God Rank Hero

Chapter 1640: Divine Kampo House

United Front Guild?

When receiving a public response from the Royal Guild's senior cadre, the Royal Blade, to the live broadcast room, Su Junhao completely dropped his chin and thought he was wrong!

Although Su Junhao only has anime and games in his world, he also knows what such eye-catching guild names mean to Taiwanese players. That would be pk by several major Taiwan Grand Guilds. In addition, the royal duck's "Duck Pa" style, which forced its name, also made Su Junhao very uncomfortable. What's more important is that once this United Front is established, will Japan be unhappy?

However, in the face of the local tyrant group that he must not offend, Su Junhao suddenly turned his head and laughed immediately: "Okay! Thank you, Brother Royal Blade, for sending me, I will return to the city to form the United Front Association! I will be strict! Recruit like-minded Taiwanese players to join the guild! In the game, fight for the great resurgence of the Chinese nation! "

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room applauded various brush screens to enjoy one!

The Royal Blade was so bold with a big hand that it was hit by a huge prize of 100,000 yuan, and the whole live room was a screen of fireworks, and the audience was again shocked!

Su Junhao was even more stunned and thanked! Local tycoon! This is the local tyrants in mainland China. A group who cannot judge its way of doing things with normal logic can get their appreciation by simply picking up the pie from the sky!

Facing the congratulations of friends in the game, Su Junhao decisively gave everyone 100,000 points of local tyrant rewards in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, as the commendation of the first batch of players in the guild. This move has won praise from the audience.

At this moment, Su Junhao's mood is contradictory and complicated.

From now on, he has become a member of the United Front of the Mainland from that "different dimension" teenager who only focuses on anime games. Su Junhao also knows that, whether true or false, whether he cares about the future of Taiwan, he has been tied to this warship of interest. Su Junhao doesn't care if Taiwanese players scold in the game's pk and reality. He cares whether the Japanese team will list himself as an eternal enemy? Is it true that you can no longer fulfill your dream of becoming a Japanese national?

Why become a Japanese national? For no other reason, it is because Su Junhao is extremely yearning for this beautiful and dreamlike country of cherry blossom anime, which has nothing to do with the strength of China and Japan. This is the power of soft culture. This is the civilization that Su Junhao aspires to!

As for the next step, I will appoint Ah In as the vice chairman and let him recruit hongtong youth from the players in Taiwan to deal with pk. Now Su Junhao feels hesitated and just wants to be quiet ...


Colos ruins. Under the explanation of Da Fei's personal demonstration, the third wavelet ss was annihilated by the Buffett in the mushroom forest again. In Xiao Li's exclamation, she was once again given an s-class equipment and a crystal of divine power.

Dafei was in a good mood at this time. Dafei suddenly found that it was a very pleasant thing to talk to people while playing games. This feeling was completely incomparable to playing a stand-alone game alone, and the fatigue was not as strong as before.

Xiaoli also laughed: "If Brother starts live broadcasting, I don't know how many people around the world will watch Brother Live!"

Dafei sighed with a smile: "God knows how many people come to brush the screen and scold him! Brother offends too many people and can't show his face."

Xiaoli laughed: "Now there is a live broadcaster in Taiwan. I'm not afraid to offend the unified players of the people. I can look at the support when I have time. Maybe it will become a civilian force to promote cross-strait reunification. Just get tall and do n’t care how many people offend? ”

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "Okay, go and see if you have time. Let's continue ..."

The following thing is of course to demonstrate the ability to raise mushrooms and use this ss corpse as fertilizer, and then Dafei finds that the lucky hand game has reached the cooling-down time again. Treasure house.

After Da Fei's commentary, Da Fei started his skills, another rainbow light rose, and the whole mushroom hall was a little bit starry. Then there is nothing to say, seize this short lucky time to punch skills!

With Buffett and Daer's smart NPs in the Dafei team joining the collection, one by one the robes were collected, and the rows of skill information appeared on the screen. When Da Fei collected another robe, a white light fell from the sky, and a pleasant system prompt sounded:

The system prompts: You are fortunate enough to have found the robe of the rare new species "Mutual Time Mushroom" +1! Your discovery and accumulation have successfully comprehended the God-level Jianbao Family! Your wisdom +2! You have learned the sub-skill of the God-level Jianbao Family, “Development of Potential Attributes”.

Divine Jianbao Family: A part-time occupation for treasure hunting. Vision + 70%. Vision and reconnaissance stack. In the God-level Jianbao family, the player gets 1 Free Attribute Class bonus per level. Earn 2 additional attribute points for every 5 levels, and your current level 44 gets 8 additional attribute points.

Potential attribute development: You can identify additional attributes of equipment or props. The more high-level equipment items, the more hidden attributes can be identified. Skill cooldown: One month during play.


"Oh !? God level?"

Although Da Fei looks forward to every invincible fortune, but he did not expect to be so fast! And there is another skill that shines in front of another big fly! Can you identify the extra hidden attributes of the item? Is this the rhythm of strengthening the artifact?

Xiaoli couldn't help but laugh: "Last time I saw my brother rushing to the god-level bright magic, this time it was against the god-level Jianbao family. I feel that God-level skills are just playing in front of my brother?"

Da Fei laughed: "Actually, God level is not the end of a skill career, but the starting point of a certain field. How difficult can things be on the starting line?"

Xiaoli laughed: "Also, it's not difficult for me to get to know the snowball of the accumulated wisdom of my brother now, can the brother of God's God Jianbao identify the ss of Boss?"

That's the big deal! Dafei hurriedly took out three wave ss spar to view. Perhaps I realized that God-level career makes Dafei's eyes sharper. At this time, looking at these three crystals is obviously much brighter than before!

Da Fei Dingding stared for two or three minutes. There was no change except brighter. Even if he rushed to the god-level skills, he could not recognize it. This is the worst situation Da Fei envisioned! Does this mean that I have to obediently hand in these things as task items?

accurate! Not convinced! Dafeiqi didn't hit a spot: "Is there anything wrong! Is there such a high-end?"

Xiaoli asked: "But Brother got a god-level skill developed by attributes. Can this skill work?"

that's true! It is estimated that the essence of the divine Jianbao family is all in this divine skill, then start the skill to try the effect.

System Tip: This item has huge energy potential! Do you want to use the potential attribute development skills to develop the hidden attributes of the Void Mysterious Power Spar?

Dafei suddenly gratified and could develop! When Da Fei's preparation point was determined, Da Fei suddenly remembered that the cooling time of this skill was one month during the game, which is three days in reality. Such a long cooling time is comparable to the magic, so it is used in this way. How about an ordinary spar?

And this spar is not irreplaceable. When that * oss reappears, the large spar that obtained * oss may be identified by the **** Jianbao family. Even if you still can't identify it, then use your skills on a large stone, there is no need to waste three days of cooling skills on this small stone!

and many more! Not right! How long can I stay in Colos? God knows when * oss appears? What's more painful is, how many * oss are there? If * oss is also a mass-produced product, if you use this only strategic opportunity time for mass-produced products, is it still a loss?

When Da Fei was struggling, Xiao Li asked again: "Why don't you try the hourglass that the Duke gave you? The Lord of Time said that this is the artifact of Lord Titan, should he be able to identify it?"

Dafei was shocked, too! To answer the bell, you have to be a bell person. The source of the unlucky brother is the hourglass of this daddy. Brother should clear the source!

The problem is that this thing is labeled as a "mission item", and there is always the largest claim that the quest item in the world is the largest in the game. Can this thing be identified? (To be continued.)

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