God Rank Hero

Chapter 1464: Consequences of Occupying the Deserted Island?

Now, while Dafei waits for news from Alicia, he takes Barak to visit the central village. Needless to say, Barak was amazed. Isn't Da Fei feeling so immense? The relationship between Barack and himself should be hostile. He can take the task from the hostile NPC so easily and let him accompany him to battle. This is definitely the reason for his popularity in the world.

Of course, Dafei will not just be satisfied with the current situation, after all, this is his own father-in-law! With this relationship, it is not impossible to turn the enemy into a friend and then become a follower.

After Barack visited the cabin, he couldn't help but sigh: "Very good, the gun is too general, and this ship is seriously mismatched."

Dafei hurriedly said, "It's the same as I thought! Uncle, is there any way to improve it?"

Barak shook his head: "It's difficult! High-end special artillery is the top technology of all forces, and usually equipped with self-destructive devices. Once they fall into the enemy, they will destroy key parts. At present, in addition to the main fleets of the kingdoms and the Pirate King, The large-scale special artillery has very few other forces. But it doesn't matter, your configuration is enough to deal with the pirates on the desert island. "

Dafei frowned! Yeah, at that time, Makar gave himself a Phantom Crossbow Artillery, and then the Crossbow Artillery destroyed itself after sending it out. This is a hurdle for the player! And if Makar deliberately pits his brother, it is impossible for him to count on obtaining high-end artillery from him. This problem is quite a hindrance!

Da Fei asked: "Then uncle knows what other ways to obtain special artillery?"

Barack laughed, "Let's salvage the sunken ship. If you are lucky, you may get one or two intact parts. In fact, this is the only way for ordinary pirates to get unexpected items. Oh, if you really want to salvage the sunken ship Get a special cannon. I suggest you go to the New World. The New World was opened for more than 100 years. The fine ships of the kingdoms have also sunk a lot. The parts that have not been rotten should still be usable, but the bottom of the New World is no better than us. This old world. The boy is still within his means, let alone I didn't remind you. "

Lying down! I have a Kraken Legion. Who dares to fight with him?

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Does anyone know the location of the sunken ship in the new world?"

Barak cut off: "Only surviving sailors and dead water ghosts know! You can keep an eye on this information in New World's Harbour City Pub."

Dafei nodded: "I see! Thank you for your advice." Speaking of this, this is a mode of salvation of the Emerald Dragon! However, this feels very unreliable. Can't you develop it yourself? In other words, Bilbo said that he has improved two crossbow artillery parts?

Barack grinned: "Boy, there are so many places to teach you in the future! Although you think the pirates are poor and have no future, but the pirates know more than you think. If half of the world is an ocean, then the pirates are against this. The world knows half! "

Da Fei nodded repeatedly: "Uncle is right!"

And Katerina, who had been silent, also cut off: "Does that uncle know the dragon tomb? Do you know Naga? Do you know the underworld?"

Barak was refreshed and hurriedly laughed: "This, after all, we are just pirates! But rest assured, dad, uncle, I must make you an unusual pirate! One knows more than any pirate. pirate!"

Katrina snorted: "It's just a pirate after all!"

Barack sighed, "Yeah, this is my uncle's limit." Speaking of which, Barack patted Da Fei's shoulder again: "How to go the next way, it's up to you kid! Carter! There is only one way for Linna to get rid of the fate of the pirates, the founding of the country! This is something the Pirate King did not do! "

Dafei and Katerina were suddenly surprised: "Founding a nation?"

Barack sighed: "Take this as your ultimate goal! But before that, Katrina will be the most powerful pirate!"

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go. Brother really underestimates Barak. This is still a pirate with great ideals! However, what exactly is the founding law of the founding of the PRC?

Just as Da Fei spoke, Alicia got on board with excitement: "Master, Lord, I successfully obtained the authorization to capture the deserted island from the Kingdom Army. Once we successfully captured the deserted island, the kingdom will be sealed The Lord of the City is the baron lord of the desert island! Baron, this is an honor that many people don't even think about! Even a lot of generals in the military did not fight for a lifetime! "

——The system prompts: you get the battle meritorious mission "capture the pirate stronghold desert island"!

——System Tip: Once you destroy the pirates on the desert island, the desert island will be declared as the territory of the elven kingdom, and you will be appointed the baron lord of the desert island. The lord has full autonomy in the area.

Dafei was shocked, Lord! Fengjue!

Most of the time, lord and city lord mean the same thing. But the difference is that the city owner must have a city. Once the city is destroyed, it is not the city owner. The lord is an accessory of Feng Jue. There is no need for a city, as long as there is a block of land, even a nominal land. At the same time, the management and operation area of ​​the city owner is limited by the development scope of the city, and the lord is enshrined by the kingdom. The kingdom swipes directly on the map. According to the specifications of the knight, the reward is as much as possible. That is, the lord = the city outside the city is a large area of ​​land outside the city's management.

For example, Baron Cortner Jr., the vice president of the Big Flying Chamber of Commerce, has a fiefdom in a forest in the New World that he has never been to, without a brick, a tile, a soldier, and a soldier without his family. Even if his territory was built by hostile camps, at least in the Elven Kingdom, the nominal owner of the land was him.

That is to say, the lord is a nominal owner and does not have any management operation instructions like the city owner. But often, ownership is important. For example, in the current Japanese district, it is illegal to occupy a lot of villages on the ruins after **** destroyed the city. Because it is not really a "landless land", it is mostly the canonized territory of a noble jazz. But it doesn't matter. NPCs in the same faction usually don't embarrass players. Japanese players occupying land are nothing more than paying taxes to the lord.

And if the player territory of Fengjue is established by other players, then I am sorry, the player of Fengjue can ask the kingdom's NPC army to clear the field.

In short, only the city built by the player with the title of the title is the real city owner. Whether or not the city is destroyed, the land is his. Any player should not want to occupy his territory while he is destroyed or the development is not enough. . Unless the kingdom NPC army can't cover it.

Da Fei once had the opportunity to seal the baron, which is the choice between the Gru lineage and the baron. Now it seems that if you really want to be a professional player who lays down and makes money, it is much better to choose the baron. After all, for the missions completed in the old world, the kingdom's fiefdoms are likely to be the old world, and maybe a very prosperous town was directly assigned to Dafei. Although the baron is not the mayor, he has no administrative power and cannot interfere with any development of the town, but he just needs to lie down and worship him!

And now, the opportunity for Feng Jue is in front of Dafei! And with the power of flying now, this title is simply available!

But Da Fei was too late to be excited, and Barak was dissatisfied: "What do you mean, Miss Elven Vice-Citylord? It has become the land of the Elven Kingdom after capturing the desert island? Have you ever asked me not to agree?

Alicia frowned and said rightly: "The desert islands have been the territory of the Elven Kingdom since ancient times! Any pirate occupation is illegal and invalid!"

Grandma! Dafei spit out with a spit of water! Which one is staged again?

Barak's face was gloomy: "Boy, is she your lieutenant? Is she in charge, or are you in charge?"

What the hell! She is an epic hero with an unknown background from a deep background. The matter of the elven kingdom is actually her decision. Brother, a human being who is racially discriminated against, ca n’t talk about it!

Dafei frowned. "What does Uncle mean? I can't capture the deserted island?"

Barack said angrily: "This is not nonsense! The site is gone, Katrina is still a pirate queen of farts! I also dig a treasure of farts!"

Alicia's face was equally sinking: "Master, Lord, I have won such a bright prospect for you, you must seize the opportunity! The special black pearls of the desert island and the surrounding fisheries are not comparable to the fiefdoms of ordinary nobles. ! "

Lying down! Although I have seen Alicia's pique many times, this is the first time that Da Fei has seen Alicia's face down! Is this the rhythm of loyalty?

Dafei hurriedly said, "Alicia, didn't I say that I applied for a pirate pirate mission, why did you apply for land directly?" Suddenly, at least I have to wait for my brother to deceive the treasure, and I will be free later Take your time slowly! After all, it is estimated that this is the pain of opening the diplomatic power to the NPC deputy city owner?

Alicia said positively: "Master, the city, pirates have harmed the kingdom for thousands of years. Now you have the power to completely destroy them. Of course, you should seize the opportunity to maximize your achievements!"

Barak did smile sneerly: "Miss elf, do you know what the consequences will be if the kingdom forces occupy the pirate territory?"

Alicia coldly: "We never acknowledged that it was a pirate's territory!"

Barack Haha laughed: "It seems that Miss Elf is older than me, but I don't necessarily know as much as I know!"

Speaking of which, Barak said, "Once the kingdom has taken over the pirate territory, this means a full declaration of war against the pirate king! Don't forget that the kingdom's routes in the new world are within the scope of the pirate king's strike ! "

Alicia was surprised: "Isn't the kingdom always at war with the Pirate King?"

Barak said coldly: "It is two different things to declare war completely and to engage in war! That is to say, you want to tear up the agreements signed with previous pirate kings?"

Dafei frowned: "Agreement? Unspoken rules? Protection fees?"

Alicia shook her head: "I don't understand the agreement you said, but I know that you are also the enemy of the Pirate King? You see the prospects of our Lord Lord, you only have the best cooperation with our Lord s Choice."

Barak suddenly stunned: "What you said makes sense, and I'm speechless? Or, you don't care about the overall situation of the new world, and you just want to make a contribution for the individual? I also see such kingdom officials."

Alicia's face was even more ugly: "As a pirate, how can I survive better, I don't think you need me to remind!"

Let me go! It seems that Barack is right! Is Alicia still black?

Just then, Katrina sighed, "Don't you ask me how you say so much?"

Don't offend one more? Dafei quickly asked, "What does Miss Katrina mean?"

Caterina straightened up: "Of course, what the captain should do! I have confidence in the captain!"

Dafei rejoiced: "That is to say, is Katrina supporting my occupation?"

Barack sighed, "Well, since Caterina also means this, then I will not say anything as an uncle. There will be a good show in the new world. Boy, are you ready?"

Dafei Dasong breathed out: "Uncle no longer?"

Barack grinned: "Since the Pirate King has already been shot, then just keep on doing it, how about bombing and robbing all other innocent pirates, Blackwater Pirates, and Bloodsail Pirates on the same road?"

What a big deal! Still robbing pirates? Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay!"

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