God Rank Hero

Chapter 1436: Chant hall

In the central village of Shengteng, Dafei warmly received the visiting Archbishop of Saint Simon and hundreds of pastors.

Without exception, the Archbishop also highly praised Dafei's Holy Vine Space: "It is indeed a world-famous warrior. It is no coincidence that the warrior can achieve such a brilliant record. The warrior's battleship did indeed match our hall of chant, Then the time is short, we start construction. After the construction is over, our 200 Holy Wings will also accompany the warriors to fight! Of course, there are several other bishops and 12 Paladin lords behind. "

Let me go. The lineup on the human side is really not too luxurious! In the bright theology, the pope is the supreme leader of the mortal world and the person closest to God. Below the pope are a dozen or so archbishops, and the number of archbishops usually does not exceed 12. The pope's post was selected from these dozen archbishops. That is to say, meeting an archbishop is basically the same as meeting a quasi pope. This is the undisputed strongest human power!

At this moment, Da Fei can only express his gratitude in the simplest language: "Master Bishop has won the prize. Thank you Master Bishop!"

Silena laughed: "Okay, let's get started!"

So under the leadership of Silena, the people entered the hole that had just been patched up with wooden boards. The interior was still a messy cabin. The main cabin here was the sailor's dormitory, which was a normal cabin. It was not in the Holy Vine space. Of course, it is unlikely to crowd into so many people at the same time.

But the next moment, the time to witness the miracle came, the archbishop began to cast in the waste tank, a glittering magic circle appeared in the cabin, and then a space door appeared in the circle, and the archbishop's followers began to enter the space one by one. door.

Silena nodded and said with satisfaction: "It is indeed the archbishop. Such a steady expansion of space is fully up to God's level! Then I will also help His Excellency the archbishop!" After speaking, I began to cast spells on the array, and the space gate suddenly bloomed. More dazzling golden green light.

The archbishop laughed: "It's an honor to join hands with Lord Silena!"

Just then, the voice of the queen spider also faintly rang: "This is not a matter for the two of you, I have a share too!"

As soon as the voice fell, the back of the spider also turned upside down and appeared on the broken ceiling of the broken cabin. Obviously. The cabin was too crowded and she could not tolerate her big spider figure, so she made her debut in this way. But I have to say that the timing is beautiful.

The archbishop's complexion suddenly startled: "Is it, Queen Rose?"

The Queen of the Spider laughed and laughed, "I never imagined that a bright believer would recognize me at a glance. How honorable would I be?"

Silena laughed: "Now, Rose Spider is also an ally of our army, and has made great efforts in the underground city destruction battle just now."

The queen smiled slightly: "If there is more than one Shadow City, I should have abolished a Marsh Prison before according to the Warrior's idea. This city was built specifically to absorb the remnants of Akale. Now The remnants of the gods were taken away by the warriors, and the city lost its meaning. "

Silena said, "It makes sense."

The archbishop then returned to God: "It turned out that Your Excellency the Queen Spider has done so much in places we can't see, and pays deep respects."

The queen smiled and said, "Just a tribute? Wouldn't you be honored?"

The archbishop embarrassed and said, "This--"

Silena laughed: "I don't talk about irrelevant things. Time is short, so build a space together."

The archbishop said with a smile: "Master Silena is very true."

The Queen of the Spider also said lightly: "So start!" After speaking, a dark gold energy flow between the hands was also injected into the circle.

The archbishop's tone also exhilarated, "Three people enter!"

So this time three priests entered the space door at the same time.

Da Fei is refreshing in his eyes. This is a familiar scene. At the beginning, the two god-level powerful people, Lich Dragon and Samer, built a built-in space for the brother in the Underworld. Now the same scene is performed again! Sure enough, playing the game to play this brother is really high-end!

Just then, the archbishop laughed, "Warrior, are you interested in going to the space gate?"

Da Fei was surprised: "I can also enter the door? Will it not hinder you?"

The archbishop laughed: "Of course not. The warriors can witness how space was born, and this is also the process of witnessing miracles. A devout believer starts by witnessing miracles."

That's right, when the Son first led the twelve disciples to travel around the world, he used a miracle of "the heavenly pie" to know how many hungry believers were convinced to follow. However, it is not so easy to win brother, how can it be a heavenly artifact?

Then Da Fei Shi Shiran entered the space door. The next moment, Da Fei appeared in an empty golden spherical hall, and the priests who had just entered were casting spells in the spherical hall. And through the golden "glass walls" of the lobby, you can faintly see all the people in the cabin.

Then, the hall continued to expand and expand outward at a speed visible to the naked eye like a balloon, and as the space grew, another 3 priests entered the space and began to cast spells in place. Anyway. It's almost the same as the growth of Shengteng Center Village, but the so-called miracles are just the same. Hey, let's take the artifact. Otherwise brother is not religious.

Then, the workers on the dock started to transport materials onto the ship. The priests who stayed outside the space put on a gray-black full-body working cloak and pulled out a small shovel to start construction. Obviously, it was the physical outer wall of the space. Morazan, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately joined the construction team.

In an instant, the inside, outside and outside of the damaged cabin began to look new. Dafei did not regret to ask: "Are these all ordinary materials?"

The archbishop laughed: "Of course, what does the warrior mean?"

Da Fei sighed: "It's been a long time since I can meet you all to build miracles. It would be great if you could use rare rich mineral resources to build."

Silena laughed: "I have no doubt that the Warriors have such economic strength, but time does not allow it. We must start a new strike immediately before the demons adjust their deployment from the destruction of the city, otherwise the demons It wouldn't be easy to return all the troops on the front line. "

The archbishop laughed: "Yes, it is luxurious to build a building with rare resources, but it also takes a lot of time and power, so the warriors will gradually upgrade in the future. The warriors have this potential."

The queen queen sneered: "With so many resources, it might as well be used to worship me!"

Dafei coughed, "Three adults are right."

The following time Dafei is completely the soy sauce in soy sauce, but I like it. So Dafei quickly eliminated the instant noodle supper, and then began to clear the cabin, that is, the treasure of more than 5,000 units just obtained from the sewer secret place. Only when the tank is emptied can the next wave of soy sauce be convenient.

Yes, there are several types of soy sauce. Generally speaking, the so-called national warfare, the role of the player is actually soy sauce. The real main force is actually the npc legion. In the end, the Japanese area battle was so big. In the final analysis, it was all Japanese players using various pit methods to assist the **** npc legion. From the present point of view, Japanese players themselves have not gained much benefit, otherwise Japanese players will not change their minds now and start working together to damage public welfare.

so. How to play a good soy sauce is an important indicator of the level of a player. In short, npc is responsible for fighting, and brother is responsible for grabbing!

As for the most direct way to clear the cabin, of course, rent a warehouse at the base and transport the treasure directly, or use the Dengshen space to continue to transfer to Hongming Village. However, this method is too small farmers' consciousness, not a master. Especially those who arrived in Hongming Village had to find a way to remove them after returning home. The eggs hurt. Real masters should make money and make money.

Da Fei once again found General Ragnar, who also played soy sauce, and quietly said, "General. I have an important matter to ask you, can you take a step to talk?"

"It doesn't matter, I listen to you!"

Therefore, in the captain's room, Da Fei went straight to the topic: "General, this time I gained a lot of treasure. I want to sell them into cash to pay the debt. Is there any way for the general?"

That's right, brother finally knows that you are not a corrupt official, but a big corrupt official who looks down on the petty petty. I'm afraid you're not greedy!

The so-called profit-making is not only making more money, but more importantly, investing in career. Dafei has benefited a lot from Mayor Elorine, and this general should be one of the most friendly in Japan and his own. Since he has let him swallow so many merits. Then don't stop, keep feeding him, don't use too much of him in the future. Although Silena is also very friendly with himself, after all, the other party is God, and it is impossible to control him with his own benefits. And when the war is over, Silena should not be involved in specific worldly affairs. By that time, there is not necessarily a general for Silena to be useful. After all, in many ways, God does not have as much power as a king.

Sure enough, the spirit of the general revived: "Warrior, with the cash out of the kingdom's current war it is impossible to buy out cash, but I can help sell these treasures to the city of the wizard. If the warrior is not in a hurry, we can slowly Appraisal auction, although it takes a little longer, it may not be possible for the warriors to return to their own level after the end of the war, but it does not matter, we can deliver in the New World City of Gods, what do the warriors think? "

The city of the gods, one of several super neutral cities in the new world, is also a "newbie village" for players from all countries after entering the new world. It is a truly world-class city. During the public test, the stalls of players from various countries in the city of the gods were filled with every street and alley in the city, showing its prosperity.

Da Fei is certainly not in a hurry. Slow auctions can make the most money. Dafei laughed: "Okay, then please come to the general! But it's best to do this quietly."

The general frowned: "Warriors rest assured, my six aides are my family's confidants, so we can now be lucky?"

Da Fei busyly said: "OK! Hurry up, General please!"

So Da Fei led the generals into the passenger and cargo space like Jinshan Yinshan, and then the general and the 6 aides opened a small space door, and then stuffed things into this small space door. After a while, the system prompts 700 units of treasure to be removed.

The general immediately said, "Let's hang up and wait for the next time!" After that, the party left like a whirlwind.

Da Fei suddenly suddenly, it turned out that they all brought a space for 100 units of items! This is equivalent to taking 10 small cars with you. In other words, when Makar sent something to his brother, he also opened a space door and drew something like a robot cat. This should be the realm that can be reached by the god-level power?

That's right, Brother Angel Space can take 100 commanding forces. At this moment, Da Fei began to look forward to the advanced saint.

The following things are of course busy. Da Fei had nothing to do, so he decided to close his eyes for a while and raise his spirit for the upcoming soy sauce war.


3 am Beijing time and 4 am Tokyo time.

Mitsubishi headquarters was busy and excited. The members of each group are doing their best to raise supplies in Syndicate to deploy the next round of pit npc operations.

As long as the Shadow City and Syndicate city closest to Lamia village are destroyed, Lamia village can basically determine the security situation. The Japanese team got the latest news. The owner of Numabu Castle, which was not open to players, was called by the demon king to preach. Obviously, the prospect of Numabu Castle is not good. However, this is not much better for the Japanese region. The Japanese region can't wait for the npc forces in the ground to finish.

At this time, the teammate of Tsukamoto who led the team to the ruins of the Shadow City exclaimed with excitement: "I saw it. I will reach the ruins of the Shadow City!"

At this moment, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters applauded.

Killing life involuntarily said with emotion: "It is ironic that we did not expect that we did not get much benefit from the victory of the npc, and indeed benefited from the defeat of the npc."

Tsukamoto shook his head and said, "No, if it is the total victory of the Hell Army. The elven kingdom has been completely destroyed. On the whole, the long-term interests are greater than our current interests. But it is very regrettable that to this extent, we can only do so. Be alone. "

Killing life Guan Bai sighed: "After all, the npc in **** is still not determined enough, otherwise this situation will not happen."

Slip Head God also sighed: "The main reason is that we have insufficient strength and reputation to mobilize more powerful npcs. If we can reach the flying reputation that can mobilize God, it is of course expected."

While the members of the team were emotional, the team reached the ruins of the Shadow City, although the ruins. But the city walls are still complete, which is exciting to all the team members. As long as the main facilities are in place, the player will directly bring the land closure order to the city, and then directly take back the remaining buildings, and there is no happier way to build the city.

When the convoy approached, the city was spattered with lights, many npc figures wandered among the ruins and looked very orderly.

At this moment, Tsukamoto realized that the situation was wrong: "What's going on?"

Then the next moment, Fallina's figure fell from the sky. The smile was brilliant: "Dear warriors, are you here to help build a new movie city?"

Tsukamoto's jaw dropped: "New Movie Studio?"

Falena laughed: "Yes, Lord Mimiron defeated the Lord of the Shadow City and reintroduced the land order to accept the city. It also compiled the remaining citizens and troops of the city. As long as these foundations exist, the current The upgrade from a village-level city to a city-level city is just around the corner. The biggest problems we face now are food shortages and rampant monsters in the sewers. This requires the help of warriors. Of course, the most important thing is to clean up the ruins and improve the city's health evaluation ...

this moment. Tsukamoto's brain was blank and almost fainted on the spot!

The slippery **** immediately asked: "So, Miss Farina, what is your current status? What is the relationship between this new movie city and Lamia village?"

Fallina smiled: "Of course it is the deputy city owner. As for the relationship with Lamia village-what about the military alliance?"

A lot of Japanese players could not help but sigh: "It seems that the system will not let players get such great benefits."

Slippery God shook his head and smiled: "The results are still acceptable."

Tsukamoto finally came back to God: "Okay, then clear the ruins ... Don't reset the resurrection point. When there is action on Da Fei, we will commit suicide to return to the city and try to occupy the ruins of Syndega."

"Hi Yi!"


At this time, the pleasant system prompts awakened Da Fei in his nap, and Da Fei's spirit quickly checked the information:

——System Tip: Congratulations! You have completed the transformation of the cabin of the Hover, and you have successfully built the "Sacred Hall" in the Hover!

Sacred Hall: A god-like building that can hold 1,000 musicians and vocalists. (Heroes are not restricted from entering). This space can improve the music singing performance by 30%. At the same time, when playing in this space, the speed of the mana and physical energy consumption of the musician is increased by 30%. Space durability is 500,000.

What the hell! It's finished!

Dafei came to the scene with surprise, and Archbishop Silena applauded: "Warrior, this is the concert hall you want, this is the result of our joint efforts!"

The archbishop also laughed: "Yeah, I used my own strength to accommodate at most 200 musicians, so I only brought 200 people. It is an honor to work with two gods!"

The Queen of the Spider laughed and laughed: "You are finally honored! But the most disadvantaged is me, I die to save face, I am afraid that the following battle will be difficult to perform much."

The archbishop busyly said, "Matters must not be given priority over war. Let us do the following things!"

Dafei was crying with excitement: "Masters, it's hard!"

At this moment, white flashes of light were transmitted in the city, and a large group of bling dwarf warriors with bling dwarves. The green elf old men and beauties appeared! At this moment, Dafei blinked blindly!

Sila Naha laughed: "Very well, it's time to come, so I will continue to launch onslaught in the Fire Cave City battlefield to attract the enemy's attention!"

——The system prompts: You get the battle mission "Reverse Attack Hell Base" ... (To be continued.)


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