God Rank Hero

Chapter 1592: Only when you talk about sensitive topics can you become an influencer

(It turned out to be a double monthly pass now, this ... this is the difference between a writer who does n’t ask for a ticket and a salted fish? A writer who does n’t ask for a double monthly pass is better than a salted fish! So you still have to be cheeky I ask, in short, do n’t vote for nothing, book friends will vote)

The first thing after Da Fei's resurrection was to pull out the dozen or so books searched for Isaac.

And this time Isaac did surprise Da Fei again: "Master, I think I should be able to understand some of these books! As long as I can understand I can pass on to the master!"

Finally made a breakthrough in stealing technology! Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay, let's start with these simple things!"

Isaac continued: "But the master, even though these books are relatively simple, they are still very esoteric, and I must concentrate my energy. But I am in a combat state in the undersea, which disturbs me to some extent Attention, so I suggest to stop this tour of the Nether Sea, I will go back to the alchemy laboratory in the city of light to take notes and enter the learning mode. "

well! This is what it looks like! Dafei immediately said, "Okay, I'll let Pandora talk to the old captain and let him go back."

So Da Fei ordered Pandora while entering the underground hall to continue eating mushroom feast.

Now all the problems will be solved, more doors will be opened to oneself in turn, Dafei's sense of pride and accomplishment will never be added! I have challenged so many high-definition scenes. Only this time I did not rely on force to fight, I totally depended on my wit and experience. This is a well-deserved first player in the world!

It's a pity that no one has seen such a superb Raiders process. Even if the video is taken to make people see it, it is estimated that no one can understand it. This makes Dafei deeply feel the regret of Jinyi's night trip. But then again, the so-called masters who can enjoy the admiration are still not high enough. Ordinary people can see him. Where can he go? After all, Da Fei is standing on the moon overlooking the earth Qionglou Yuyu's loneliness.

In the midst of Dafei's loneliness, Pandora replied: "Master, Captain Renoir deeply regrets the interruption of this experience. He said that only the stronger the Lich will be easier to understand high-end academics."

Dafei suddenly stunned: "Is this happening?"

Isaac sighed: "There is a certain truth. But in my realm, it is still difficult to learn both in combat. After all, my foundation is still weak."

Pandora continued: "Captain Renoir has said again that the situation is urgent now, and nothing is more important than the rapid growth of power to achieve flight."

This is a problem! Dafei frowned. As the world's first intelligent master, this kind of thing should not be a problem!

Da Fei immediately had an idea: "What if the Alchemy Lab of the Pool of Light was moved to the Wings of Radiance? Wouldn't you be able to immerse yourself in learning while growing up in battle? And it would not affect Captain Renoir's progress. "

Isaac immediately exhilarated: "Maybe this is a challenge for me, but it is undoubtedly the most comprehensive strategy."

Da Fei immediately made a decision: "Very well, so it's set! Pandora and Renoir said that the current rest is for more stamina. As for how to move the alchemy laboratory, you should go to the Holy Crown City immediately after returning to the city. Manager Thain! By the way. If you have any research equipment you need, you can always buy Thain, as long as it can be sold, no matter how expensive it is on my account! "

"Master is smart!"

Wow ha ha ha, what I want is this cool remote commander!

When talking about Thain, Da Fei suddenly thought of it and instructed Pandora: "When I return to the city to see Thain, I will open my vision and share some important things with him personally."

Yes, Thain is his own! If he is willing to join Brother's research group, wouldn't his progress be faster? Just three Zhuge Liang from the top!

Then Pandora replied: "Captain Renoir expressed support. But he also wanted to take this opportunity to return to the city to modify it."

The subordinates who are intelligent and motivated are the cutest! Dafei laughed and laughed: "Okay, change as you want, don't be afraid of the most expensive, but the best!"

That's right, as long as you have successfully acquired the top technology, you can be an airship powered machine seller in the future, and various npc kingdoms and players' orders will flock in. Do n’t say that this investment is not worth it now. Your own 10 billion The amount of money owed by the Master City is nothing.

After ordering the arrangement, Da Fei was finally relieved. Everything is now on track. The following time is waiting patiently. And now I have a rare free time, then go online to see how many drawings I have taken.

And so I do n’t know, I ’m surprised! The maze drawings took 150 million, and the drawings of the armed mast, although not high, also had 3 million.

this moment. Dafei's excited breath was stagnant! Although it is just a string of numbers, Da Fei can already imagine a fart! It's nothing more than the price of a building. As the first person in the game world, it should have been the current net worth! Besides, the first person in the world with so many industries, which one has only one or two hundred million yuan worth?

Therefore, I am still very poor, so I have to work hard! Haha ha ha ha ha! Anyway. First divide the money into 10, no, 20, transfer to 20 bank cards, save two cards to buy two suites in Shendong, and buy a pension villa for parents in the hills where there is no haze in the suburbs , Leave a card for Xiaoli, don't be distracted by staying on the card, stay in the bed! Qian Du's brother doesn't know how to spend it! Then there is only charity, ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

In the midst of Dafei's infinite reverie, the system prompts a jingle:

The system prompts: You have eaten the mysterious mushroom, absorbed the mysterious space power, and your angel summons the space to gain an additional +1 upper limit of the command value.

The system prompts: You have reared a mysterious kind of mushroom, and you have learned the intermediate mushroom breeding technique!

Da Fei came back to God and was shocked. Finally, the effect of eating mushrooms finally came? Angel calls space, right? Dafei hurriedly checked the attributes of the first-order archangel stunt "Angel Summoning Space" in his deity official position:

Angel Summoning Space: The Archangel comes with an Angel Summoning Space, which can carry 101 (extra +1) command value angel troops with him. As the archangel's position increases, the value of the angel's summoning space will increase. Note: Your current extra space command value can carry any kind of unit.

That's it! I originally brought an angel space, and now eating this mushroom containing space-time energy will of course expand this space, and the expanded command value is not limited to carrying angels! That is to say, once you eat hundreds of thousands of extra command values, it is the rhythm of carrying hundreds of soldiers with you!

Now that space energy is working, can time energy be far behind? Da Fei's chin has fallen to the ground. When people are developed, it really is Fuxing Gao Zhao good luck and even unstoppable! So, now that Brother is so developed, how long will Buffett's bad luck last? Let brother come to your rescue. Haha ha ha ha ha ...


It is now 3 pm Beijing time, and drawings of Da Fei are auctioned. The topic of Da Fei continues to ferment.

By this time, Su Junhao's live broadcast room had already reached 500,000 viewers. However, Su Junhao was indeed trembling on thin ice because the visitor was not good. As a Taiwanese player anchor who has come to the game live broadcast industry in mainland China, who mainly speaks Japanese, Su Junhao quickly became an eye-catching presence.

And at noon today, the major guilds in China responded to Dafei's sanctions, blocking all Taiwanese players from the gates of the City of Gods mining area, and a lot of good people poured into the live broadcast of this "eye-sucking Taiwanese player." between. Want to hear what he thinks.

Although Su Junhao and his fan executives have called on audiences to talk about something else on the grounds that entertainment is the most important thing, not talking about sensitive topics, but tens of thousands of viewers use various screens. "What's the difference between Taiwanese anchors and salted fish who don't talk about sensitive topics? If you are not sensitive, then erase all Taiwanese Japanese sensitive words from the room name? "

There was even a blaster saying "Japanese miscellaneous! Go live on the Japanese website if you like Japanese so much! If you dare not speak, you are dissatisfied with China, right? I heard that you have 100,000 telecommunications scam units in Taiwan, isn't it?"

With more and more people, the situation is completely out of control! The friendly and happy atmosphere when the previous number was small was swept away! Is this cyberbullying in mainland China? Su Junhao is completely stunned!

Just then, Su Junhao's cell phone rang. Su Junhao took the mobile phone blankly, it was dad!

When Su Junhao was the most annoying and met the person he didn't want to see, Su Junhao's mood was even worse. But dad Su Junhao dare not answer: "Dad?"

On the phone came Dad's serious voice as always: "I'm watching your live broadcast in your live broadcast room. I have been watching it from morning to now."

Su Junhao was shocked and said nothing: "I ..."

Dad's tone suddenly eased: "Ah, you have to understand why people are popular, why you are so popular in one day, and there are times and places, but you can't hope for peace anymore. Those Those who are jealous of your popularity, those who look busy and not afraid of big things, will intentionally or unintentionally set you up here, can you stand up and see you. Is this called Du Jie understand? "

Su Junhao is like catching life-saving straw: "How can I survive it?"

"Those viewers make sense. What ’s the difference between anchors who are sensitive subjects and salted fish? Look at the most popular Zhou Dakou on the island now, even if she knows that she is an IQ owed, she has to say something amazing. Language, the more amazing the more unreasonable the more red the more money. I did not want you to go this way, but since you have chosen this road, you must have your own position, even the president is not May unite all people. In the words of you playing games, it is that you should choose your camp, and so on. Someone rewarded you two thousand, and fight against it. I look forward to your performance. "After that, the phone hung up.

Su Junhao was shocked and immediately saw a user named "Dongsheng New Media Reporter Commentator Xiao Hong" in the live broadcast room who rewarded him with 2,000 yuan to become a diamond fan and was able to talk to himself.

"Hello, Mr. Su Junhao, our reporter from Dongsheng Media, can I interview you for some questions?"

Su Junhao took a deep breath. Now is the time to really test yourself, as Dad said, choose camp.

Su Junhao pretended to have a helpless smile: "This is the right of a diamond fan, Su Junhao is very honored!"

The reporter opened his door and said: "Dafei first sanctioned your former Yixing clan, and now even all Taiwanese players are also sanctioning them to prevent them from sharing the mining area of ​​the city of the gods. What do you think?"

Su Junhao said, "In our Chinese culture, food that is not rubbed in should be a virtue worth advocating."

At this moment, the live broadcast laughed: "Wipe your sister!"

Su Junhao was suddenly at a loss, and the reporter laughed: "It's the food of 嗟 来, the word is the same as‘ receive ’. Few people in Taiwan know this allusion. So you mean, are you Chinese?”

Su Junhao was nervous! This is a question to enjoy the treatment of Taiwan stars. Well, there is only one correct answer for smart people!

Su Junhao laughed: "Of course I am Chinese."

As soon as this remark came out, I liked it a lot. Thousands of audiences are rewarding! Although most of the rewards are one yuan and two yuan, so many people give rewards at the same time, so Su Junhao has an instant income of nearly 20,000, this is "a promise of money"! At this moment, Su Junhao's position began to change subtly!

The reporter laughed: "In the current atmosphere of Taiwan. It's rare to dare to admit that you are Chinese, don't you care?"

Of course scruples! But being bullied to large from childhood, is scruples useful? It's endlessly endless!

Su Junhao smiled indifferently: "Who cares? I can speak standard Japanese. As soon as I speak, those people have to obediently bend over to call my dad. This is the benefit of being a Taiwanese who can speak Japanese!"

as expected. There was an uproar between the live broadcasts!

The reporter was even more excited: "What do you mean, Taiwan ’s sun is serious?"

Su Junhao said positively: "It can't be completely said that it is a charming day, because some people were originally Japanese. When Taiwan was restored in 1945, at least 300,000 Japanese stayed in Taiwan and obtained Han and Taiwanese status. 300,000 Ah, how many thousands should it have now! "

Wow! !! !! The live broadcast room is booming again!

Such a coordinated response made the reporter's voice tremble with excitement: "What about you? Isn't it beautiful if you focus so much on studying Japanese?"

I do n’t know how many times Su Junhao has been asked this question. Of course, Su Junhao ’s answer was also well thought out: “Given the fact that Japan ’s huge influence on Taiwan is an undeniable fact, it ’s much easier to learn Japanese from practicality. My ideal It is committed to China-Japan friendship. "

The audience in the live broadcast broke out again: "The friendship between China and Japan is fart! There is no past, no future, no future! There must be a battle between China and Japan! You are a Japanese miscellaneous!"

The reporter sighed: "Okay, you also saw the audience's speech, how do you answer?"

Su Junhao said positively: "For the people, peace is definitely more important than war. If it is committed to Sino-Japanese friendship. I will take the lead in charge. If anyone is committed to the war, I will not go anyway, which fool will go first ! "

Correct! To swear! It's stupid to scold people directly like Dafei, only this can be red!

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately liked it and countless people scolded it! Su Junhao stared nervously at the number of live broadcast rooms. The number continued to decrease, but it was still rising rapidly, and it was almost 600,000! Su Junhao was excited, yes. This is the self-operation of Internet celebrities!

The reporter asked with excitement again: "So, as a Taiwanese in China, what do you think of ****?"

It's finally here! Internet celebrities who don't talk about sensitive topics are salted fish!

Su Junhao said positively: "It is still my view. If anyone wants to be independent, then please take the lead to expand the barracks first. However, there are not many young people in Taiwan who serve as soldiers. Those in power have not sent their children into the barracks. *** People with views either consider themselves noble, the United States, Japan, Japan, and the United States throw their heads and blood to the noble Taiwanese, or think that their intelligence value can pull the United States and Japan as chess pieces after 100 points, I ca n’t treat them What ’s your opinion. Difficult to communicate, might as well play the game honestly to Dafei!

"That's good!" At this moment, the live broadcast room is booming again and again!

The mainland money is really good! Su Junhao is really intoxicated!

The reporter asked again: "So"

Stop it! Su Junhao immediately stopped: "Stop! Don't ask, you are happy to ask, aren't you afraid that I will be hunted down on the island?"

The crowd was angry: "Come to the mainland! Don't stay on that broken island!"

Su Junhao laughed: "Just kidding, we in Taiwan are also democratic and free. If I were chased after the United States and Japan, I would not be happy. Those people are not scared. In short, let ’s play games instead of talking about those Boring topic ... "

The reporter laughed: "Well, then bother. Then ask the last question, do you want to go to the city of the gods to mine after you are at level 50?"

Su Junhao laughed: "It's not true to say that you don't want to be fake. The whole world is smashing blood for that place. But don't let Da Fei let you go."

The reporter laughed: "Don't you just say that you don't want to eat gluttonous food?"

Su Junhao laughed: "Are you there? I just say that I don't need food from scratch!"

Everyone laughed. Then the audience immediately discussed: "Then let the major guilds bring letters to Da Fei, let Da Fei open one side and let Su Junhao pick? Yeah, yeah, journalist, do n’t just fan the flames, you have to Give your mouthpiece a call! "

The reporter laughed: "It must be conveyed!"

Su Junhao laughed: "I hope that when I reach level 50, the mine there will not be out of light!"

Su Junhao laughed and became the only Taiwanese who is eligible for mining? Then you have become the top man!

Just then, Su Junhao's cell phone rang again. It was Dad's slightly excited voice: "It's okay! In short, try to stay in the house and play games in the future. When you go out to buy things, wear a hat and sunglasses. Now, shave your head, I'm fed up with your hairstyle ... "

Su Junhao laughed! I finally got my father's approval. From today, I formally take the first step towards the peak of my life!

(Remember to vote) (To be continued.)

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