God Rank Hero

Chapter 1459: Ono Fresh Orange Treasure

(Sorry, I should have caught a cold accidentally today, I have a headache and a hot brain, I ca n’t write much)

Da Fei came to the long-lost city of punishment and looked around, surrounded by volcanic blazes. At the end of the distant mountains, there is a hellish fortress against the city of punishment. What is the side of Hell Fortress? Is the demon-level strong like a cloud? Probably so. In short, the strategy of the city of divine punishment is mainly to maintain the status quo. Brother just takes a look. The task of egg pain will never be accepted.

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly received a voice from Daer: "Master, Warrior, I want to see the Lord Angel."

So Angel Space can talk? See you then. So Da Fei summoned Er, and took her to meet the long-lost archangel Sazel.

At this moment, the players on the square were in a tumult: "It is the Angel of the Vindicator! The angel really did not die!"

Then Xie Wei's sacred gun enthusiastically greeted: "Fei brother, welcome to guide the work!"

Dafei laughed: "My guideline is one word, keep! Is there a problem?"

Xuewei Shenggun sighed: "I am afraid that the archangel npc doesn't think so. The city of punishment urgently needs a lot of resources to maintain the enchantment. The archangel sees the mine behind hell."

Dafei frowned, "Is that mine that defeated Seoul?"


And between Da Fei and Xue Wei's sage gun, Yier has come to the Archangel to salute himself: "Master, I'm very sorry, I will report back to you!"

The archangel sighed, "This is a major decision mistake of mine. You don't need to apologize. You can just come back. But now you can't do the post of defender."

"I have this consciousness. But even so, I will contribute my remaining power to the end of evil with all my heart."

The archangel nodded and then greeted, "Warrior, you are welcome to return, and your record of flying locusts across the region is very encouraging even if we are far from hell. Now our city of punishment is short of resources and it is difficult to deal with the enemy. In a large-scale attack by the army, we found a mine near the **** fort ... I think only you can get us out of trouble! "

System Tip: Archangel Sazel has released to you the City of God's Punishment mission "Capturing Minerals in Hell's Mine" ...

What the hell! As soon as I came, I would start a battle mission for Brother, which would make Brother tired of shit! Da Fei had an egg pain and said, "Okay, I will definitely find a way."

Xuewei Shenggun laughed: "Fei brother. If you need to mobilize people, whether it is a pig run or 6 player groups, you can speak."

Dafei smiled bitterly: "Brother is really busy! You said, should I deal with the big frontier first? Or get this first?"

Xue Wei's holy gun said positively: "Compared to the big side and the wild side, our city of divine punishment is actually not in a hurry. After all, the failure of the **** race in the Japanese area should make the whole **** camp's actions more convergent. So fly Brother can completely focus his efforts on the big side desert. However, according to the unanimous research of the major guilds, the cygnet mountain bird on the side of the big side desert still has to be handled by the flying giant's flying giant ship. "

Da Fei frowned: "Is Brother's ship out? It seems that this is the only way to do it." Although it was a little farther there, it was for the Fei Xiang with 500,000 batteries. It's nothing more than two or three hours of transmission.

Xuewei Shenggun laughed: "Then Feige sends the magma dragon of the dwarf prince to cooperate from the ground, so it is more secure."

Dafei laughed: "Okay, now Brother's boat is still busy. When he's done, get it over there."

While talking, a player suddenly rushed over and said, "I finally saw Fei Ge, Fei Ge, can you sign a name?"

Da Fei was surprised to laugh, for Mao also had such harassment under Xue Wei's eyelids? If I signed one player, what else would the other players do? This kind of thing can only wait for Xuewei to deal with it.

But Xue Wei's holy gun did laugh: "Fei brother, this fresh orange treasure is the latest rising star in our China. It has a keen eye and judgment, and is currently the leader of our third ordinary player group."

Is it still a master? Dafei started to carefully look at the player named "sunshine fresh orange treasure" in front of him.

That's right, this is the trumpet of the city of mysterious punishment that Shino Ono, a big brother, went online. Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, after the national war, Ono, who hadn't slept for a few days and a few nights, went to sleep dead. As a result, I slept for 12 hours. When he woke up, he realized that there were so many important things in the game!

No one can regret it, the only thing Ono can do is get the number of fresh orange treasure close to Dafei. As long as it is an opportunity to gain the trust of top Chinese players and spy on intelligence, Ono will not miss it.

At this moment, Da Fei did say: "Knowledge is sharp? OK, that brother asks you, how to solve the shortage of resources in the city of God punishment?"

Xue Wei's sacred gun also solemnly said, "Feige's question, you have to think about it carefully and carefully. You can't sell it like before."

Bright Orange Bao said positively: "Fei brother. Excuse me, this city of punishment can fly?"

Da Fei nodded: "Well, it can fly, but it is expensive."

Fresh Orange Bao continued: "Then the safest way to grab the mine is to fly the city of the punishment directly over the mining area, and then sit down directly. Use the enchantment of the city of punishment to die the abyss blood devil and all defend Mine Demon! "

Dafei was startled suddenly: "Does this work?"

Xue Wei Sheng gun frowned: "Fresh Orange Treasure, don't joke!"

Fresh Orange Bao said positively: "No kidding! Only Fei Ge has the prestige and ability to let the NPC start the city of God and Punishment, right? It only takes Fei Ge to say a word!"

Xue Wei's stun gun hurriedly said: "That means that the city of punishment has approached the **** fortress completely from a distance. Where will the city of punishment still have energy to resist the tide attacks of the **** army?"

Fresh Orange Bao solemnly said: "So we first reserve enough resources to let the city of God of Punishment fly in the sky and resist the Hell Army for a short time. As long as our army can rob the mines of the Hell mine, it will be profitable! What does Fei Brother think? "

I feel ass! Is this kid crazy? Dafei said, "What if there are a lot of demons in Hell Fortress?"

Fresh Orange Bao said positively: "Gamble! If there are a lot of them, they should have already dispatched. What does Fei think?"

Xue Wei's holy face sank: "Enough! Then I will give you a task, and you will launch your regiment to sweep up and raise 2000 units of resources within a day!"

Dafei laughed: "I think what he said is still very innovative. Don't be so angry."

Xue Wei's holy gun said positively: "Without investigation, there is no right to speak. It is too rash to make a decision with a gambling word on such an important decision, so let him prove that he can reserve enough resources before he says."

Fresh Orange Bao was indeed a refreshed spirit: "Then I will immediately lead the mission and resolutely complete the task! Fei Ge wait for my good news!"

Dafei smiled bitterly: "Okay, anyway, it is to collect resources anyway, then brother is waiting for your good news. As for whether you can talk about npc or not, don't expect too much."

Fresh Orange Bao immediately said: "As long as we collect enough resources, the impossible will become possible! Then I leave!" And left without signing.

Xue Wei Shenggan said with a smile: "Fei brother, sorry. Newcomers will try to express themselves, some strange remarks don't go to heart."

Strange remarks? Lying down! It's very good for brother's appetite! I just like to take a gamble, otherwise what will I do against the Abyss Blood Devil? So far, Brother has no precedent for slaughtering God by hand!

Dafei laughed: "Well, I will use it as a reference. OK, then you raise resources first, I will look elsewhere."

"The Flying Brother is busy!" (~ ^ ~)

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