God Rank Hero

Chapter 1588: Underground machine room harvest

Da Fei enters the teleportation array and reaches a gleaming underground passage. Various metal supports support the roof, and various shining machines and pipes spread across the cave wall, just like an underground base in a science fiction movie.

Brother really does not play the same game with others!

In the excitement of Dafei, he walked along the aisle all the way quickly to reach a spacious factory hall. In the middle of the hall is a metal globe like a giant globe. Around the hall are 7 magical metal gates and machines all over the hall. .

Da Fei frowned, this is the highest technology of the Master City? Is this the core equipment of this city? How familiar is the shape of this metal sphere, isn't that the perpetual motion machine in the city of magic punishment? The difference is that that is moving, this cannot be moved.

Before thinking much, Da Fei focused on those 7 metal doors. Da Fei walked into the most recent one and tried to open it.

System prompt: Warning! You need to get the password of Magnus the King of Storms!

I rub! Do you still have a password? Da Fei went to another fan, and the system prompts again:

System prompt: Warning! You need to get the authorized password of Lord Faiz!

Isn't it? Come again!

System prompt: Warning! You need to get the authoritative password from Elemental Master Jersey!

What the hell! That is to say, these 7 yamens can only be entered after the consent of the 7 mage city masters. This is a hidden scene in a hidden scene! Have you all played this, can it not hurt the player?

At this point, Buffett spoke: "Friend, the space here is large enough. We can grow mushrooms on the passage and the stone wall without machines when we come."

Dafei gave a long sigh: "Then grow mushrooms. The business matters."

These seven doors are infinitely imaginative. Da Fei is definitely powerless at the moment, so don't do useless work, wait until the Lich Isaac grows up to help him. And since this is the mushroom experimental base selected by the King of Time, it must also be affected by the misalignment of time. Then wait for the scene to change to see if these doors will become worn and easy to enter.

As a result, Dafei started mushroom breeding skills and sprinkled thousands of mushroom seeds throughout the venue. Then Da Fei went back to the place where he started to sprinkle mushrooms and focused on the growth of the first mushroom.

At this moment, a familiar thunder came from the top of the ground, and then the space in front of Dafei fluctuated a bit. Needless to say. The scene has changed.

Dafei hurriedly looked at the machines on the roadside, and it turned out that the lights were not there, and they were worn out a lot. There is drama! Da Fei rushed to the seven gates in the hall in a hurry, still shining. Lying down, can't you get in?

Buffett pointed at one of the doors: "Friend, that door is much darker!"

Seems like it is? Dafei came to this door in a hurry, but still the system prompts:

System prompt: Warning! You need to get the authorized password of the King of Time, Tymo Khan!

Dafei frowned, although the magic light weakened, he still couldn't enter! However, among the 7 gates, only the king of time has a problem. It is very intriguing. Should this be related to the weakening of the king of time? OK, then start with the King of Time!

this moment. Dafei is confident that the door to the treasure house will be opened soon.

So what Dafei needs now is to wait patiently for the next scene change. Wait for the mushrooms to grow smoothly. As for the machines in this hall, the King of Time had previously warned that Da Fei really did not dare to dismantle them. What if it explodes?

After 5 minutes, the first cluster of mushrooms that Da Fei had high hopes finally successfully grew out.

It's done! Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! After all, it ’s a mushroom. It ’s strange that it does n’t grow.

Buffett even cheered: "Don't worry about starving!"

That's right! Even if mushrooms can't break the game, as long as they don't starve to eat, and continue to gain time for stealing technology, they have achieved their goal.

With the emergence of the first cluster of mushrooms, the subsequent mushrooms appeared one after another. For a time, the entire hall wall and the entire passage were full of fresh and tender little mushroom umbrellas. But it seems a little too early to be happy, we have to wait for the next scene change to see what will happen to the mushrooms before we can make a final conclusion.

Then continue to wait patiently! But you can't wait, go out of the ground to dismantle the machines outside to continue to improve proficiency.

People with expectations are always happy and anxious, and time passes by one minute before Dafei's expectations. Finally, the sky was a thunder again! coming!

Dafei hurried to the ground with excitement, and at first glance saw the mushroom group that still thrived! It's done! "Future" mushrooms have absorbed the nutrients of the "Past" and still grow in their own way, without being affected by the scene refresh! Then the mushroom officially became the link between the past and the future!

The theory is established and the experiment is successful! It's not that there is no reason for Brother to become the world's top master, Dafei laughed again!

However, it was a little bit early to be happy. Da Fei hurriedly rushed to the underground hall. There were still 6 magic lights in the seven doors in the hall. The door of the King of Time alone was dim.

At this time, Da Fei was so excited that he couldn't wait for the next scene to refresh. How could the unlocking of his god-level reconnaissance bonus not be a break? When is it not forcibly opened at this time?


A long-lost unlocking progress bar appeared in front of Dafei. This reminds Dafei of the time when he was hit by the Korean Unicorn Legion in the first international competition, and he was sitting on the ground to open the sewer manhole. However, at that time, I opened the invincible fortune as God's help, then this time doom can do it?

Speaking of the Unicorn Legion, I don't know how well the unicorn wave ss cultivated in the Unicorn Village of Talon in Nether Haifa. Can you speak? It is said that the country is at war, and I do n’t know where the Korean girl is mixing? There are wood and pk Chinese players?

In Da Fei's thoughts, the unlocking progress bar slowly came to the end, success or failure is here! If not, try again. And make a lucky move. Just then. The red light exploded in front of Dafei's eyes:

System prompt: Warning! The computer room was forcibly invaded without password authorization. The computer room self-destruction program is about to start!

Da Fei shuddered all over! Computer room self-destruct? Really want to explode? Is there anything wrong! !! Is this a benefit that is not available to players? Fortunately, the self-destruction of the computer room is not the self-destruction of the entire underground base. In any case, you must see what is in this room before the explosion!

Da Fei's mind suddenly turned to open the lucky hand immediately. As soon as the rainbow light rose, the magic light of the door collapsed and disappeared. The unlocking progress bar also completed the final leap in an instant!

Slam! The door is open!

Saw it, the whole room glowed red, the smoke was steaming, it was a row of machines and equipment that started to smoke!

Dafei is at a loss again! Just a machine? There is no other equipment or anything! This moment. Da Fei saw several books on the smoking machine!

book! !! !!

Da Fei didn't even think about it. He rushed into the room as quickly as possible to include all these books in his bag!

System prompt: You get 5 books with unknown text!

What the **** is an unknown text? In amazement, the room made a loud noise, the fire flickered in front of Dafei's eyes, and the screen was dark! Bye!

The next moment, Da Fei was resurrected in the square of the ground city ruins.

Dafei immediately opened the bag, and these 5 books are listed! Rescued! When Da Fei was excited, he immediately read a copy, and was suddenly at a loss! The book is full of words written by the magic runes of the mage!

I have a big grass! Is this player easy to play? It's not enough to learn a few foreign languages ​​in school. You also have to learn a mage language in the game. Who plays this game?

Then Da Fei flipped around again, a picture-book page came into view!

Dafei was shocked! Is this a design maintenance drawing for a certain machine? Dafei repeated several pages. A variety of graphic industries emerge endlessly!

Dafei is excited! Didn't run away, this is the technology that he wants to steal. You don't need to realize your own pain, just put it in front of yourself in black and white! Then the only problem to overcome is that I don't know words! However, brother does not know the word, Isaac should always know the word as a Lich?

Just as Da Fei's mind turned sharply, Buffett hurried to the ground from the portal: "Friend, are you okay?"

Brother is certainly okay as a player. Dafei hurriedly asked, "How about the explosion below?"

Buffett said with a lingering fear: "The machine room the friend entered was blown up into a big stone hole, but fortunately, it did not affect the mushrooms outside. Friends, our task is to break the curse, and never risk it again!"

Dafei breathed a sigh of relief: "It's all right!"

But here comes the problem! The machine room below was blown up into a big hole, will the machine room be restored next time the scene changes? This seems unlikely. This is equivalent to the audience's destruction of a certain video file of the movie, and it should be impossible to recover.

So, the computer room cannot be restored. What will happen to these books? Continue to stay on once the scene changes? Or does it disappear forever like a cleaned "cache file"? If it is the former, it does not conform to the law discovered at the beginning, it is very likely that the latter is!

If it is the latter, I only have ten minutes! That is, I can only keep these books for more than ten minutes? Lying down, what role can a dozen minutes play?

Well, there is only one way! Copy books! And how many minutes can I copy?

No matter how many, Da Fei hurriedly took out Pandora's Box and asked directly: "Pandora, can you see the books in my hand? Can you copy them?"

If Pandora does not have this skill, then there is only one way: record the page-by-page quick book by yourself, and study the mage text after waiting out! Then translate the book against the video! This is the most painful and stupid game in the world. The reason why it is stupid is that if you want to understand the skills manufacturing equipment in the game, you must have a book drawing in hand. If you do n’t have a book or a drawing in hand, what good is it to know some painful words from scratch?

However, knowing a kind of painful text is definitely very useful, that is, it is convenient to use when finding the next book.

And Pandora's answer really made Da Fei feel despair: "Master, I don't have the skills you said to copy books, but I can help the master to read with the master's flipping."

Dafei was surprised: "Do you know these words?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't prevent me from remembering. After all, I am a woman created by God and possessing all talents. Without wisdom does not mean that I have no ability."

Dafei sighed suddenly: "That's the way to go, shout when you want to turn the book."

Even if Pandora is a npc hero, it is a memorable scanner, but she only has more than ten minutes, how much can she watch? Sure enough, the highest technology in the game can only let players get nine cows and one hair? Or, with the foundation of this hair, then slowly pay attention to the other six computer rooms? If so, this game would be too difficult to play.

As Da Fei slowly flipped through the book, Buffett did say, "Friend, what are you doing?"

Da Fei smiled bitterly: "As you can see, of course, it is time to read the book, or the time will change, this book will be gone."

Buffett snapped: "Are the warriors afraid of the book disappearing?"

Although I don't expect this moldy npc to provide any valuable suggestions to himself, now he can only find a way for himself. Da Fei nodded: "Do you have a way to keep the book from disappearing?"

Buffett said positively: "Friend, when you just exploded, you left me. I lost my friend's lucky shelter. I felt a great deal of fear. I hurried up to find you, but in the mushroom group I passed by the passage At that time, I had a wonderful feeling. I felt that the time passing by me was slowing down. I think this is the power of doom that interferes with time! "

Dafei was shocked: "That is to say, when I am not with you, the power of doom begins to flourish?"

Buffett straightened up: "Yes! That kind of oppression, that kind of fear I can't describe! I don't think I can be sheltered by the warriors forever, maybe it's time for me to help my friends!"

Dafei was surprised: "Help me?"

Buffy nodded characteristically: "Yes, I feel that time is slowing down in the mushroom group. This should be the result of the force of doom and mushroom group. Then the warrior give me the book and the box that can read the book, let me I help the Warriors to complete this task. Although I don't understand the Warrior's task at all, as long as time can be slowed down, is it okay? "

That's it! It turned out that at the most critical time, only he could help brother! Da Fei was moved: "Friend, please!"

Buffett solemnly accepted the book and box: "So friends, just wait for my news on the ground, unless I die or I finish my friend's reading task, I will come up and report the good news to my friends!"

Yes, if he dies, the system will definitely report. However, reading a book can still scare you to death? Da Fei quickly shook his head and said, "Don't think too much! It's just a book. Maybe you can become a hero by looking at you?"

Buffett laughed: "If I become a hero, then I will be qualified to be the king's great sage? OK, I won't be afraid!" After that, Buffett disappeared into the teleportation array.

Well, the next time is still waiting. Never wait for Dafei to be so worried!

(There is only one chapter today.) (To be continued.)

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