any questions?"

Graul laughed: "For the sake of this bottle of wine, I can answer a question for you! But the answer is usually-I don't know!"

Slippery God asked quickly: "I want to know, if the general commits a particularly serious fault, will he be caught in prison?"

Graul haha ​​chuckled Cromwell: "Good question! My answer is that this adult was almost arrested!"

Farina's face changed!

Cromwell sank even more: "Boy, believe it or not I can kill you half the life limit?"

At this moment, there was a red alarm light in front of Sliding Head!

Drop the cap? The slippery scared urine was sprayed out: "I mean, how can I rescue the general who is in prison!"

Farina also hurriedly advised: "Her Cromwell, please be angry, you have no offense to listen to this warrior!"

Grauer also laughed: "Yeah, it doesn't rule out that the general will also have such a day, then we must have no choice but to rely on the warrior."

Slipping his head anxiously: "Yes, yes, I am also fully prepared for your general general's need!"

Cromwell frowned: "If I do have such a day-the demon amnesty order! As long as the warrior can get the demon amnesty order, there is no one who can't save it."

Sure enough, there is a way! Slick Head asked in surprise: "How can I get it?"

Grauer frowned, "Impossible! If you ever do that, you'll stay in jail for a lifetime."

Cromwell sneered: "How is that impossible? Do you think my family privileges are fake?"

After saying that, he took out a flaming sign: "Warrior, take my family token and go to the abyss demon city prison to find the warden and deceive the king Baal. He can issue amnesty orders to you. These tasks must be It is a high-definition battle meritorious mission on the battlefield. Based on the situation of our army on the front battlefield, it is estimated that it is impossible. Then all the dazzling monsters at the bottom of the ground will be swept away. They are also the mission objectives of the battle meritorium. You can redeem a feudal order, and you can kill a few more for an amnesty order. "

The sliding head was overjoyed: "The general must be relieved of worries for the general!"

At this moment, excited applause from the entire Mitsubishi headquarters was thunderous: "It is indeed a senior!"

Tsukamoto was even more excited to cry: "Compared to the experience and strategy of my predecessors, I am too superficial and immature!"

Slippery God laughed: "As long as you never give up, a miracle will occur!" Speaking of this, Slippery God frowned: "But don't be too happy now, Cromwell said there is no doubt about the underground monster It ’s the ogre level in Lamia Village, which is quite difficult! "

Tsukamoto frowned: "Can Dafei fight?"

Sliding Head God shook his head: "Still wait for me to go to the prison to take over the task first and see what the situation is saying!"

At this moment, some team members exclaimed: "Report the captain, the team members in the 16th district found a large number of **** legions approaching my Lamiya village!"

Mitsubishi's headquarters was stunned: "A real army came over!" (To be continued.)


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