God Rank Hero

Chapter 1609: Rescue Tassima

Dawei knocked down the three in an instant, and the audience was shocked! At the same time, the school security rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

The rest of the troubled youth immediately broke into the crowd and ran away, and then someone in the crowd immediately shouted "Don't run" and got up to catch up. Of course, on the surface, it was chasing, in fact, a wall of people was formed to cover their successful escape.

At the scene, soldiers and three troubled youths fell to the ground and were contacted by the school doctor and 120 first aid. Dawei and the housemates were taken by the school security department to investigate and question. At this point, the turmoil on the playground of Shendong Normal University subsided. However, the thousands of students who watched a scene on the playground were really interested in reposting the video just shot on their mobile phones.

No matter what the ending is, today is destined to be the day when the Shendong Normal Team is famous!

At this moment, the three brothers in Bloodsea Studio were silent.

When the four people lying on the ground were carried away by the school doctor, Xuehai Kuangtao finally couldn't help yelling: "Is this too wasteful? Are you being directly stunned? Is this still a master on the road?"

Tian Ge sighed longly: "Mixed people on the road are mainly fierce, they are always stabbing people with swords. If they say how much they can fight, it is not necessarily. And I said hello in advance not to bring guys in."

The pony sighed: "Three people have been arrested now, and nothing will happen?"

Brother Tian shook his head: "Just let the principal run away, these little magpies can't ask anything. And he said in advance that it was for the people to cook, that's all."

Blood Sea Kuangtao did not have a good airway: "Junk for the people?"

Brother Tian laughed abruptly: "Isn't it just the students and the lunatics who are doing this? Rest assured, it is not a big deal to be a shield in this case."

The pony sighed: "That day, later"

Brother Tian sank. "Don't mention the future. It's over."

Blood Sea Kuangtao angered: "No! You can't just do that!"

As expected. Any event related to Dafei will become the hottest news in the game media. Various unidentified democratic fighters attacked members of the Dafei Association and were beaten by Shen Dong ’s unemployed youth. Dafei ’s yesterday ’s insulting and violent protests suddenly made headlines today. The Shendong Normal University team also became famous in the First World War!

And in this incident, who is the tall and handsome little fresh male who covers the attacked classmates and three punches, who is his game character for the attention of everyone?

With such hot news in Shendong City, of course, the beauties of Xuewei Studio are inevitably stunned.

Xuewei Qiqi asked novelly: "Shendong Normal University? This is not Xiaofang Xiaoli's school? Xiaofang Xiaofang, do you know this person?"

Xue Wei's stun gun immediately scolded: "Student Xiaofang is doing important tasks, don't distract her."

Xuewei Qiqi laughed dryly: "It's just curiosity, it's in Dafei's guild, and it's in Xiaofang's school. Sunshine is handsome and can still play like this, this is a star potential, such talents have been No one was found? "

Xue Wei Xiaoyu said positively: "Well, very good! You can see from the video that the group of people he knocked down was flexible and definitely not an average student."

Xuewei Qiqi nodded: "It makes sense, it should be directed at Dafei! Others want to take revenge on Dafei but can't find Dafei himself in the real world, so he took the members of Dafei Guild, and it turned out that nothing happened. I thought I was beaten back. "

Xue Wei Xiaoyu frowned: "Although these people are suspicious, who would come to such a real person pk so extreme?"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed and said, "Willn't it be the Blood Sea Guild? They have the deepest enemies with Dafei. And these young masters still have free money. Whether it is motivation or ability is very possible?"

Xuewei Sheng gun frowned: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Xuewei Qiqi smiled even more happily: "Sister An must also doubt them, right? I'll just ask?"

So Xuewei Qiqi sent a friend message to Haitian: "Oh, my brother. Did Shendong Normal University just do this?"

Brother Tian was anxious: "Nonsense! How is it possible that Shente beats people across provinces, are we so bored?"

Blood Weiqi Qi said: "But you are most suspicious? It is the players who know that you and Da Fei are the least likely to deal with it. It depends."

Brother Tian hurriedly said, "As long as someone deals with Da Fei, we should deserve it?"

"Just kidding"

"Beauty, this joke can't be messed up! The game returns to the game, the reality returns to reality"

After ending the call with Xuewei Qiqi, Tian Ge was even pale and his voice trembled: "I saw it, but I covered it for a long time, but in the end, everyone suspected that our toes made us do , So do n’t even think about the next time. The losses in the past are the old ones and the new ones! ”

The madness of the blood sea suddenly silent.

At this point, Xiaofang, who was informed of Dawei News, was also shocked. When Xiaofang found something wrong with Xiaoli at that time, she had already suspected her brother Ding Junfei's identity. However, I never expected that the big brother who had been working as a water laborer was actually Da Fei. Although there was no evidence, Xiaofang was 90% confirmed.

And this incident must be someone seeking revenge from Da Fei, and the organization is quite tight. And the other party ’s reason for trouble is actually “democracy” of Shente, then this means that this should be planned together, an exaggerated transnational real-life pk than across provinces! It is most likely related to the huge losses that Da Fei caused to Japan during the war.

Now Xiaofang also understands why Xiaoli and Big Brother are hiding in front of themselves. Even student members who have little to do with Da Fei have become targets of revenge. How big trouble will Da Fei's sister and friends have once exposed.

So here comes the problem. Da Fei and Xiao Li are so important, so confidential things need to be handled. What's the matter of being a "friend" who is deliberately concealed?

Also, this Dawei suddenly became a net red, what would happen if Xiaoli knew this?

Just when Xiaofang was confused and focused at irregular times, the Farina banshee in the game spoke: "Warrior. Now the city's legal array driving core is also disturbed by us. I think the general should seriously consider our suggestions. You can go to General Titty's prisoner again, after all, only the angels once knew the weakness of the city of punishment. "

Xiaofang responded immediately after he came to God: "I see."

For the group of banshees of unknown origin and strange behavior in front of her, Xiaofang thought with her toes that this was Dafei's arrangement, so when Xiaoli handed over the mission, Xiaofang didn't feel any strange at all. They did it. The more incredible things happened, Xiao Fang and the beauty of Xue Wei watching behind the scenes, the more it was taken for granted.

Then, in the busy barracks headquarters. With the advantage of "identity descent", Jun Xiang met a general who was guarded by a group of different kinds of demon heroes, an abyss demon hero. That's right, as a medium-level demon, you have a great chance to directly meet the city-level np without the need for any mission reputation. If it is in a war emergency, it is even more possible to see the city owner.

Junxiang took advantage of the gap in their speech.

And the city owner was upset: "Stupid! I don't want to be told by a guy who hasn't done anything. If you really want to prove yourself, then I will give you a simple task to maintain the law and order of the city. The guy who spied it out for me! "

System prompt: You get the meritorious mission released by Hellion General Abalon to maintain the security of the city

Xiaofang suddenly stunned, wasn't the guy who secretly destroyed himself? How do you catch yourself?

Xiaofang couldn't help but ask the blood gun Saint Wei who was watching: "Sister An. It seems to be the opposite? It's a bit troublesome. I don't want to sell my team, right?"

Xue Wei's stun gun smiled bitterly: "Is it that your damage is not serious enough?"

Xiaofang sighed: "The problem is. The missions are all forced down. The more severe we are, the more I can't complete the general's mission, the more I can't persuade the general. This is an endless cycle!"

Xue Wei Shenggun shook her head and smiled, "I stayed all night, and my head was a bit unconscious. Xiaofang, you are smart, you should take care of it first."

Xiaofang smiled bitterly: "I'll take care of it, where else can I look at it? It's a big deal without playing tricks!"

Xue Wei's stunner laughed: "Tearing is also an option, but you still have to plan for action."

Just then, a demon hero saw that Jun Xiang hadn't moved for a long time, and scolded: "The task is urgent, you can't get off!"

"Sister tore you!"

Xiaofang glared at the hero in anger. She had never seen it, and didn't know how powerful she was. However, speaking of God ’s punishment for hell, Xiaofang has only seen one **** hero, that is, the Tasima who had accompanied four people of Dafei Xiaoli to destroy the volcano dragon cavalry legion. He was powerful Xiaofang left an indelible impression.

Tasima? At this moment, Xiaofang suddenly found that the hero of the house was not the Tasima.

Xiaofang frowned and asked: "General, I heard that General Tahima, the dragon, is very powerful, why isn't he?"

"Tasima?" A group of demon generals laughed. "Even the waste that is directly annihilated is also called powerful? This waste should of course stay where the waste should be. If you can't complete the task well , You can also apply to go to that place! "

Where is the waste? prison!

At this moment, Xiaofang had a faint breakthrough. If there is no place in the whole city that has not been considered, then there is only a prison!

At the tavern, Xiaofang reported to Falina that he failed to recommend the general, and then made a suggestion of robbing.

When it comes to jail, even Mimiron, who has always been arrogant, has expressed interest: "It is an interesting suggestion!"

Cromwell also nodded: "If he was a former captain, then he probably knows how to reach the **** of that prisoner, so there is no need for this general to entangle."

Fallina nodded: "Maybe we can add another partner for us, it's worth a try!"

Xiaofang was overjoyed: "It's done!"

Xue Wei's stun gun even clapped and laughed: "Student Xiaofang, you are really smart! Don't you say I have forgotten that the nap of Tahima exists"

(My friends are sorry, but it was Carvin who overslept again yesterday.) (To be continued.)

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