God Rank Hero

Chapter 1643: Dirty secret trades again

At 1 am New Delhi time, Minister Nehru was woken up by the secretary. This sudden incident is undoubtedly a huge threat to the Indian region, and Nehru's drowsiness was absent.

When Nehru rushed to the headquarters of the team wearing pajamas and slippers, he was shocked when he saw the strange airship with a small five-star red flag on his head on the large screen on the wall: "What is this?"

The sighted person certainly knows what it is. This is an airship of the deputy hero of Dafei! It turns out that Da Fei is not just a flying ship, Da Fei is also preparing to expand an airship fleet! The new battleships of the fleet actually have the ability to cross regions frequently. This is God! This is the strength of Dafei! What's even more frustrating is that Dafei himself is not here, just to let the vice hero travel. What kind of confidence is this?

Just as Nehru was stunned, a Chinese player and a Naga female hero came off the boat. This player is a cross-region royal overlord. He beckoned and greeted the Indian team members on the shore with a warm smile: "Hello Indian friends, I am the royal overlord of the Chinese Royal Guild. I want to talk to your supervisor about things. Things, of course, even if you don't think it matters, I think you must be curious about what I want to say? "

That's right, although India and China have nothing to talk about from the current position of India, the movement of the "enemy" is really very curious, and Nehru has too many things to ask.

So Nehru immediately asked, "Who is in the temple now?"

"Secretary, the head of the second group of the Ministry of Dragons is on standby."

"Go talk to him."

So the next moment, a level 56 player in the crowd came to the royal overlord and said coldly: "What are you trying to do?"

This level is also enough to squeeze into the top 1 in the world player ranking list. Obviously, it is not a casual person, so you can talk to him.

The royal overlord is extremely serious: "Cooperation! We in China and India cooperate in the Undercurrent Temple! You know that I am a royal overlord and have close cooperation with the three major Chinese guilds. I mean what everyone is discussing."

The team leader sneered, "What are you working with?"

The royal overlord laughed: "I want to open a branch here to recruit members, whether they are npc members or player members, to jointly promote the prosperity of the dark waters of India."

Before the royal overlord was finished, he was interrupted by the group leader's laughter: "Are you joking? Do you think your club can survive here?"

The royal overlord sighed, "It seems that only people playing games have this pattern."

At this moment, the Katerina's horn rang, and several npcs on the deck, "Blackwater Pirate Chief Innocent Pirate Chief" beckoned to the royal overlord and shouted, "Boss, it's time to go!"

The boss's royal overlord was drunk! The royal overlord replied with a smile: "You go first, I will wait for you to come back to pick me up."

Then the next moment, the Scarlet Airship, under the leadership of dozens of temple patrols, entered the harbour in a giant vortex teleportation array and disappeared without any flexibility.

At this moment, Indian players at the whole dock are stunned again! Everyone is a high-end player. Although I have never seen this airship running at full speed, Zhiye Qiuqiu can also guess one.

The royal overlord laughed: "I don't have much time. If I can't talk about it, I won't talk about it. But I have come to India once again. After all, this is not easy. You can continue to ask me anything you want to ask."

The team leader immediately returned to God and asked, "Where is this ship going?"

The royal overlord laughed: "Confidential!"

The team leader asked again, "Is this ship supposed to be the deputy hero of Dafei? What is your identity?"

The royal overlord laughed even more happily: "Have you heard the pirate leaders calling my boss just now? I just traveled around the World Construction Branch to invest. That is to say, I will run npc-led in the Underworld Temple in 9 districts around the world Underworld Temple Branch Guild, is my goal very ambitious? "

The leader's face changed in surprise: "You want to cross a district? Do you have so much money to establish a branch society?"

The royal overlord laughed: "You can question my combat effectiveness, but do n’t question my financial resources. I just do n’t understand. Everyone I know, whether the rich or the poor, is willing to trade with rich people like me. Why ca n’t we cooperate? I can unify the Underwater Shrine in this district, and the sea market I have developed will be more than twice that of yours, and the pirates have also cooperated with me. Friendship with you is beneficial in any case. Outweigh the disadvantages? Do n’t you just want to buy Triton tribute? But it ’s out of stock, you ca n’t even buy it with money, you can think about it! ”

Integrate the sea market of a large area? At this moment, Nehru's face changed behind the scenes! Can this broken game still be played?

The leader said coldly: "Don't forget, our two districts fought fiercely in the city of the gods and the exile."

The royal overlord laughed with a smile: "Yes! Especially in Hongming Village, don't you just want to put a person into the Lilith altar right now? This has also dragged on for several hours. We can let him go and let him be safe. Go in, even as long as you are Indian players. "

The leader's face changed: "What are you talking about?"

The royal overlord laughed: "I mean, our thunderfire dragon is also very tired in the exile, we do n’t want to continue to consume it, even if it has to be consumed, we have to wait for three days to consume it. If the EU wants to send someone When we go in, we will step up our efforts and kill them to the end, but if you are a player in India, we can still put your players in. "

The leader of the group was surprised: "Why should we let our people in?"

The royal overlord laughed: "Don't you want all the people in the Red Sea to be from your Indian region? We would rather be all Indians in the Red Sea than those who are all big v in the EU, which is not good for you or us. We call this two-phase harmlessness. As for you can finally monopolize a high-end map, isn't it bad? "

The team leader frowned: "Don't you Chinese want to go into the Red Sea?"

The royal overlord sighed: "It ca n’t beat Da v, and Da Fei has no sign to go to Hongming Village for development. Our Hongming Village development is limited to the village chief camp, and we cannot choose Lilith camp. In short, as the future Partners, I will also consider your position. I know that you and the European Union have reached a cooperation agreement in the New World and Hongming Village. It does not matter if you think it is cost-effective to continue the implementation. , Our two districts are still enemies. But in the Undercurrent Temple, we can be friends! This diplomatic theory is a bit deep. Do you think I am a liar? "

At this moment, Nehru, who was watching behind the scenes, changed his expression and immediately instructed: "Invite him to open a video, I will talk to him in person!"


When the image of Nehru ’s classic beard and white turban appeared on the big screen of the team ’s chat room, all the big guys in China laughed!

The simple truth is that once the Indian region greets the huge market of the eight Poseidon tributes developed by the Chinese region, it means that the Indian region will have an insurmountable dependence on the Chinese region. Although it will not make them friends, it is at least Not so hostile.

Then, in Hongming Village, the generosity of the European Union will give China a little profit, which will further strengthen the cooperative relationship between India and China, and also allow India to gain enough strength to compete with the European Union. .

This is true for people and nations. As long as they have the strength, who is willing to listen to others at the mercy of being a cannon fodder? With the third brother's temperament, as long as he gets stronger, he will flutter, not only will it become a bigger thornhead in China, but it will also become a big thornhead that does not listen to the European and American regions.

Anyway, China is already singled out for the whole world and doesn't care about adding another stab, but it is also a merit to add another stab to the Europe and the United States. Not to mention, the Chinese region is also scared of the Indian region. With its inherent psychological advantages and momentum, it does not even care about the hostile stance of the Indian region.

As a result, the video talks took place under the friendly and confidential state of the presidents of the three major guilds of the royal overlord, Nehru, and friendship guest, and a dirty deal was carried out in secret ... (To be continued.)

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