God Rank Hero

Chapter 1410: Scene hidden boss

At 9:30 pm Beijing time, after half an hour's clearing of the monsters, Da Fei had cleared the demon bone dragon in the Rift Valley Forest, killing a total of 33 and obtaining 33 bone stone mines. ↑, then there is no more movement.

This result is obviously another big fly is not very satisfied. The dark natural power here is so strong that it must have connotation, and these more than thirty ordinary earth dragons obviously cannot reflect its connotation. Moreover, it is also a mushroom forest. In the previous forest, there was a bat wave ss of the Bat Legion. There should also be a wave ss here.

Da Fei thought of the "earthquake transmitter" Elena used to find the dark elves in the river at that time. At that time, she said that this skill was dangerous and could easily attract monster powers underground. Then there is nothing to say, now is the time to call the strong.

Da Fei called Elena off the boat: "Miss Elena, don't it affect the mushroom garden?"

Elina laughed: "There is no problem with Mr. Morassan's help. Although he doesn't know much about mushrooms, his experience in gardening should be universal."

Da Fei nodded: "Very well, then you continue to use earthquakes and try to summon hidden monsters." Then ordered Tamilla: "Once the crisis comes, immediately put one beside Elena Space door. "

"I see! Got it."

Elena immediately set about portraying the magic circle on the ground, and Da Fei immediately seized the time to sit and meditate to restore mana. The biggest drawback of pretending to be a magic weapon is that it consumes too much blue. Maintaining 1 second is 100 mana consumption, which makes Dafei 360 more knowledge 3600 mana plus Ansu totem more than 1,000 mana can not support it. But it doesn't matter, Dafei's bright tears are also filled with 10,000 thousand mana reserves in the on-hook. If you encounter ** oss, you should be able to survive it?

With the start of Elena Earthquake. There was also a wave of soot on the ground across the rift valley. Elena once said. The oscillating wave of her communication-based seismology is not the same as the ordinary seismic wave. It is similar to the infrasound wave. It should not have oscillated dust. Now, this situation shows that Elina is very strong.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes! The situation is as static as ever.

Da Fei couldn't sit still: "Miss Elena, wouldn't she?"

Elina frowned: "It is not yet confirmed. The strong are not dormant. Especially in the underground where food is scarce, larger reptiles and dragons have dormant characteristics in order to save energy."

Dafei is interested: "How long will the dragon sleep?"

Elina shook her head: "Hundreds of years have been normal for hundreds of years. The last Hydra that the adult killed was dormant for a thousand years. And in the rumors of the dark elves, there is a dark elven who has established the city for hundreds of years. The city was actually built on top of the dragon's lair. As a result, the wake of the dragon caused the tragedy of the city. "

Da Fei nodded: "So it is!" In the final analysis, the dormant dragon should be considered to exist like wave ss? OK, you can find hidden waves ss that is also a skill.

Five minutes later, Elina's mana had been exhausted, and there was still nothing on the radar.

Dafei's patience was also exhausted: "Will it really be true?"

Elena shook her head and sighed, "I don't know. Maybe not, maybe the other person woke up but didn't care."

Dafei was surprised: "don't care?"

Elina sighed: "Yes, just like the beast does not care about the bugs crawling on it, some dormant powerhouses will automatically ignore the existence of no threat to it. Especially some powerful The Dragons are even lazy. "

Dafei frowned. What about the dragons should be asked about the dragons? Da Fei hurriedly invited Zavala and her mount Cinti Gossa: "What do you think about this earth dragon?"

Cindy Gossa muttered: "What do you think?"

Zavala frowned. "I don't know very well."

Dafei stunned, "Do you know anything about the Dragons?"

Cinti Gossa scorned: "It's just a lizard. What a dragon!"

Savala also coughed: "This, my lord, these reptiles are probably the same as monkeys in human eyes in the eyes of our dragons."

Dafei coughed, "There is always something in common ..."

Cinti Gossa: "No!"

Zavala straightened out: "Greedy! Instinctual greed for real treasures."

Isn't it enough for me to bait? Dafei frowned: "Are you going to use an artifact?"

Zavala declined to say: "Maybe."

Just then, Elena spoke again: "Sir, have you noticed that I have n’t attracted any earthworms around me for such a long time? And according to common sense, I have been casting for so long. Kilometers of ground bugs will definitely respond. "

Zavala nodded: "Then there are only two possibilities. First, there are no groundworms around. Second, the surrounding groundworms dare not come over. If it is the second case, then it can be confirmed that there are strong dragons here. Exist, other terrestrial dreads not dare to invade its territory. "

That's it! Whether it is your own experience or the information of the deputies, all signs have shown that hidden ** oss exists here! Is it clear that ** oss is not clear, what's the difference between getting a god-level reward and destroying a god-level copy in Japan? Is Brother worthy of the title of the first person in the world?

Da Fei asked, "So, what kind of treasure can we come up with to entice this dormant strong man to move?"

Zavala said positively: "There is no doubt that the root of the divine power that the adult has obtained! If this dormant power is really strong enough to ignore the harassment, then this root of the divine power must be what it wants!"

That's it! This is the same as the brother who used the gods to blame at the window of the world that year, that is one guide and one guide. By the way, I still lost a piece of fire property for that magma dragon to eat. That magma dragon jumped into the volcano and did n’t look back. What happened to the magma dragon now?

Da Fei shook his head to disperse away the mind of God and immediately ordered: "Tamilia, take the root of the divine power to the ground. Once the monster appears. You immediately flew away."

Zavala added: "It is recommended to dig a large pit on the ground first. Let the pit fully lower the root of the tree. Then let the 8 priests continue to cast the power of the tree to spread the divine power as far as possible. "

Dafei nodded: "That makes sense!"

So the next moment, the Shengteng space door opened on the ground, and the sand bug mining vehicle jumped out and started digging. After the pit was dug, more than a dozen sturdy green rattan roots stuck the tree roots out of the space door and placed them in the pit. However, rattan does not "let go". That's fine, like a fishing look. Otherwise it's too late to take it away when it's critical.

Then eight priests stepped out of the space gate. Began to cast spells on the roots of the tree, and for a while, the green light of the tree roots bloomed and illuminated the entire dark and gloomy rift.

Fei Fei nodded: "Very well, everyone else retreats back to the ship."

Elina laughed: "I've recovered some mana, and I'll continue to harass it."


The decoy operation began again, but this time the big flight cost a lot of money. Time passed by one second, and Da Fei's heartbeat followed. The feeling of returning to fishing after confirming the existence of the other party is completely different!

So the key question is, how strong is this wave ss? Since they are all in the mushroom forest, shouldn't they be much stronger than that bat? Or is it as strong as the volcano dragon king you met? If it's the latter, how can you fight?

At this moment, a small fuzzy red dot on the radar suddenly disappeared!

Da Fei's heart shook! coming! but. Why is ** oss a small red dot? Why did you disappear all of a sudden?

Of course, because the other party is a superb ** oss! At this moment, Dafei immediately realized that the crisis was coming. A sense of urgency made Da Fei order without hesitation: "Retreat! Close up! Hurry up !!!"

"Received!" Elena and the 8 priests immediately stopped casting and quickly retreated into the Holy Vine Space Gate beside them. At the same time, the rattan began to lift the tree roots and return to the cabin!

At the moment when the root of the tree was lifted off the ground, a sudden red light burst on Dafei ’s radar, and the ground in the entire rift valley trembled. As soon as Dafei's field of vision flickered, he would fall and see!

There is a great earthquake in Dafei's heart. In the process of falling to the ground, Dafei started the large displacement operation subconsciously!

The next moment, soaring sky and clouds, the entire rift valley was misty! The system prompts:

The system prompts: You are attacked by the Demon King! The Demon Bone Dragon King launches Demon Dust Storm, and any spells in Demon Dust Storm will be interfered with by Demon Powder with a great chance of failure!

System prompt: Your large displacement operation is disturbed! You enter the twisted space!

The system prompts: Your flight is disturbed! Transmission failed!

Looking around at a squiggly pitch black, Da Fei was stunned instantly! what's going on? Where is the warped space? Flying failed to transmit? !!

The next moment, the system prompts again:

The system prompts: Your Flying has suffered a severe impact, and your "World Tree Divine Power Tree Root" has been taken away by the Demon King!

Nani! Da Fei sat up in shock, and almost all the helmets on his head flew out! At this moment, Da Fei's brain was blank! Time seems to be still at this moment!

Cold, a cold surge will fly all over! Jing, Da Fei doesn't seem to feel his heartbeat! It was only two seconds before the start of the war, and even Boss had not seen anything but suffered such a major failure. Is this God?

A golden green light instantly shone in the darkness of Da Fei, what a familiar light!

Da Fei immediately returned to take a look at God, yes, it is the light of the root of the divine power! That's right, it's the root of the tree, the root of the broken vine!

In such an instant, Dafei finally knew where he was, it was in the belly of ** oss! Both myself and the roots of the tree were swallowed by ** oss, and the stomach of this wave ss is twisted space! So how to get out?

Dafei hurriedly checked his status and was still in the state of large displacement, but the mana did decrease rapidly at a speed of 600 points per second. Only the more than one thousand mana of Ansu Totem can last for two seconds!

Ansut Totem?

At this moment, Dafei didn't even want to start the revival of Ansu directly! (To be continued ...)

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