God Rank Hero

Chapter 1575: Inheritance taught by Grew himself

It's Gru, read it right! ? At this moment Dafei's breathing was stagnant! Da Fei suddenly remembered that in the Grum legend that he had heard many times, Grew retreated to the ancient woods after maintaining world peace, that is to say, the wood he retreated from is the current wood? So what happens when I see him?

In shock, the unsophisticated elf ranger smiled lightly: "You are the first warrior to find here for so many years, and I seem to feel a familiar atmosphere. Would the warrior come to tell me?"

Lying down! Grew personally invited brother! Is it a familiar breath? What else to say, Da Fei hurriedly controlled the Blood Eagle in response to a scream.

But Grew did continue to laugh again: "But you can come here depending on your ability, yes, don't use your warship, it will scare the ancient spirits here!"

Da Fei's heart beats, he is truly a legendary world hero, so I discovered the brother ’s warship at a distance. Is this a test of brother ’s ability? Row! It's time to test the results of the Brother-God-level reconnaissance, with various messy sentries out!

As a result, Da Fei jumped off the battleship, landed on the beach, equipped with the long-lost "Spider-Man" backpack, and started the long-lost sneaking old bank into the dark forest. The system prompts again:

System prompt: Warning! You enter the unknown area and your attributes start to diminish!

Dafei hurriedly checked the attributes, and sure enough, all attributes and skills became popular, and the attributes were reduced by about 10%. This is really a field, and it is a **** test!

At this moment, Da Fei's fighting spirit is burning, it's really been a long time since I felt so excited! That's right, this is completely different from the kind of intimidation that Tu Shen presses on all his net worth, so go ahead!

As Da Fei kept advancing towards the center of the forest, the entire forest was completely black and turned a blind eye. But it doesn't matter. Today's Dafei is a strong olfactory olfactory.

After that, the system prompts a snoring sound and Da Fei enters the stronger field again. Attributes are reduced again.

Urine! carry on!

At this time, Da Fei's radar was already in peril, and under the perception of hearing and smell, every time a distance was walked, a red alarm sounded and Da Fei detoured.

And then. With the continuous weakening of the effects of Dafei's skills, even the alarm began to take a slow time. Various red dots have appeared on the radar, and Dafei's surroundings are already all soldiers! Dafei is getting impatient! Is this still a test? If it's so difficult for you, how can you switch to another player?

The Spider-Man backpack starts. Walking through the forest! It really doesn't work, and there is a final trick. The angels fly together! I do n’t believe that the speed of angelic integration will not be reached?

Just then, the black light flashed on the radar!

System prompt: Your dark psychic has discovered the power of dark nature in the attachment. Is it possible to use dark psychic to approach absorption?

Da Fei's heart shook! The long-lost power of dark nature encountered on the ground? Let me go, this Black Forest has connotation! Since the last battle against the Dragon King of the Demon Bone in Japan, Ansu necklace has exhausted all its reserve energy and has become a forgotten existence by Da Fei, but now hesitant to encounter this precious supply opportunity? Not to mention the usual routine of the game, this **** is definitely the key to breaking the game!

Necklace psychic is fully absorbed!

The next moment, under the display of the Dafei radar. The surrounding dark aerosol gathers in the necklace as if attracted by the range hood. The more Da Fei penetrates into the dense forest, the more intense the absorption, and a rapidly expanding black mist vortex has been formed above Da Fei's head, which is exactly the same as it was in the rotten world tree root scene in Japan!

Dafei laughed! The irritable dark scene just became instantly cute in Da Fei's eyes like the night in the starry sky! At this moment, Dafei doesn't want to leave anymore!

Just then, Gru from the perspective of the blood eagle suddenly exclaimed: "Is the situation wrong?" After disappearing, he disappeared, and then the next moment, Gru appeared in front of Dafei.

Dafei is even more happy! Of course, the situation is not right. Do you think that my brother will climb up to you like a stupid way according to common sense? It's only right that you come out to meet me.

Da Fei pretended to be blank: "Hello Grew, I see you!"

Grew looked up at Dafei's head. I looked at the necklace on Dafei's neck, and nodded with excitement: "No, I see you! You are beyond my imagination, you have solved a problem that I have been difficult to solve for many years!"

Wa hahaha. Basically, the gods who have seen my brother say so! Dafei laughed: "His meaning is, how do you remove these dark forces of nature?"

Gruzhengzheng said: "Yes, this is a very old forest, even to the elves, it is very old. I do n’t know how many years it has existed, but I know that the fallen leaves in the forest have been seriously polluted for so many years This forest has been mutated. Although I also know that the power of dark nature is the key to the problem. But these forces have formed a field, and it is impossible to effectively absorb these forces by conventional methods. I think this is not just a warrior necklace Why? "

Dafei could not help wondering: "Is it the cause of my doom?"

Grew exclaimed: "It must be so! Now that the dark and natural forces of the entire forest are beginning to gather to the warriors, then please let the warriors clean up and absorb enough."

What the hell! This is not the power of doom, this is the treasure of luck! Dafei was overjoyed: "You don't have to be polite, this kind of thing is inevitable."

Then Da Fei turned and opened the door to see the mountain: "This, I should actually call your teacher. I learned that your legacy of staying with the elves and dwarves is the same as that of humans. Can I get this directly from the teacher? Learn here? "

Gruhaha laughed: "Even if the Warrior didn't help me, I could meet your requirements just by seeing me, but I was very surprised, how can you as a human being not have the legacy that I left with humans? "

Let me go! Can you really learn the last part from him? How many things have to be saved!

The doctor ecstatically said, "So, the situation on the human side is the same as the fallen leaves here! Many things are not convenient!" Well, you must spray humans in front of the elf, only in this way can the elf be happy.

Sure enough, Gru laughed even more happily: "Okay, then after the warriors have cleared the woods, I will pass on my true heritage to the warriors according to the cleaning effect!"

The doctor said joyfully, "True inheritance?"

Gru proudly said, "Yes! For so many years, the results of my seclusion practice here have not been comparable when I left my legacy."

That's it! Mr. Gru is also improving! The doctor was ecstatic: "Please ask my teacher to see my results!"

(Bookers are sorry, future updates are difficult to guarantee, but I will try my best ...) (To be continued.)

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